To request an Auditor to be chosen by full Synod by whichever means the Synod see fit to audit accounts of Senators to whom funds have been supplied by Senate vote, auditor to then report back to the Senate.

Proposed by Astalot, seconded by Semmerholm.



  • Passed Spring 377YE (Event Two 2013).

Campaign Outcome

  • This position has a responsibility to investigate Senate expenditure and report to the Senate.


  • Synod General Assembly Appointment

The title is elected by the General Assembly of the Imperial Synod, and once chosen will serve for life, until they resign or until revoked by the General Assembly or Assembly of Nine.

The first election of the Auditor of Senatorial Accountability took place at the Autumn Equinox 377YE.

The current incumbent is Nadezha Dava of Varushka


The civil service opinion is that there are a range of legal powers that might have been considered appropriate to this position. As the title is assigned by the Synod, the auditor could have been granted the authority to use inquisition on members of the Imperial Senate. The position could have been given the authority to address the Senate. An additional Senate vote would now be required to grant any additional powers to this position.