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* '''Assembly:''' Dawn
* '''Assembly:''' Dawn
* '''Raised By:''' Tribune
* '''Raised By:''' Tribune
* '''Judgement:''' Apointment of the [[Reeve of the Greenforest Fair]]
* '''Judgement:''' Apointment of the [[Reeve of Greenforest Fair]]
* '''Outcome:''' '''Arlen Foreman-Smith''' was appointed with 176 votes.
* '''Outcome:''' '''Arlen Foreman-Smith''' was appointed with 176 votes.
===Judgement 65===
===Judgement 65===
* '''Assembly:''' Courage
* '''Assembly:''' Courage

Revision as of 14:16, 26 October 2023

This is a placeholder page for content that PD are actively working on.


During the Autumn Equinox 385YE Summit, the Imperial Synod raised 202 judgements.

Change of Doctrine

The following change of doctrine was proposed during the Autumn Equinox.

Judgement 3

  • Assembly: General
  • Raised By: Clarice Novarion
  • Judgement: To remove the Doctrine of Human Destiny and replace it with the Doctrine of Enlightenment. The virtuous inspire others to greatness; they do not demean them. Let us celebrate the spiritual power of Virtue without degrading our fellow Pilgrims. Let us inspire orcs and humans as equals in the Way with a true expression of Pride and Ambition.
  • Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majority (3013 - 159)
  • Notes: This historic judgement both rescinds the Doctrine of Human Destiny and creates a new Doctrine of Enlightenment. The full implications of this significant change to the Doctrines of the Faith will be felt over the coming months.

The Doctrine of Enlightenment

Virtue lies in choice and action. Virtue's power to exalt transcends the boundaries of the soul, spirit, and species, guiding and inspiring both orcs and humans to their highest destiny. Through the practice of Virtue, orcs and humans develop the strength, knowledge and enlightenment which marks their highest potential as thinking beings .

Statement of Principle

Judgement 4

  • Assembly: League
  • Raised By: Prince Bishop Hildebrand von Holberg
  • Judgement: Virtue is spread by example and what better ay can there be to share that example than the arts! We encourage all citizens of the League to bask in the glow of stained glass, to weep at plays, and to be inspired by great virtuous tales. Art begets virtue and virtue begets art.
  • Outcome: Upheld (301-12)

Judgement 5

  • Assembly: General
  • Raised By: Yosephus Morningson
  • Judgement: The views of the Tample of Balance are not shared by all priests but neither are they heretical. Those who hold such views should be allowed to preach according to their beliefs. Note: Commentary on this judgement has been published on the public notice board in the hub and Yosephus Morningson is available to discuss it and share further documentation. Yosephus can be found wearing white robes with a straw hat and will be in the hub on Friday at 9pm, Saturday at 10am, 1:30pm, 3pm, and 9pm, and Sunday at 10am, Noon, and 1pm.
  • Outcome: Not upheld (340-760)

Judgement 6

  • Assembly: Vigilance
  • Raised By: Hector of Tropaion
  • Judgement: The Druj will always threaten that which we watch over. We must strike decisively in their heartland, to thwart their planned malice before we fall foul of it. This assembly advocates the cursing of Sarnath.
  • Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majority (275-16)
  • Notes: The Salt Flats of Sanath are part of the Mallum, the homelands of the Druj. The Empire is currently engaged in a military campaign there. The Citadel Guard are present, presenting the opportunity to take advantage of the Urizen army ability to channel ritual magic into the territory.

Judgement 9

  • Assembly: General
  • Raised By: Ortenzia di Sarvos
  • Judgement: This assembly encourage the ambitious, wise, and vigilant search for potions and substances that will allow orc priests of all nations to engage with the virtues in similar ways to how human priests use liao.
  • Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majority (2733-10)
  • Notes: Orcs are unable to use liao, and do not gain benefits from the Tisanes of the Labyrinth.

Judgement 13

  • Assembly: Dawn
  • Raised By: Set Mael Donjeon
  • Judgement: From the now-blest Barrens shrine / Weary we walked / Great grief tempering great joy / One thing I know / That soothes a heavy heart / Is the gift of faithful friend. We returned from the Barrens in summer to a heroic welcome from the Fellowship of the Broken Willow and the Winterfolk. The Troubadours of Dawn are grateful for, and shall remember this kindness.
  • Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majority (313-0)
  • Notes: This seems to refer to the Dawnish expedition to the Barrens at the Summer Solstice, during which they consecrated a chapel with true liao, creating an inspirational location.

Judgement 15

  • Assembly: Wintermark
  • Raised By: Averil Olsen Warsmith of the Iron Way
  • Judgement: Wintermark should remain Vigilant against our many enemies who attempt to shatter out battles lines. We should use our Wisdom to know further war with these enemies will happen. Therefore we should begin to produce Artisan Oil on a larger scale. As a nation we should take Pride in our runesmith traditions and build an Artisan Academy which would give us space to train new runesmiths. This would simultaneously produce a reserve of Artisan Oil for this great nation. This would allow our already trained Artisans to dedicate more time to crafting more complex magic items for Wintermark and the Empire. The Storm will never break us.
  • Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majority(333-0)
  • Notes: Artisan's Oil is a substance invented in the Commonwealth that allows shattered weapons and shields to be mended. Any Imperial artisan can create it., as the procedure for doing so was disseminated throughout the Empire in late Autumn and early Winter of 379YE by agents of the Fellowship of Purple Sails.

Judgement 16

  • Assembly: General
  • Raised By: Friar John of the Mourn
  • Judgement: It has become common in current times that past life visions have been shared and recorded more widely for the sake of reclaiming lost history and investigating the Way. Until recently, past life visions were more often a private, spiritual affair intended to offer guidance to the visionary. We call upon all those across the Empire, including those who do not attend Anvil, who may have had a more private past life vision to consider volunteering that information. This should even be if their names are to be kept anonymous in the records. Such knowledge enriches our understanding of the soul and of the Way. It allows us to track whether known virtuous souls have been reborn, gives us an insight onto history, and potentially brings us new tales of virtue which could be used to inspire.
  • Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majority (2506-9)
  • Notes: A past life vision is achieved through the use of true liao. In recent years, records of many past life visions have been published by the Seer of the Gateway and shared with interested readers across the Known World; this publication represents only the tip of the iceberg however. There are more than three centuries of Imperial past life visions for which there is no publicly available documentation.

Judgement 29

  • Assembly: Marches
  • Raised By: Jedediah Boon
  • Judgement: Hue and Cry, Miners and Landskeepers of the Mourn and Marches! The constellation of the Wanderer still shines bright in the sky! Watch the tunnels of your land with Vigilance and cast your mine enchantments with cautious wisdom. Invoke the name of Jonah Gold as you stand together against mysterious spirits that offer wealth and good fortune; they are no hard workers of the land, but tulpas fit only for driving away! Miners and Landskeepers, Hue and Cry!
  • Outcome: Upheld (156-10)
  • Notes: This caution appears to refer to recent peculiar effects reported by magicians performing enchantments aimed at mines, apparently connected to a conjunction of the Wanderer.

Judgement 31

  • Assembly: Urizen
  • Raised By: Limonos of the Astral Observatory
  • Judgement: Magicians are the leaders of our nation, however consequences are the price of Ambition. In light of recent events we call on Sentinels to remember their role as guardians of our nation, and remind them that threats can come from within as well as without. Do not be afraid to act to protect Urizen, even if you would act against other Urizeni.
  • Outcome: Upheld (218-85)
  • Notes: An exhortation to the sentinels of Urizen, who form the bulk of the nation's armed forces and embrace the arts of war with the same passion and commitment with which their fellow Urizeni study magic.

Judgement 32

  • Assembly: Urizen
  • Raised By: Able the Taller
  • Judgement: Zenith is being rebuilt, stone by stone. One Ring At A Time. But we must not shy away from the lessons of the recent past, the mistakes and weakness that lead to the despoiling of our homes and the loss of our territory. Consequences are the Cost of Ambition, we must seek to raise another Army, and commit ourselves to this path however long it takes to travel.
  • Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majority (348-0)
  • Notes: Each nation can maintain only a limited number of armies (and navies). Urizen can support only a single army - currently the Citadel Guard.

Judgement 35

  • Assembly: General
  • Raised By: Luca i Taziel i Riquez
  • Judgement: The Human Spirit can be touched by Purity, Pride, Peace, Prosperity, and more. Seemingly, every aura is a tune which plays in harmony with something intrinsic and pure in Spirit's song, regardless of how we feel about the notes. The Virtues were chosen as Doctrine, as we choose peace or war, amity or enmity, enemies or lovers (although those can sometimes be the same). The Doctrine of Seven is a choice built on evidence first and opinion second, but it is a choice we made and can unmake. It must be treated as such. We cannot cry heresy at a question asked, when our predecessors asked it too. We cannot claim an understanding of the Human Spirit when we do not at least acknowledge all the music it sings.
  • Outcome: Not Upheld (743-869)
  • Notes: The Doctrine of the Seven is one of the Doctrines of the Faith that form the foundation of the Way. It states that "There are seven Virtues that guide the spirit through the Labyrinth of Ages. These are Ambition, Courage, Loyalty, Pride, Prosperity, Vigilance and Wisdom. Other qualities may benefit humanity, but lend no aid through the passage of death to rebirth, and some may hinder it.".

Judgement 36

  • Assembly: Highborn
  • Raised By: Nekoda of the Shattered Tower
  • Judgement: As the Freefolk complete their pilgrimage around the Empire, in the way the forebears of Highguard completed their pilgrimage across the Bay of Catazar and the First Empress brought the Revelation across the nations of the Empire, we the Highborn recognise them as kindred souls and invite them to settle with us and find new homes in our Nation. We are all scions of Atun and Atuman, as peoples seeking our paths in the world, dedicated to the pursuit of the Way, and following in the Inspiration of our exemplars and paragons. Let us do so together. In Loyalty, let us build up one another. In Pride, let us embrace our pasts and inspire one another. In Wisdom, let us test what we know, and learn together.
  • Outcome: Upheld (602-10)
  • Notes: Atun and Atuman are inspiration figures credited with establishing the Highborn nation and the foundations of the Way. The Free Folk are former Asavean slaves who practice the Way, albeit in an unfamiliar fashion. Many have spent the last year engaged in a pilgrimage to inspirational locations across the Empire, with the support of the Imperial Synod.

Judgement 37

  • Assembly: League
  • Raised By: Isaia Pavone di Sarvos
  • Judgement: Prosperity teaches that all that is worthwhile is shared with those who deserve it. We benefit from Urizen's sacrifice and we must repay our debts. Let us prove we hear Urizen's pain and that we are no the thieving bandits they fear us to be. Lorenzo's Legacies provide the League with ample mana, and our Urizeni siblings are in need. Let us send the mana from these Great Works to shroud the spires of Spiral.
  • Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majority (325-110)
  • Notes: Wealthy philanthropist Lorenzo “La Volpe” Macelliao von Temeschwar left many legacies behind; some of the best known are the Legacies of Virtue established in half-a-dozen territories across the Empire - great works that increase the amount of crystal mana that can be harvested at mana sites in those territories. This statement also seems to reference the possibility of providing the spires of Spiral with the mana needed to enact rituals that would help them remain connected to their fellows in Zenith and Redoubt, as detailed in a recent appraisal.

Judgement 38

  • Assembly: General
  • Raised By: Velko Perunovich Razoradze
  • Judgement: Drowning criminals in the Semmerlak is not an act of idolatry it is a return to the agreements of old. Dho'uala wants the mortal bodies of condemned criminals. Fulfilling this request is not heathen sacrifice it is a necessary bargain. Lawful execution by drowning is no different to chopping of a head in the eyes of virtue.
  • Outcome: Not Upheld, Withdrawn (983-1042); Scrutiny was extended by the Cardinal of Vigilance.
  • Notes: Appears to be talking about the proposal to drown criminals in the waters of the Semmerlak to mollify the sovereign known as Chou'ala. While a Senate motion was raised regarding this proposal, it was subsequently withdrawn.

Judgement 47

  • Assembly: Highborn
  • Raised By: Saul Truthmonger
  • Judgement: Highguards bonds of Loyalty spread to helping souls in need. Vendarri orcs have stated that they want to settle, if only they had a swamp to call home. Ambition drives us to seek excellence in all things - so we should do what we can to make our lands more hospitable. Then we can begin to treat non believers as souls to be saved, rather than enemies to be destroyed.
  • Outcome: Upheld (252-80)
  • Notes: This relates to the complex situation of the Vendarri sept of orcs in the Barrens. The Imperial Senate has declared that this sept are barbarians, clarifying the situation inan administrative motion during the Autumn Equinox.

Judgement 50

  • Assembly: General
  • Raised By: Lady Josephine of Adina's Charge
  • Judgement: Orcs are members of the Empire and are known to benefit from the Way of Virtue. For years Orcish traditions have been attacked and their voices spoken over and disrespected. There are now many Septs in the Empire each with their own traditions. The Empire is changing, we as humans must acknowledge what we've done and treat them with the respect they are owed as fellow citizens of the Empire. Talk to them, ask what they need and actually listen to their answer rather than just assume.
  • Outcome: Upheld (1678-168)

Judgement 53

  • Assembly: Highborn
  • Raised By: Merari Navigators of Virtue
  • Judgement: Unveiling is a valid spiritual discipline, Highborn assembly 384. A year ago as a nation the lineaged and unlineaged priests of Highguard declared with one prideful voice that our tradition of unveiling is a valid practice in our spiritual journey. This remains unchanged! However, we each travel our own path while we journey through the Way. It is true that unveiling can be fruitful for a person's spiritual growth. But it must be stressed that if a Lineaged adherent of the Way chooses not to unveil, that is also equally valid.
  • Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majority (484-32)
  • Notes: Unveiling is a somewhat controversial practice among some lineaged Highborn in which they remove or disfigure the visible marks of their lineage, usually by cutting off their horns or antlers.

Judgement 56

  • Assembly: Pride
  • Raised By: Vespasian
  • Judgement: The Cold Sun seeks not only to exterminate the people of the Empire, but eliminate our culture and art as well. We have lost the Grand Conservatory of Music, Freya's Garden, and the Unbound Steel Hall of Lost Chapters - we must not lose any more great works of our cultures. We urge the Prideful to proclaim their Pride in how they conduct every part of their lives by rising up against the Cold Sun and aiding the soldiers of the Empire against it. Despise the half-hearted, the uncommitted, and the pretender in this struggle for our identities.
  • Outcome: Upheld with a greater Majority (590-0)
  • Notes: The Cold Sun is an eternal of the Day Realm whose soldiers are engaged in a military campaign across the Empire, one that recently saw the destruction of the three locations mentioned in the statement.

Judgement 58

  • Assembly: Wintermark
  • Raised By: Grogfear, son of Grignir
  • Judgement: The Prosperous are not selfish; all that is worthwhile is shared with those who deserve it. Atte Arrow-Tongued has shown themselves to be a steadfast supporter of strengthening Wintermark. They have guided us through some of the most turbulent times since the death of the Young Empress. It is their words we give voide to at our moots. "Three people, one nation. Ten nations, one Empire." They played a key role in the gifting of Skarsind to the Imperial orcs and were vital to the success of the initial Liberty Pact negotiations. Now they have committed themselves to lifting up Sermersuaq, ensuring the territory does not continue to be overlooked. Wintermark is proud to add their tales to the Chronicle of Heroes.
  • Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majortiy (371-0)
  • Notes: The name of Atte Arrow-Tongued has been added to the Chronicle of Heroism.

Judgement 59

  • Assembly: Pride
  • Raised By: Ubarius of Tropaion Citadel
  • Judgement: The Virtues do not demean others, they inspire them to greatness. The Faraden follow four of the True Virtues, but also are demeaned by the false virtue of Vengeance. They also have a national shortage of liao. The Empire should not be giving or selling liao directly to the Faraden, where it may fall into the hands of blasphemers. Rather, we urge our Prideful missionaries to dedicate Faraden priests that follow Pride, and given them Hallowed items. This will raise their status in Faraden society, relative to those who follow Vengeance, thus inspiring them to greatness.
  • Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majority (498-28)
  • Notes: The Faraden are foreigners who live to the west of the Empire, across the Jotun-controlled Lasambrian Hills. Their religion has similarities to the Way, including the veneration of the virtues of Pride, Courage, Loyalty, and Prosperity, but differs in several key regards most well-known of which is their inclusion of the malign spiritual presence of Vengeance alongside the four true virtues. The Pride assembly has recently engaged with the priests of Faraden, to learn more about their faith; further information is expected to be made available to Imperial citizens soon.

Judgement 61

  • Assembly: Wintermark
  • Raised By: "Shacklebreaker" Thranmir Hrafnar
  • Judgement: Helgunn Chargebringer of the Fellowship of the Broken Willow should have their name written in the Chronicle of Heroisum. They were a Courageous, Pridefull, Wise, and Loyal leader of the Heart of the Mark until they met their end in Kahraman. Time and time again they welcomed new heroes of Wintermark into their battle unit, helped train them up into heroes, and watched over them as they helped the Empire secure greater victories on the battlefield. They earnt their Hero name "Chargebringer" for showing immense Courage through leading multiple charges from the front and inspired everyone to step with them. A Hero has a name!
  • Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majority (365-0)
  • Notes: The name of Helgunn Chargebringer has been added to the Chronicle of Heroism

Judgement 62

  • Assembly: Wintermark
  • Raised By: Rafe
  • Judgement: The young empress Britta Gilderling is a virtuous example to us all, memorialized in Necropolis, as she rests in the waters of the Sovevann. We believe it is time to link these two places of pilgrimage both symbolically and literally, for those visiting the memorial in Necropolis should also be directed to the pool where Britta Gilderling rests, and vice versa so that those what come to Britta's pool are also sent to see how her virtuous actions are remembered by all the people of the Empire. Three people, one nation, many nations under the Way in one great Empire.
  • Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majority (331-0)
  • Notes: The body of Empress Britta was given to the marshes of the Sovevann in 376YE, while her regalia was placed in a shrine in the Necropolis. In Autumn 379YE, the regalia were removed from the shrine and interred in the marshes alongside her body. Britta's Pool remains a place of pilgrimage for those who wish to honour the memory of the Young Empress, while the former tomb has been rededicated to the virtue of Courage.

Judgement 64

  • Assembly: Urizen
  • Raised By: Elagabala
  • Judgement: Rebels of Spiral, the Grendel are coming. Their false faith demands they invade your home. Philostrate, host of Menos, has asked "where were you twenty years ago? Ten years ago?" We are at the negotiating table. You are at the negotiating table. If you take the land you intend, the Grendel's eight units will slaughter you, and the Empire will be unable to help. Look to Urizen's enemies to the south. Your home is in peril.
  • Outcome: Upheld (181-110)
  • Notes: This seems to be an address to the rebellious Urizen spires in Spiral, referencing the end of the treaty securing peace with the Grendel that came to an end with the Autumn Equinox.

Judgement 67

  • Assembly: Highborn
  • Raised By: Hazelelponi of the Shattered Tower
  • Judgement: The Virtue face unwelcome truths as boldly as any barbarian charge. The Urizen National Assembly and the Sword Scholars within it have undoubtedly shown themselves to be bold; and have made the Courageous decision through their Wisdom to no longer venerate the actions of Sulemaine. In their time, they have inspired others to greatness and will continue to do so; and the Highguard National Assembly anticipates further brilliance from them. Let us see together what bright future we build for our wonderful Empire.
  • Outcome: Upheld (438-6)
  • Notes: This statement supports the mandate enacted by Herminius of the House of the Wanderer, which has significant implications for the future of the sword scholars of Urizen. It may be important to note that the decision to turn away from the founder of the movement is by no means universally supported by the sword scholars.

Judgement 68

  • Assembly: Wintermark
  • Raised By: Aedig Steadfast
  • Judgement: Foeslayer the artifact banner held by Emperor Gunthem and possibly Empress Britta, is missing since Britta's death. The Crows call upon the mystics, the wise, the scops, the elders, and the scholars, to bring us any news of this banner's resting place.
  • Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majority (337-0)
  • Notes: Foe-slayer is an artefact Three Tears banner, born into battle by the Banner-Bearer of Emperor Guntherm banner-bearer until he fell in battle with the Jotun. It was said that the banner was interred in the Kallavesi swamps alongside the Emperor - and that his ghost personally gave the banner to Empress Britta when she came of age. The whereabouts of the magical standard are not common knowledge at this time.

Judgement 70

  • Assembly: Vigilance
  • Raised By: Irada von Temeschwar
  • Judgement: The inspiration of Berechiah drives Vigilance pilgrims and priests to actively tear out the poison that threatens the Empire. We the vigilance assembly encourage the creation of an Inspirational monument consecrated with true liao at his Basilica in Bastion, so that his inspiration, in rooting out threats can be felt across the Empire
  • Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majority (250-0)
  • Notes: Berechiah is an often-controversial exemplar of Vigilance. This statement calls for the establishment of an inspirational location at his basilica, which stands in the city of Bastion, in Highguard.

Judgement 71

  • Assembly: General
  • Raised By: Rey Fosterbrooke
  • Judgement: We, the Imperial Synod, guardians of the Empire's faithful, acknowledge the differing orcish beliefs within our borders. While the Imperial Orcs adhere to our current doctrine, we recognise the unique spiritual path followed by the Mournwold Orcs. The virtue of wisdom teaches us to test what we know. Thus we propose a theological research imitative to explore these orc related doctrines - Reincarnation, the Howling Abyss, and the Ancestors. This seeks common ground, evaluates historical and cultural significance, and fosters dialogue between these two communities.
  • Outcome: Upheld (1896-67)
  • Notes: This statement speaks on the complex matter of orc spiritual beliefs, especially as they relate to the doctrines of Reincarnation, the Howling Abyss, and the Ancestors. The Mournwold Orcs in particular believe that they are capable of reincarnation, a matter that has become increasingly pressing since the Marcher assembly has called on their nation to embrace the former Jotun thralls as fellow Marchers.

Judgement 74

  • Assembly: Wisdon
  • Raised By: Lord Laurant Sephulcre
  • Judgement: Test what you learn; only fools accept hearsay as truth. The Free Folk come to us with tales of their Divine Family. The Speaker for the Dead is recognised as an Exemplar, yet three more remain. We encourage those who believe the Free Folk to bring forward proof of their claims: evidence, fact, and reason. If truth an be found, recognition can follow. If the Divine Family are nothing more than tales and fables then they are unworthy of reverence.
  • Outcome: Upheld (300-44)
  • Notes: The Speaker for the Dead is one of the inspirations venerated by the former Asavean slaves known as the Free Folk, recently recognised as an exemplar. They are one of four figures dubbed "the Divine Family", who are further discussed in a number of pamphlets distributed by the Free Folk.

Judgement 75

  • Assembly: General
  • Raised By: Creighton Blackewater
  • Judgement: It has been one year since we freed the slaves at Rachensgrab and we have done nothing to help them. We killed their pretender god, burned its temple, freed its slaves, and plunder its vault for ourselves. Prosperity teaches us to despise those who take without giving, but we took everything from Rachensgrab without giving anything to the slaves. Now we take more by trading with the Bailiffs of the Guttered Flame. I call upon the Empire to right this wrong and see that the former slaves of Rachensgrab claim the just rewards of their labours.
  • Outcome: Upheld (1429-204)
  • Notes: Rachensgrab was an island city-state in the Sea of Steel, a centre for the international slave trade destroyed by Imperial forces following the Winter Solstice 384YE. The majority of the slaves freed in the fall of Rachensgrab were taken in by the Commonwealth, with only a few choosing to make the journey to the Empire. The Bailiffs of the Guttered Flame are a group of heralds from the City of Gold and Lead who recently offered deals to Imperial magicians relating to the estate of the former Voivode of Chains, a lieutenant of Ephisis involved in the slave trade before their destruction at the hands of Imperial forces.

Judgement 76

  • Assembly: Dawn
  • Raised By: Galahad Avalone
  • Judgement: We wish to announce the judgement of the troubadous or Dawn as to the Champions this year. Ambition - Catrine Words the "Unbelivably Magical" (2nd year): Courage - Laudine du Lac (previously Vigilance): Loyalty - Armand Remys (2nd Year): Vigilance- Morien de Carsenere (Previously Love, Glory, Ambition): Wisdom - Dindrane de Cantharos: Prosperity - Talis: Pride - Bors de Carsenere (Previously Prosperity): Way - Claude Videre (2nd year, previously Wisdom): Love - Claudia Lovelorn (Previously Courage): Glory - the Hounds of Glory.
  • Outcome: Upheld (183-0)
  • Notes: Each Autumn the troubadours of Dawn crown a number of champions of virtue, as well as champions of Love and Glory who receive small gifts from the people of the nation in recognition of their achievements. These are distinct from the Champions of Virtue appointed by the Imperial Synod.

Judgement 78

  • Assembly: Urizen
  • Raised By: Tarquinius Ankarien
  • Judgement: Since we raised a judgement refusing to aid the League until they proved that they were more than petty opportunists they have: 1) Paid mithril to erect statues that help to protect us. 2) Publicly acknowledge that a reckoning is due. 3) Assigned a reckoner and opened negotiations. The League have proven in word and deed that we are not just dealing with petty opportunists. The people taking these steps demonstrate a genuine intention to build a future for Spiral that benefits all of its residents. There is still much work to be done and our spires will remain apart from their city until it is complete, but it would now be appropriate to once again use the mithril block to defend their minds from the plateau, though we are not yet ready to share its secrets.
  • Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majority (345-0)
  • Notes: This relates to the complex situation in Spiral since it became part of the League. It refers to the mandate enacted by Lepidina, urging that the secrets of the Block (which helps mitigate the effects of living in Spiral) not be shared outside the nation.

Judgement 79

  • Assembly: Urizen
  • Raised By: Aspar
  • Judgement: Embrace your past, never be ashamed of it. Sulemaine i Taziel's teachings are timeless, and we take inspiration from them, but her legacy now belongs to us. The Sword Scholars of Urizen have found Sulemaine's limits and we have gone beyond them. To venerate Sulemaine without question is to have learned nothing from her lessons. We encourage all Sword Scholars to forge their own path, free from the shackles of the past. Interrogate the world with your blade and with your mind, be unfaltering, be relentless, question everything, and find your own truth.
  • Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majority (328-0)
  • Notes: * Notes: This statement seems to relate to the mandate enacted by Herminius of the House of the Wanderer, repudiating the legacy of Sulemaine i Taziel. The Urizen Assembly had previously endorsed the teachings of this controversial figure, [[ |stating in a mandate in 383YE that they were "the perfect epitome of the Urizeni spirit - pure calculating reason unhindered by emotion or pity."

Judgement 80

  • Assembly: Freeborn
  • Raised By: Atushak i Fijadoz i Erigo
  • Judgement: Each summit our senators and dhomiro agree on infrastructure projects that are the key priorities for the nation. Our prosperity should be used to support these strategic projects before shorter term tactical/personal gains which will have less benefit in the long run.
  • Outcome: Upheld (116-7)
  • Notes: The Freeborn people fiercely protect their right to decide how to spend their wealth, meaning the decision whether to invest in "national projects" or to donate to charity are always left to the individual. The assembly has also urged their people to contribute to the grand endeavour - the sacred city in Bastion - meaning that there is little interest in statements that urge the people to support other projects at the current time.

Judgement 84

  • Assembly: Wisdom
  • Raised By: Palladius
  • Judgement: Wisdom is finding the right question. The Apulian Orcs say power is a crown, but virtue is its own reward, the virtuous uplift then pe(?). But only one (?) wear a crown. We bring the (?)enge of Wisdom to the Apulian orcs so they can assure that virtue is their highest calling.
  • Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majority (399-28)
  • Notes: This statement was unfortunately water damaged so some sections were illegible. It appears to refer to the spiritual beliefs of the Apulian Orcs, and their integration with the Way.

Judgement 85

  • Assembly: General
  • Raised By: Tubris, Son of Armisael
  • Judgement: As the Free Folk complete their pilgrimage around the Empire, the time will come for them to settle and find a new home. The Highguard national assembly has a statement of principle in place, recognising them as kindred souls, and inviting them to join the Highborn nation. We encourage priests from all over the Empire who may be hosting Freefolk to advise them of Highguard's inviation.
  • Outcome: Upheld (1366-220)
  • Notes: The Free Folk are former Asavean slaves who are currently engaged in a pilgrimage across the Empire. A number of them are also studying the Way with Highborn priests, taking advantage of scholarships paid for by the benefactors of Highguard. The invitational statement referred to may be Judgement 127 from 384YE Autumn Equinox, raised by Brother Aemon, which was upheld by the Highborn assembly but did not receive a greater majority.

Judgement 86

  • Assembly: Dawn
  • Raised By: Chauntecleer Words
  • Judgement: The telling of tales within Dawn is one of our cherished traditions for the instruction of virtues. Dawn thanks all those who took part in the Summer Contest of Words for cotninuing this, in particular our winner the Earl of Fools for their tale of Food Hygeine, as judged by the acclaim of our children.
  • Outcome: Upheld (217-0)

Judgement 87

  • Assembly: Dawn
  • Raised By: Vivane Knotes
  • Judgement: We ask the Assembly to consider a series of judgements seeking consensus on the interpretations of the tradition of Black Knights. This is the first and pertains to the physical act of girding. Ideally a Black Knight would gird in isolation to maintain absolute secrecy. However this is not always practical; the entire tradition of girding exists because help may be required to put on harness. And sometimes an act can be made more glorious through an element of co-ordination. However girding as a group should be done in private, and any so witnessing understand the requirement for absolute discretion. It is definitely not appropriate to either gird; or announce the intent to gird identifiably, as a Black Knight in public. This completely undermines the premise that those taking part or observing do not know whom a Black Knight is, and therefore cannot attribute their deeds beyond "Dawn".
  • Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majority (273-42)
  • Notes: This statement discusses the hearth magic of Dawn, as well as the tradition of the black knights and their singular heraldry.

Judgement 88

  • Assembly: Prosperity
  • Raised By: Pickers Blackleap
  • Judgement: As the prosperity assembly watches those that benefit from the white granite auction, it is clear Landon Hawcome said the quiet part out loud. He is now so financially insulated from competition that he can agree the lowest price for himself, while stopping others from getting on the ladder, and preventing them from being as prosperous as he can be. We believe the most prosperous individuals should show their virtue by nurturing healthy competition in the Bourse auctions.
  • Outcome: Upheld (150-56)
  • Notes: The Auction of the Seats for white granite resources takes place each Summer Solstice.

Judgement 89

  • Assembly: Marches
  • Raised By: Grey Stone
  • Judgement: On behalf of Quay Stone "Tomorrow's traditions grow from the seeds of today." Quay Stone of House Stone is gathering less-known Marcher maritime traditions. As the Empire's attention turns towards the Sea of Snow, the Marcher Assembly calls for Marchers to seek out and share the learned wisdom of our people, so that these traditions may better serve our nation and the world - whether it be through fishing, making war, or enabling others to march to safer shores.
  • Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majority (254-0)

Judgement 90

  • Assembly: Dawn
  • Raised By: Lady Kaywenn de Orzel
  • Judgement: What we win we proudly defend, not just for us as Dawnish but also those in the Barrens who accept us as liberators. The Druj always return, we should stay ever vigilant and prepared for that inevitability.
  • Outcome: Upheld (237-10)

Judgement 91

  • Assembly: Wintermark
  • Raised By: Tuuli
  • Judgement: We caution all to remain vigilant against Blood-on-the-Snow after the upheaval this year, with three cultist leaders still at large. Share with your neighbours, keep each other warm, and remind each other that this is not forever. We are scions sired by a storm and shall weather whatever winter brings.
  • Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majority (342-0)
  • Notes: As with Judgement 92, this statement relates to the lingering threat of the eternal Agramant in the wake of the liberation of Sermersuaq, especially the agents of Blood-on-the-Snow still believed to be at large - Kaarine White-Eye, Maarik the Golden Tongue, and Wemba the Bloody.

Judgement 92

  • Assembly: Wisdom
  • Raised By: Ourania Neofoti of the House of the Wanderer
  • Judgement: We caution all to remain vigilant against Blood-on-the-Snow after the upheaval this year, with three cultist leaders still at large. We urge all those who follow wisdom to question those who offer boons and easy solutions.
  • Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majority (412-0)
  • Notes: As with Judgement 91, this statement relates to the influence of the eternal Agramant in the wake of the liberation of Sermersuaq, especially the agents of Blood-on-the-Snow still believed to be at large - Kaarine White-Eye, Maarik the Golden Tongue, and Wemba the Bloody.

Judgement 96

  • Assembly: Wintermark
  • Raised By: Maarit Suvidottir
  • Judgement: With regards the Barrens and the future of it's people we remind the Empire of its long history of heterodoxy and accepting non-Imperials and non-Way peoples living in our lands, treated them well, and sought their input when we felt it useful. This includes the Mournwold Orcs, Great Forest Orcs, Sandfishers, Hylje, ex-Iron Confederacy, the Free Folk, and many others. The Empire is ten nations, Wintermark is three people. They will see the value of The Way over time. Rapidly putting them to the sword or ignoring their input imperils souls we could otherwise save.
  • Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majority (312-0)

Judgement 97

  • Assembly: General
  • Raised By: Rooslan Stanvih Prochnost
  • Judgement: On behalf of the students of the Academy, especially Luca Lutaboravich Glinka, the Synod recognises that while boggarts of the realms can be troublesome there is no need to hurt them. With the right tools they can be herded and they can be bargained with for mutual advantage. We encourage the citizens of the Empire to first try diplomacy rather than aggression to more effectively deal with any boggart trouble. Remember, ambition teaches us it is better to try and fail, than fail to try.
  • Outcome: Upheld (1655-26)
  • Notes: Boggarts are creatures of the realms roughly analogous to vermin ; much weaker than heralds but still capable of posing a threat to Imperial citizens. Recent Empire-wide enchantments have seen boggarts drawn from the Spring realm, Autumn realm, and even the realm of Day making a nuisance of themselves.

Judgement 98

  • Assembly: Marches
  • Raised By: Friar Rosemary Stamp
  • Judgement: The Marcher assembly supports the decision of Lizzie Boholt-Stamp, Senator of Bregasland, to send the inquisitors in to Bregasland to find, and bring to justice, those who supported the Mathilda Fisher rebellion. The Marcher assembly calls upon Bregas priests to support justice and provide clemency pleas for the virtuous.
  • Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majority (258-16)
  • Notes: This statement appears to relate to the tense situation in Bregasland following the withdrawl of the occupying forces. At the behest of the Senator for Bregalsand the Imperial Senate has instructed magistrates to use an overwhelming show of force to gather evidence against anyone who offered support to the Fisher regime.

Judgement 99

  • Assembly: Marches
  • Raised By: Jenny Arbor
  • Judgement: People of the Marches, those who cast Thunderous Deluge have been facing consequences for their actions. This is despite the Constitutional Court makingdirect legal recourse impossible by effectively giving them a declaration of Endorsement. So, Marcher covens have been cursing those involved in the casting so they feel at least some of the pain we felt. Most took their curses with courage acknowledging their mistakes, and are trying to make amends. One - Mercurico, did not have the Courage to do this, so will continue to educate him until he finds his courage.
  • Outcome: Upheld (116-10)
  • Notes: This relates to the fallout around the performance of an Empire-wide Thunderous Deluge in Autumn384YE.

Judgement 100

  • Assembly: Urizen
  • Raised By: Cassia Sikweaver
  • Judgement: The Prosperous are not selfish, all that is worthwhile is shared with those who deserve it. Last season, the Varushkan boyars donated the use of an Imperial Wayleave to ensure that the Gardens of Pallas could be built in Zenith. We the Urizen National Assembly Witness this act of sharing. Be it hearthside hospitality or uplifting their fellows at a time when much feels broken and uncertain, the Varushkan people have held out their hand to us, and we thank them from the depths of our souls. Despise those who take without giving - this act will not be forgotten by the people of Urizen.
  • Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majority (314-0)
  • Notes: Refers to the commission creating new Gardens in Zenith, following the appraisal of Summer 385YE.

Judgement 101

  • Assembly: Urizen
  • Raised By: Galene Netherwatch
  • Judgement: The Urizeni National Assembly recognises the courage and loyalty of the people of Spiral. We are now at the negotiating stage with the League. Do not sacrifice what does not need to be sacrificed. I, as Convenor of the Urizen National Assembly, assure you we will get you the recompense you deserve.
  • Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majority (229-91). The greater majority threshold for this judgement was 223.
  • Notes: Refers to the complex situation in Spiral. The Urizen assembly does not have a formally recognised convenor, although Gaelen Netherwatch has previously been endorsed as fulfilling the role.

Judgement 102

  • Assembly: Pride
  • Raised By: Aristeia Skrchaser
  • Judgement: We exalt the actions of Serenus Starsong for creating an arcane projection like no other before. Then with the coven of Storm's End of Urizen, this was cast to reveal the - previously unknown - names of the stars of the Phoenix. This is the first, magnificent step towards understanding the power of the constellations that so many invoke and study. They were the first, and this will forever be an enduring part of all their legacies.
  • Outcome: Upheld (397-36). The greater majority threshold for this judgement was 401.
  • Notes: The Phoenix is one of the astronomantic constellations. The names of the individual stars that make up the constellation have recently become common knowledge, and the statement draws a link between this event and the divination performed by the Storm's Edge coven.

Judgement 103

  • Assembly: Freeborn
  • Raised By: Adón i Martán i Erigo
  • Judgement: We have the opportunity to rescue slaves rebelling in the city of Marlien in Maracoss, Asavea. We call on corsairs to carry these escapees to safety in the Empire once they reach the Calatropos coast.
  • Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majority (160-10)
  • Notes: This statement relates to events in the Asavean Archipelago. It urges Freeborn corsairs to come to help evacuate freed slaves from the satrapy of Maracoss - the same satrapy from which both the Free Folk and the Marracossan exiles of Trajadoz hail. It has created an opportunity for corsairs to take part in the evacuation if they wish.

Judgement 106

  • Assembly: Wintermark
  • Raised By: Vauraus Korppitkotka
  • Judgement: Wintermark have Pride in our scops, not only do they give the worthy their names, they keep alive and share the epic tales of our heroes and history. However, we are not alone, our traditions are important across the Empire, but they have no gathering place where the best can come together to share their great stories. It is our ambition to create a centre of tradition, to which scops and storytellers from across the Empire may travel to share the stories of the Empire. But it must also keep them safe from those who wish them harm. We call on all in Wintermark to share in our ambition and pride, to find a location in which to create a gathering place to bring together all the scops of the Empire in safety and pride.
  • Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majority (283-0)
  • Notes: The Wintermark assembly has sent Eldrid Vestardottir to enact a mandate urging the people of Wintermark to contribute to the construction of a sacred city in Bastion. With the nation focused on this construction, response to a call to create a centre of tradition for the scops is likely to be muted at best in the near future.

Judgement 107

  • Assembly: Way
  • Raised By: Caoimhe Tend-Fallen
  • Judgement: Commonwealth paladins have requested true liao to remove a spontaneous aura of great strength. We should determine the truth of their claim that this is an Anarchy aura and not a miraculous aura of a true virtue. If true liao is required to remove it, an Empire priest should be sent to perform this.
  • Outcome: Upheld (97-13)
  • Notes: The priests of the Commonwealth argue that all auras, regardless of provenance or specific etail, are a form of oppression that subverts free will.

Judgement 108

  • Assembly: General
  • Raised By: Kennet the Mummer
  • Judgement: Words mean things. To liberate the Barrens would be to free its people from any rule to which they do not consent - ours included. To conquer would be to claim their lands for ourselves and compel them to submit or flee. We shall see now if the Empire makes a liar of Sir Dindrane.
  • Outcome: Upheld (644-314)
  • Notes: This seems to refer to the extremely complicated situation in the newest Dawnish territory of the Barrens.

Judgement 109

  • Assembly: Navarr
  • Raised By: Silk Forteas
  • Judgement: Stories carry the Pride of Navarr The Magpies have been contracted by Rhisiart Dancewalker to discover the whereabouts of the Greensteel Spear of Isaella Thorndance. We encourage all steadings and stridings with stories and records of Isaella's deeds to share them. We are especially interested in the descendants of the Navarri honour guard sent to retrieve her body, and their tale of that day. Through sharing such inspiring tales we hope to gain a better understanding of this exemplar.
  • Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majority (328-0)
  • Notes: Isaella is an exemplar of Courage, perhaps best known in the wider Empire for her role in the death of Emperor Nicovar. The Lepidean Librarian has the power to commission historical research into the lives of paragons and exemplars.

Judgement 110

  • Assembly: Pride
  • Raised By: Nisha Strascovich
  • Judgement: The Cold Sun seeks to tear us down. Pride teaches us to uplift each other. Now is the time to celebrate our art and culture, to recognise the Pride to be found around us. Pride is the antithesis of the Cold Sun and can be a bastion against all they stand for. Celebrate our pride in the Empire of those in Anvil and home.
  • Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majority (484-0)
  • Notes: Relates to the ongoing assault of the eternal known as Cold Sun on the Empire. The eternals' emissaries appear to particular favour destroying places with a connection to the arts.

Judgement 116

  • Assembly: Dawn
  • Raised By: Staracsned Orzel
  • Judgement: Rejoice! Rejoice! People of Dawn the Rod of the Sun is returned to us. Lady Nineve Orzel, Ser Lanval van Narood, Peter Fletcher, Myric of House Cordraco, and Enchantress Morien Carsenere undertook epic glorious quest from which only three returned. All their names should be heralded throughout the land and their story told. Rejoice!
  • Outcome: Upheld (234-0)
  • Notes: The Rod of the Sun was a piece of regalia carried by the pre-Imperial monarchs of Dawn, believed lost during the reign of Empress Brannan.

Judgement 117

  • Assembly: Highborn
  • Raised By: Olyvar of Esther's Sanctum
  • Judgement: The Highborn Assembly recognises the Pride of the Imperial Orcs in their campaign to reclaim items of worth in Necropolis during the last season. Let this show how we reach together, following the example of Kethry and her cultural Pride, in restoring what was lost by the orcs as we embrace our shared past and look forward, one Empire united by the Way.
  • Outcome: Upheld (362-10)
  • Notes: Kethry is a renowned paragon of Pride. Among other things this statement appears to refer to recent events in the Necropolis involving the Imperial Orcs' quest for items of Worth.

Judgement 118

  • Assembly: Freeborn
  • Raised By: Pacheco "Patches" i Shartha i Guerra
  • Judgement: We recognise and thank the shared Wisdom and shared Prosperity relating to the Jotun burial mound in Kharaman. General Iron Osric. The Imperial Orcs. Vanama i Perez i Riqueza. Maria i Espin i Guerra. The Freeborn Dhomiros.
  • Outcome: Upheld (126-0)
  • Notes: This statement relates to the raising of a burial mound in Kahraman, covering the Jotun dead who fell during the Battle of Fort Braydon.

Judgement 119

  • Assembly: Freeborn
  • Raised By: Alvaro i Verena i Guerra
  • Judgement: Corsairs, have Courage in your convictions. Do what you feel is right and reject those who would command you who you did not choose to follow. The Freeborn National Assembly support the Corsairs in their endeavour to have their own leader.
  • Outcome: Upheld (173-0)

Judgement 123

  • Assembly: Imperial Orc
  • Raised By: Redhand Nirak
  • Judgement: We, the Imperial Orc assembly, are firm believers in Loyalty. Urizen has been thoroughly fucked by the treaty with Kalliact's Apulian Orcs. We encourage all orcs to do whatever they can to: economically, pollitically, spirituall, and socially to help the Urizeni to et their debt of reckoning from the League. We DO NOT endorse any orc taking military or violent action. The situation is difficult enough without orcs attacking fellow Imperial on either side will only make things worse. "The Prosperous are not selfish; all that is worthwhile is shared." The Urizeni citizens of Spiral deserve the shared benefits of our prosperity where the League has failed to show ANY.
  • Outcome: Not Upheld (26-26)
  • Notes: Relates to the recent assignment of Spiral to the League, and the complex situation developing there.

Judgement 124

  • Assembly: Wintermark
  • Raised By: Ironvigil Rikkz the Relentless
  • Judgement: The Change of Doctrine proposed by Clarice Novarion will cause serious thought and concern among the Empire's priests. I remind you all that Imperial Doctrine is a living document that must change and grow as the Empire does. We must not fear change, but embrace Wisdom when we find it. Our Virtue is strong enough.
  • Outcome: Upheld (235-0)
  • Notes: Relates to the judgement enacting a change of doctrine raised this season.

Judgement 125

  • Assembly: General
  • Raised By: Pyetr Srodislar Fyodorov
  • Judgement: True liao is our most important spiritual tool. The structure of power in our great Empire is that of accountability - however the control of this vital good is in the hands of an unelected cabal, the Gatekeepers, whose customs are dedicated by grace, not law. Grace is not a virtue. True liao serves as our closest lifeline to the Labyrinth of Ages, and along with historical research, is what drives our understanding of the Way, the Virtues, and Paragonhood. We have a duty to strive to clarify and crystallise our doctrine towards spiritual truth. This is not possible with true liao in the hands of the Gatekeeper gang. There must be reform! Fellow priesthood, have the Ambition to spiritual truth, the Courage to face it, the Vigilance to not fall to needless dogma - Pride, Prosperity, Loyalty, and greater Wisdom will follow!
  • Outcome: Not Upheld (291-1288)
  • Notes: The Gatekeepers are responsible for determining who receives the majority of the true liao created in the Empire.

Judgement 128

  • Assembly: Marches
  • Raised By: Tree of Goatsbridge
  • Judgement: The Priests of the Marches state that the Landskeepers and Sadogua, Brother of Wizards, are allies and that he, and his heralds, are welcome in the Marches, and that no Marcher Wizards need to worry about speaking to him or accepting his boons.
  • Outcome: Upheld (100-40)
  • Notes: Sadogua, also known as the Brother of Wizards, is an eternal of the Night realm concerned with magic and magicians.

Judgement 129

  • Assembly: Vigilance
  • Raised By: Konstantin Rabovich Bolotnikov
  • Judgement: This assembly endorses LINDIR THORNHEART as Champion of Vigilance, despite the unfortunate circumstances surrounding their appointment.
  • Outcome: Upheld (99-64)
  • Notes: Relates to the Champion of Vigilance, appointed by the assembly during the Summer Solstice.

Judgement 130

  • Assembly: Highborn
  • Raised By: Brother Aemon
  • Judgement: Highguard! Vigilance teaches us to seek out falsehood and expose the truth! Too long have we been looking outwards, focusing on the heterodoxies of others that we have neglected to assess our own cultural challenges! In our complacency, we allow our lingering attachment to Purity to let us believe our lineaged siblings to be inherently distrusted as unwitting agents of the Realms. This lacks Loyalty, Pride, Vigilance, and Wisdom. Past life visions have revealed to us that lineaged folk of today were unlineaged in the past, and vice versa, with no known correlation between virtuous and unvirtuous behaviour. Therefore, if a human spirit looks the same and reamains the same through reincarnation, we must conclude in Courage and Wisdom that lineage is a condition of the body, not the Spirit.
  • Outcome: Upheld (350-0)
  • Notes: This statement refers to the changing attitudes towards lineage among the highborn.

Judgement 131

  • Assembly: Dawn
  • Raised By: Lady Landine du Lac
  • Judgement: Vigilance teaches us not to only prepare for, but to also thwart the malice of our enemies. While our people Prosper, our Ambition to defeat the Druj remaining within and threatening our new borders.
  • Outcome: Upheld (214-10)

Judgement 132

  • Assembly: Wintermark
  • Raised By: Saqui Heroes' Champion
  • Judgement: The heralds of Cold Sun have poured into our homes, our mountains and marshes. They seek to destroy art, beauty, and mysteries. Their force is strong, their power destructive. The Wise to to take refuge in the fortresses raised by magic. The Courageous garrison the beacons to protect our nation. The storm can never break us, and neither will Cold Sun.
  • Outcome: Upheld (262-0)
  • Notes: The Cold Sun is an eternal of the Day Realm whose soldiers are engaged in a military campaign across the Empire, which appears to some to be prioritising the destruction of places with a connection to the arts. It urges those prepared to fight the invaders to deploy in support of the Beacons of WIntermark - unique fortifications in Hahnmark and Kallavesa.

Judgement 133

  • Assembly: Wisdom
  • Raised By: Mauriac
  • Judgement: Our forces in the Barrens have a stated goal that they are not there as conquerors, but to liberate the people there from the tyranny of the Druj. It is unfortunate that the Barrens contains heretics who hold Freedom to be a virtue; freedom is a quality which can be very fine in moderation but horrifically destructive if taken to excess. The clarity of wisdom teaches us that to help others to gain insight may be the most effective way to use your knowledge. We must not make hypocrites of ourselves through heavy-handed tactics, but it falls upon to educate the Barrens to the truth of the Way and spread doctrinal illumination.
  • Outcome: Upheld (236-56)
  • Notes: Refers to the extremely complex situation in the Barrens, specifically to the Montainians - humans with a strong briar lineage connected to the Freedom Heresy and the malign spiritual presence of anarchy..

Judgement 136

  • Assembly: Freeborn
  • Raised By: Delmara i Ruiloba i Guerra
  • Judgement: As the treaty with the Grendel comes to an end, it is important to note Feroz is an integral part of the Brass Coast, and with its dust coating our feet we will go to reclaim it.
  • Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majority (175-10)
  • Notes: During the Winter Solstice 383YE, the Freeborn assembly enacted a mandate that urged their people to abandon Feroz. This lead to an opportunity to evacuate the territory under the nose of the Grendel governor. The mandate meant accepting that the Freeborn do not expect the territory to be recovered any time soon, making it unlikely that statements by the assembly relating to recovering the territory will lead to further opportunities.

Judgement 137

  • Assembly: General
  • Raised By: Vaukahainen Saltfoot
  • Judgement: The proud uplift and inspire, they do not denigrate others. The Jotun have shown great pride in respecting the dead of the Empire, and the sacred resting places of Wintermark heroes. We encourage those fighting the Jotun to respect their dead in turn, and leave their sacred sites undesecrated. The wealth of the Jotun ancestors is not found in their grave goods, but in their legacy and inspiration.
  • Outcome: Upheld (1456-107)
  • Notes: This statement appears to related to Jotun concerns regarding theft from their burial sites by Imperial soldiers, especially the Freeborn.

Judgement 140

  • Assembly: Navarr
  • Raised By: Eskah Solestride
  • Judgement: The Dance of Blood was a loyal and vigilant aspect of Navarr's culture and military. They were lost in Liathaven against a horde of Jotun, their vigilance never wavered and they remained loyal to their oaths to the end. We would encourage those Navarri who feel the call of the Dance of Blood to embrace its merciless Doctrine and work to restore its legacy.
  • Outcome: Not Upheld (88-142)
  • Notes: The Dance of Blood were a Navarr army disbanded while fighting the Jotun in 245YE. They were infamous for their Army_qualities#Cruelcruel tactics, easily a match for those of the Iron Helms.

Judgement 141

  • Assembly: Dawn
  • Raised By: Reynard Forester
  • Judgement: We, the people of Dawn throw open the doors of our houses to the Free Folk. In prosperity, let us share our homes with our cousins from the land of Asavea. In Courage, let us do as Ashwine did, find the innocent a home after their virtuous pilgrimage. Let them find GLORY.
  • Outcome: Upheld (192-0)
  • Notes: The Free Folk are former Asavean slaves who practice the Way, albeit in an unfamiliar fashion. Many have spent the last year engaged in a pilgrimage to inspirational locations across the Empire, with the support of the Imperial Synod. The Lady of the Proffered Hand, and the people of Dawn were first to welcome them to the Empire following their liberation.

Judgement 142

  • Assembly: Urizen
  • Raised By: Lepidina
  • Judgement: We invite the Urizeni priests and their congregations to join us in dialogue with the League bishops and the Apulians to further our collective understanding of the Way, and lift each other up in virtue. Much as Temeschwar acknowledges its Varushkan heritage, so the city of Apulian should also embrace the existing Urizeni culture now the League has committed to a Reckoning.
  • Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majority (263-10)
  • Notes: Relates to the ongoing unfolding situation in Spiral between the Urizeni and the League.

Judgement 146

  • Assembly: Loyalty
  • Raised By: Anastasiya Lukashovna Volkov
  • Judgement: The Loyalty assembly recognises it owes proof of word and deed to deliver upon the reckoning between the Urizen people and the League regarding Spiral. The Loyalty assembly urges all parties to negotiate in good spirit to find a non-violent solution. Let us work together to reforge our bonds.
  • Outcome: Upheld (265-0)
  • Notes: Relates to the ongoing unfolding situation in Spiral between the League and Urizeni.

Judgement 147

  • Assembly: Marches
  • Raised By: Jacob Talbot
  • Judgement: We call upon all Marchers to shun and cease the sale and supply of food to Urizen for the loss of Prosperous crops caused by cursing. The message we wish to send above all is that our means to feed the Empire and our own Marcher families has suffered too much. and that this animosity regarding rituals cast by Urizeni magicians should end. It is also our hope that greater animosities between our two nations will end with this statement, whether our citizens attend Anvil or not.
  • Outcome: Not Uheld (20-166)
  • Notes: This statement seems to relate to Marcher unhappiness around powerful enchantments that have damaged crops and farms across the Empire.

Judgement 148

  • Assembly: Marches
  • Raised By: Friar Graffanner
  • Judgement: We, the Marcher National Assembly, call upon our fleet captains, to participate in the multinational opportunity to provide safe passage to those fleeing slavery in Maracossa.
  • Outcome: Upheld (192-0). The greater majority threshold for this judgement was 193.
  • Notes: This statement relates to events in the Asavean Archipelago. It urges Marcher ship-captains to come to help evacuate freed slaves from the satrapy of Maracoss - the same satrapy from which both the Free Folk and the Marracossan exiles of Trajadoz hail. It has created an opportunity for corsairs to take part in the evacuation if they wish.

Judgement 151

  • Assembly: Ambition
  • Raised By: Paulus Adelaar von Holberg
  • Judgement: Ambitious citizens! The Empire is engaged in the great endeavour of our age: expanding our borders and integrating new and foreign peoples without recourse to the barbarity of slavery. Apulian Questioners (their priests) wish to understand how to wield the powers of the Synod! We, the following Bishops of the League have the Ambition to show them how a Gishop does this. Paulus Adelaar van Holberg - Lia Adelaar von Holberg - Sebastiano di Spiral - Corrado de Regario - Beno di Carva (sadly unable to attend Anvil).
  • Outcome: Upheld (220-15)
  • Notes: Relates to questions of the religious beliefs of the Apulian Orcs of the League.

Judgement 152

  • Assembly: Varushka
  • Raised By: Anatoly Vassian Tatishchev
  • Judgement: The Varushkan national assembly calls upon fleet owners of the nation to prepare for malice, yet thwart malice before it strikes against you. War is coming. Raise every sail against our foes.
  • Outcome: Upheld (302-0)

Judgement 154

  • Assembly: Varushka
  • Raised By: Marzanna
  • Judgement: We the priests of Varushka call upon the builders of the Deep Chamber to dedicate to wisdom. We wish for priests of wisdom and wardens to go and ensure their safe return from the mines.
  • Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majority (292-0), with Primacy
  • Notes: This statement seems to relate to the construction of an underground chamber in the Mountains of Brez by the cabalists of Void, commissioned by the Imperial Senate.

Judgement 155

  • Assembly: Varushka
  • Raised By: Kalina Jadwigowna Piosnkowa Prochnost
  • Judgement: In Varushka we respect our Elders! The Northern Eagle are the oldest army in Varushka and they have served us loyally for as long as they have existed. We ask that Varushkans have Pride in the Northern Eagle and support them. Pride, Cousins.
  • Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majority (302-0), with Primacy

Judgement 156

  • Assembly: Varushka
  • Raised By: Maja Świętosława Przewałski
  • Judgement: We the priests of Varushka urge the wardens to show vigilance and to strengthen the wards of the roads and borders of Tolvoli and around Tolvoli to prepare for the malice of the dubik being fed. The Wardens should also seek to thwart malice before it strikes against us and seek our signs and evidence of the dubik with the aid of Spring magicians and Volhovs, to make a bargain to contain the growing dubik numbers.
  • Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majority (302-0), with Primacy
  • Notes: This statement seems to relate to the establishment of the slaughterhouse at Tolvoli, the dubik at the old Heart of the Tempest, and the role of the Tolvoli Butcher.

Judgement 157

  • Assembly: Highborn
  • Raised By: Ira of the Flame Beneath the Earth
  • Judgement: We call to those who have served in Highguard armies: the Unbound Steel Hall of Lost Chapters has been taken from us by the Cold Sun and our proud history desecrated. Now, they gather in Bastion. Bastion must be defended. Bring the guardian, the cataphract, the unconquered. Don your armour once more. General Asenath raises the hallowed banner of the Thundering Tide. Bearing a miracle of Courage, General Asenath does not fear to act, and neither should we. Loyalty demands that we strike quickly so our forces may go on to help protect the lands of our sibling nations once our home is safe. You have served before, we ask that you serve again.
  • Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majority (570-0)
  • Notes: The Cold Sun is an eternal of the Day Realm whose soldiers are engaged in a military campaign across the Empire. The Thundering Tide were a Highborn army disbanded during the reign of Empress Mariika.

Judgement 158

  • Assembly: Varushka
  • Raised By: Vasilmir Radovanovna Esskivic
  • Judgement: Despise the thieving bandit. Orathator of the Hourglass engages in prosperous trade with Varushka. We ask Wardens of Varushka to protect their caravans, and ensure their goods do not fall into the hands of those who did not earn them.
  • Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majority (290-12), with Primacy.
  • Notes: Orathator of the Hourglass is a Thule warlock who leads a group of traders active across Varushka.

Judgement 159

  • Assembly: Urizen
  • Raised By: Solas of the Waxing Sun
  • Judgement: We recognise the need to investigate the motivations behind casting Bright Eyes Gleam in the Depths and the benefits of being judged by our peers in this matter. We encourage members of other nations to bring those responsible for the casting to inquisition before the virtue assemblies.
  • Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majority (262-0)
  • Notes: Relates to the controversial performance of the Bright Eyes Gleam in the Depths ritual, whose recent performance has had both benefitsand undeniable downsides.

Judgement 160

  • Assembly: Urizen
  • Raised By: Lochias
  • Judgement: The Sentinels of Urizen are rightly proud of their martial arete. We laud and exalt the Courage and Vigilance of the soldiers of the Citadel Guard and the captains of independent units who have kept their long watch on our borders. But Loyalty should not mean blind obedience. Even the strongest may err, but deceivers will lie again.
  • Outcome: Upheld (204-10)
  • Notes: The Citadel Guard are the army of Urizen, primarily composed of sentinels.

Judgement 163

  • Assembly: Highborn
  • Raised By: Silas of the Cenotaph
  • Judgement: Inspired by recent exchanges between Highguard and the Imperial Orcs, we the Highborn national assembly offer Peerless Kinship to aid the Imperial Orcs how they see fit. Let us forge strong ties, and step boldly into the future.
  • Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majority (504-0)
  • Notes: Peerless kinship allows the Highborn people to support one of their sibling nations in the coming months. See also Judgement 192.

Judgement 165

  • Assembly: Freeborn
  • Raised By: Ahraz i Guerra
  • Judgement: The election of the Senators is an important source of income to fund the projects of the Brass Coat. If you are paid to not place a bid you should show your Pride and declare it to the egregore and share a part of that money with them. If someone not of the Freeborn pays you to bid, either to ensure a candidate is elected or to prevent someone to be elected, you should declare this to the egregore. Show your courage and pride and deal with the elections openly and honestly.
  • Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majority (161-0)
  • Notes: Relates to the appointment of Freeborn senators.

Judgement 166

  • Assembly: Prosperity
  • Raised By: Travid Longest Path
  • Judgement: Prosperity compels us to strive and toil and enjoy the fruits of our labour. Lindir Thornheart and Oisean Streamwalker have worked tirelessly to fund the ilium needed to create an artefact to trade for the Shield of Vigilance from a 1 ring start. We wish to reward them with recognition from the assembly.
  • Outcome: Upheld (125-0)
  • Notes: The Shield of Vigilance likely refers to Bawn-Watch the artefact Pilgrim's Shield originally created by Ezkiah the Benefactor for the Champion of Vigilance. It is currently believed to be in the possession of the Axou scholar Theodosia of Ipotavo.

Judgement 167

  • Assembly: Loyalty
  • Raised By: Eurybia Melampus di Tassato
  • Judgement: The Sword Scholars have demonstrated their Loyalty to the Empire by casting off Sulemaine. We the Loyalty assembly support this endeavour. They have identified and followed their loyalties within their hearts. Therefore will will raise their efforts up rather than tear them down.
  • Outcome: Upheld (115-10)
  • Notes: This statement supports the mandate enacted by Herminius of the House of the Wanderer, which has significant implications for the future of the sword scholars of Urizen. It may be important to note that the decision to turn away from the founder of the movement is by no means universally supported by the sword scholars.

Judgement 168

  • Assembly: Freeborn
  • Raised By: Hembeneth i Guerra
  • Judgement: During the Grendel treaty we had the time to rebuild and prepare. Now the treaty has ended we call on all citizens to route out the Grendel spies and be Vigilant of the threats that come from all around. Have Courage to oppose them when they enter our land and the Loyalty to aid our armies and feed our Corsairs who fight on our behalf with virtue.
  • Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majority (169-0)

Judgement 169

  • Assembly: Urizen
  • Raised By: Clytemnestra
  • Judgement: The Sword Scholars of the Empire have chosen to put Sulemaine behind us. Now we will define what Sword Scholars are in the modern world. We will examine and debate our teachings and discord any that fall short. We will examine our role in the Empire, and the ways we can challenge, aid and defend the Empire, and those who seek to join the Empire and the Way. We will seek to realise our ambition to spread our teachings and become a sodality. As we have changed the Empire the Empire has changed us.
  • Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majority (242-10)
  • Notes: This statement supports the mandate enacted by Herminius of the House of the Wanderer, which has significant implications for the future of the sword scholars of Urizen. It may be important to note that the decision to turn away from the founder of the movement is by no means universally supported by the sword scholars.

Judgement 172

  • Assembly: Way
  • Raised By: Kosmas o Voskos of the House of the Wanderer
  • Judgement: The Sword Scholars have examined their history and virtue, and have chosen to learn and change. They have chosen to leave Sulemaine behind and forge a new path. The Way assembly recognises this important step on their path of virtue.
  • Outcome: Upheld (85-0)
  • Notes: This statement supports the mandate enacted by Herminius of the House of the Wanderer, which has significant implications for the future of the sword scholars of Urizen. It may be important to note that the decision to turn away from the founder of the movement is by no means universally supported by the sword scholars.

Judgement 173

  • Assembly: Freeborn
  • Raised By: Asier i Elia i Guerra
  • Judgement: We welcome the refugees from the Temple of the Way in Nemoria. We would offer them refuge at the Hand of Guerra in order to share knowledge of Virtue and the Way.
  • Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majority (169-0)
  • Notes: This statement seems to refer to the Asavean pilgrims who visited Anvil during the Autumn Equinox.

Judgement 174

  • Assembly: Highborn
  • Raised By: Eli of the Cenotaph
  • Judgement: We welcome the refugees from the Temple of the Way in Nemoria. We would offer them refuge at the Abbey of Reconciliation in order to share knowledge of virtue and the Way,
  • Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majoirty (508-0)
  • Notes: This statement seems to refer to the Asavean pilgrims who visited Anvil during the Autumn Equinox.

Judgement 176

  • Assembly: Marches
  • Raised By: Sister Meredith
  • Judgement: The pursuit of virtue supersedes doctrine and the Law. If the Mournwold Orcs are willing to commit to living the life that they are living to the full extent of virtue and greatness, this assembly will welcome and defend them.
  • Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majority (264-0)
  • Notes: This statement relates to the Mournwold Orcs, and supports the mandate enacted in Judgement 199.

Judgement 180

  • Assembly: Marches
  • Raised By: Father Edmund
  • Judgement: Bushel Sykes betrayed his oath as an Imperial citizen, and yet his soul bore a spontaneous true aura of Loyalty. He knew what commanded his heart's devotion above all else, and he willingly paid the price for that. We recognise Bushel Sykes' Loyalty and his Virtue.
  • Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majority (282-26)
  • Notes: This statement appears to concern the death of Bushel Sykes, the controversial poacher.

Judgement 181

  • Assembly: General
  • Raised By: Idanach Listing Beacon
  • Judgement: True liao is a substance of great sanctity and great importance to the Way. it is vital that a suitably qualified body of priests oversee its distribution. In response to Pyetr Fyodorov in Judgement 125 we say that this is not the time to abolish the Gatekeepers. We instead encourage citizens to learn about the Gatekeepers and other ways whereby true liao is distributed. If the existing processes are unsatisfactory, they should offer concrete proposals for change.
  • Outcome: Upheld (1165-64)
  • Notes: This statement refers to Judgement 125, relating to the status of the Gatekeepers.

Judgement 182

  • Assembly: Highborn
  • Raised By: Isaac of the Silent Tide
  • Judgement: Amongst the best of us there is still vice. Amongst the worst of us there is still virtue. No soul is beyond redemption. Each passage through the Labyrinth brings us forth anew. We call upon the magistrates to give those guilty of grave crimes the chance to (?) themselves in virtue against the Cold Sun until their embrace to the Labyrinth. The defence of Bastion is a defence of the Way!!
  • Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majority (480-16). The Greater Majority threshold for this judgement was 474.

Judgement 183

  • Assembly: League
  • Raised By: Lia Adelaar von Holberg
  • Judgement: We invite League Bishops and Scholars to join in dialogue with Urizeni priests and mages loyal to the Empire and our Apulian brethren, to further our understanding of the Way and lift us all up in Virtue. Much as Temeschwar acknowledges its Varushkan heritage, so the city of Apulian should include the best of Urizeni culture, once the threat of rebellion has passed.
  • Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majority (280-0), the greater majority threshold for this judgement was 273.
  • Notes: * Notes: This relates to the complex situation in Spiral since it became part of the League, as well as to the questions raised by the spiritual beliefs of the Apulian Orcs.

Judgement 184

  • Assembly: Ambition
  • Raised By: Rowen Erdtree
  • Judgement: Skywise Gralka's association with the Cold Sun and the Bright Eyes Gleam in the Depths ritual was a contribution towards an inherently ambitious action. No matter your opinion of orcs, Skywise Gralka should not be punished for their contribution towards what was a damaging, but ambitious endeavour.
  • Outcome: Upheld (124-32)
  • Notes: Refers to the discussion around the controversial recent performance of the Bright Eyes Gleam in the Depths ritual.

Judgement 188

  • Assembly: Freeborn
  • Raised By: Constanza i Kalamar i Guerra
  • Judgement: In the spirit of VIgilance, be aware that a threat is coming to the Coast. Now is the time to prepare with Wisdom, but in Pride remember to uplift our fellows. Support each other, support your armies and privateers, remember that resources unspent only go to waste - offer your hospitality to those that protect our lands and we are all sure to benefit. We have always had the Ambition of reclaiming what was ours, but what remains is in danger and protecting that is also part of that process. Take heart, it will not be easy, cleave to your courage and what loyalties you hold dear. Let virtue guide you in tumultuous times. Batten down the hatches in face of the storm.
  • Outcome: Upheld (129-0)

Judgement 190

  • Assembly: Imperial Orcs
  • Raised By: Skywise Gralka
  • Judgement: Listen to me Gralka as I write these words in destiny. No nation knows themselves as Imperial human in this Empire, there is only one to claim its identity as Imperial Orc. A legacy to the architects of the plan and those who fought for us at journeys start. A new saga begins so hence forth we the Imperial orcs also claim the name UNSHACKLED for our nation - with all our worth.
  • Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majority, with Primacy

Judgement 191

  • Assembly: Imperial Orc
  • Raised By: Bloodcrow Knott
  • Judgement: The Mourn Orcs are Marchers, there is no doubt of this and denying such is false. Further, the matter of Orc souls should be left to Orcs. We encourage the Humans of the Empire to give our new siblings time while we guide them in the ways of the Abyss and Ancestors. Let us have these conversations of our souls together. We encourage the Marchers to ad us in finding proof and understanding their new citizens.
  • Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majority (78-0)
  • Notes: This statement relates to the Mournwold Orcs, and their status in the Marches, and seems to support the mandate enacted in Judgement 199.

Judgement 192

  • Assembly: Imperial Orc
  • Raised By: Ashborn Atla
  • Judgement: We the Unshackled accept the peerless kinship of the Highguard. May Sunstorm, Sannite, Tamazi, Ethengraw, Illaraum, Yerende, and other newly come work together in virtue.
  • Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majority (??) with Primacy
  • Notes: Peerless kinship allows the Highborn people to support one of their sibling nations in the coming months, in the way that nation requests. See also Judgement 163.

Judgement 195

  • Assembly: Nine
  • Raised By: Darian Numbers
  • Judgement: We encourage the Marchers and the Mournwold Orcs to enter into debate and discussion around our shared beliefs and where those beliefs differ. We urge the Marchers to show understanding and lenience as they guide the Mournwold orcs on their journey to understanding the Way. As called for in statement 191 give them time.
  • Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majority (8-0), with Primacy
  • Notes: This statement relates to the Mournwold Orcs, and their status in the Marches, and seems to support the mandate enacted in Judgement 199.

Judgement 196

  • Assembly: Nine
  • Raised By: Galen Embercast
  • Judgement: The Council of Nine directs the Silent Bell to investigate the location of the SIlent Bell of Brian Heathford lost 290YE in Kingstoke, Upwold to Agramant inspired sorcerers.
  • Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majority (8-0), with Primacy
  • Notes: This statement asks the Silent Bell to seek out a missing object. The Silent Bell are a sodality dedicated to Vigilance, keeping a careful watch for threats to the Empire from within and without; their expertise in tracking down magic items, and indeed their interest in doing so, is extremely limited.

Judgement 197

  • Assembly: Nine
  • Raised By: Viviane de Courdefer
  • Judgement: The Change of Doctrine (Judgement 8 this season) proposed by Clarice Novarion will cause serious thought and concern among the Empire's priests. We remind you all, with thanks to ??? Rikke (Judgement 124 this season), that Doctrine is a living document that must change and grow as the Empire does. We must not fear change, but embrace virtue where we find it.
  • Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majority (8-0), with Primacy
  • Notes:This statement refers to the change of doctrine proposed by Clarice Novarion and upheld by the General Assembly; see Judgement 8.

Judgement 200

Judgement 201

  • Assembly: Marches
  • Raised By: Rosie of Goatsbridge
  • Judgement: The Marcher Assembly recognises the Vigilance and Courage of those Urizeni who stood against so many of their own nation, warning them of the dangers of casting Bright Eyes Gleam in the Depths. These include Tiberius Cascade, and also the Academy of the Southern Shore. Those they are good neighbours.
  • Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majority (264-0), with Primacy
  • Notes: Relates to the ongoing controversy around the recent performance of Bright Eyes Gleam in the Depths.


Judgement 11

  • Assembly: Urizen
  • Raised By: Aurum of the Nightingale Temple
  • Judgement: The virtuous build up their fellows, they do not tear them down. Blue flowers bloom in Spiral, and if we are to hold true to the promise of this Empire we cannot laud one while cutting down another. Should the Empire shed Urizeni blood in this matter, it will prove they value thieves and slavers over virtuous citizens. It will prove they are unworthy of the oldest nation. We send Aurum of the Nightingale Temple with 25 doses of liao to encourage all Urizeni to stand in defiance of an Empire that treats our lives as an inconvenience, should they dare to enact violence against our people. Loyalty demands, and we cannot condemn the people of Spiral for having answered.
  • Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majority (267-75)
  • Enacted: If the Empire sends an army to suppress the Urizeni rebels in Spiral at any point before the start of the Autumn Equinox 386YE, the rebellion will spread to the rest of Urizen. Spires will take up arms and declare their support for the rebellion, and opposition to the Empire. As detailed in the A question of loyalty wind of fortune.

Judgement 26

  • Assembly: Pride
  • Raised By: Harwyn Eternal
  • Judgement: The virtuous inspire others to greatness. We send Neala Blackhawk with 75 doses of liao to urge priest to engage with the Great Forest Orcs to learn their ways to discover if we might bring them to the Way.
  • Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majority (468-63)
  • Enacted: Sends Pride assembly priests to visit with the Great Forest Orcs and learn about their religion. As detailed in the Tooth by tooth Wind of Fortune.

Judgement 33

  • Assembly: Urizen
  • Raised By: Callista
  • Judgement: The truly virtuous are loyal even through hardship and misfortune. We send Callista of the Dark Shard with 25 doses of liao to encourage the remaining Urizeni living in Spiral to take up arms and defend their homes. Loyalty is not displayed by words or deeds alone, but by unity of both.
  • Outcome: Not upheld (30-379)
  • Notes: Had it been enacted, this mandate would have spread the Urizeni rebellion across the whole of Spiral. As detailed in the A question of loyalty wind of fortune.

Judgement 40

  • Assembly: Urizen
  • Raised By: Herminius of the House of the Wanderer
  • Judgement: Failure is the death of greatness, We send Herminius of the House of the Wanderer with 75 doses of liao to encourage sword scholars throughout Urizen to separate the woman from the teachings and no longer venerate the actions of Sulemaine. Let us find new questions to ask.
  • Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majority (284-10)
  • Enacted: This mandate sunders the sword scholars, shattering the Temple of the Four Winds. It also damages the moral authority of the Urizen assembly, in light of their previous endorsement of Sulemaine, meaning every Urizen congregation receives 2 fewer votes and 1 fewer liao. As detailed in the A wisdom of questions wind of fortune.

Judgement 57

  • Assembly: Navarr
  • Raised By: Enis RootBloom
  • Judgement: For too long the peoples of Navarr have struggled to claim the entirety of their homes. Let us not sit idle whilst those who have stood with us suffer a similar fate. We send Enis Rootbloom with 50 doses of liao to encourage the people of Navarr to help the Great Forest Orcs in the fight to reclaim the Heart of Peytaht.
  • Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majority (355-0)
  • Enacted: Any Navarr army in the Barrens can support the Spears of the Pines and help them conquer the Heart of Peytaht, provided the general of the army takes an attacking order explicitly targetting the Heart of Peytaht and mention they are supporting the Great Forest Orcs. If this happens the Great Forest Orcs will claim the region and it will not require concedence by the Senate. It will also put to rest any concerns the Great Forest Orcs have expressed around the Navarr reticence to fight in the Barrens. As detailed in the Not to conquer wind of fortune. See also Judgement 149.

Judgement 63

  • Assembly: Freeborn
  • Raised By: Maria i Espiri i Guerra
  • Judgement: The National Assembly have already spoken, the Virtuous inspire others. We raised the burial mound to honour the Courage of the Jotun, and now they wish to raise a monument to the Virtue and honour of the Freeborn who defeated them - a permanent reminder of the strength of the Freeborn. We send Maria i Espiri i Guerra with ten thrones to urge the families of Kahraman to ensure the Jotun are escorted only to the burial mound to raise the monument, and then safely returned to their own lands.
  • Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majority (175-0)
  • Enacted: This mandate sees the visiting ghodi protected by an honour guard of Freeborn which will further demonstrate the worth of the Brass Coast to the Jotun. The Dhomiro of the Cinnabar Hills will not be able to take advantage of the opportunity to capture the ghodi and mithril. As detailed in the Between two mounds wind of fortune

Judgement 69

  • Assembly: Highborn
  • Raised By: Exarch Luke of the Navigators of Virtue
  • Judgement: Let every word you speak carry meaning. We send Exarch Luke of the Navigators of Virtue with 25 doses of liao to persuade the soldiers of the Valiant Pegasus to seek out orc septs oppressed by the Druj. Together we will find the right question.
  • Outcome: Upheld (437-0)
  • Enacted: The Valiant Pegasus will strive to minimise casualties when fighting in the Salt Flats of Sanath, and open channels of communication with the septs while fighting there. As detailed in the The cities and the city wind of fortune.

Judgement 73

  • Assembly: Dawn
  • Raised By: Ser Dindrane
  • Judgement: Test what you learn; only fools accept hearsay as truth. We send Ser Dindrane with 50 doses of liao to urge the faithful to visit Laroc to share in the lessons imparted there. Nothing is more virtuous than success.
  • Outcome: Not Upheld (74-192)

Judgement 113

  • Assembly: Wintermark
  • Raised By: Eldrid Vestardottir
  • Judgement: Consequences are the price of Ambition. We send Eldrid Vestardottir with 50 doses of liao to urge every citizen to contribute what resources they can spare to support the creation of a new Holy City at Bastion. Let our virtue echo through history for a thousand years.
  • Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majority (284-0)
  • Enacted. Wintermark will find what white granite and funds they can spare and donate them to support the construction of a sacred city in Bastion. Every Wintermark territory that is affected by this mandate will donate 12 wains of white granite and 24 crowns to support the commission each season for the next year. For the same period if it impossible to use a mandate to urge Wintermark t to support another commission or similar project that needed help. Any mandate in the Imperial Synod that urged Wintermark citizens to provide financial support to a different commission or cause will fail to affect the nation. Likewise any statement of principle in their national assembly that asks the nation for their support in this way will fail to produce a mandate. As detailed in the Blood will thicken Wind of Fortune.

Judgement 134

  • Assembly: Navarr
  • Raised By: Corey Wayfarer
  • Judgement: Consequences are the price of Ambition. We send Fintan Founders-Dance with 50 doses of liao to urge every citizen to contribute what resources they can spare to support the creation of a new Holy City at Bastion. Let our virtue echo through history for a thousand years..
  • Outcome: Upheld (276-26) the Greater Majority threshold for this judgement was 276.
  • Enacted. Navarr will find what white granite and funds they can spare and donate them to support the construction of a sacred city in Bastion. Every Navarr territory that is affected by this mandate will donate 12 wains of white granite and 24 crowns to support the commission each season for the next year. For the same period if it impossible to use a mandate to urge the Navarr to support another commission or similar project that needed help. Any mandate in the Imperial Synod that urged Navarr to provide financial support to a different commission or cause will fail to affect the nation. Likewise any statement of principle in their national assembly that asks the nation for their support in this way will fail to produce a mandate. As detailed in the Blood will thicken Wind of Fortune.

Judgement 149

  • Assembly: Loyalty
  • Raised By: Veikko Bondforger
  • Judgement: No priest can tell you what you are loyal to, but we can guide you on that path. Under the Eyes of Loyalty we send Veikko Bondforger to support the following mandate: For too long the people of Navarr have struggled to claim the entirety of their homes. Let us not sit idle while those who have stood with us suffer a similar fate. We send our priest with 50 doses of liao to encourage the people of Navarr to help the Great Forest Orcs in the fight to reclaim the Heart of Peytaht.
  • Outcome: Upheld (279-0)
  • Enacted: The Eyes of Loyalty will support Judgement 57.

Judgement 170

  • Assembly: Imperial Orcs
  • Raised By: Bleakshield Zorra
  • Judgement: If we are to be liberators not conquerors, then our pride must be conveyed by actions not by words alone. We send Skywise Rykana with 75 Thrones to provide food and other vital supplies to the Rahvin in Bitter Strand. All that is worthwhile is shared with those who deserve it.
  • Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majority (78-0)
  • Enacted: Imperial Orcs priests gather food and other vital supplies, and deliver them to the Rahvin. Their largesse will improve the sept's attitude, causing the Rahvin to become more well disposed to the Imperial Orcs, prepared to speak with them directly and securing their ability to negotiate with the orcs on behalf of the Empire. As detailed in the Not to conquer wind of fortune.

Judgement 199

  • Assembly: Marches
  • Raised By: Mel Bleak
  • Judgement: Those orcs who once were thralls of the Jotun are Marchers. They've been patient, and we won't keep them waiting while the rest of the Empire argues about what we know to be true. We send Sister Meredith with the egregore Jack to welcome them into our nation, and we will look to the paperwork later.
  • Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majority (264-0)
  • Enacted: With this risky mandate, the Marcher assembly makes it clear to their own people, and to the Empire, that the Mournwold Orcs should be Marchers. As detailed in the When Spring comes Wind of Fortune


At the Summit, the following appointments were proposed by the Assemblies of the Synod. You can find the names of citizens who currently hold Imperial titles in the Synod here.

Judgement 2

  • Assembly: Pride
  • Raised By: Tribune
  • Judgement: Appointment of the Cardinal of Pride
  • Outcome: Zadkiel de Courdefer was appointed with 306 votes. Constanza i Kalamar i Guerra received 108 votes. Jedediah Boon of the Ore Hills received 107 votes. Ubarius of Tropaion Citadel received 65 votes. Ephron of Adina's Charge received 16 votes.

Judgement 12

  • Assembly: Ambition
  • Raised By: Tribune
  • Judgement: Appointment of the Virtue Inquisitor
  • Outcome: Sebastiano was appointed with 70 votes. Eska Harakadottir received 66 votes. Callista received 46 votes. Eldrid Vestardottir received 10 votes.

Judgement 14

  • Assembly: Imperial Orc
  • Raised By: Tribune
  • Judgement: Appointment of Guide to the Lost
  • Outcome:' Ikahn was appointed with 26 votes.

Judgement 25

  • Assembly: Vigilance
  • Raised By: Tribune
  • Judgement: Appointment of Virtue Inquisitor
  • Outcome: Sam Wychelm was appointed with 92 votes. Brother Geoffrey ORchard received 63 votes. Dagon and Galeas each received 0 votes.

Judgement 30

  • Assembly: Highborn
  • Raised By: Tribune
  • Judgement: Appointment of the Archivist of the Echoing Obelisk
  • Outcome: Enoch of Felix's Watch was appointed with 196 votes. Elkiah of the Shattered Tower was appointed with 60 votes.

Judgement 41

  • Assembly: Dawn
  • Raised By: Tribune
  • Judgement: Appointment Challenger in Waiting
  • Outcome: Earl of Fools appointed with 84 votes. Captain Charge received 8 votes. Damarian Orzel received 16 votes. Earl D'Eon Novarion received 10 votes. Galahad Audrax received 10 votes. Lady Nimue DeRondell received 10 votes. Hector de Sarroi received 0 votes. Sir Gaeris received 0 votes. Henry Vallarios received 0 votes. Tal Fracrasser of House Vexille received 0 votes.

Judgement 42

  • Assembly: Dawn
  • Raised By: Tribune
  • Judgement: Appointment of the Knight of the Greenwood
  • Outcome: Earl Percival Summerstrong was appointed with 108 votes. Enchantress Armand Remys received 107 votes. Lord Lucien deCoeurdefer received 52 votes. Mordrain Sepulchre received 10 votes.

Judgement 43

  • Assembly: Highborn
  • Raised By: Tribune
  • Judgement: Appointment of the Abbess of Reconciliation
  • Outcome: Sister Rosa of the Chantry was appointed with 360 votes. Berrak of the Navigators of Virtue received 74 votes.

Judgement 44

  • Assembly: Varushka
  • Raised By: Tribune
  • Judgement: Appointment of the Guardian of the Maze of Zoria
  • Outcome: Illya Nikovitch Volkov was appointed with 166 votes. Kalina Jadwigowna Piesnkova received 52 votes.

Judgement 60

  • Assembly: Dawn
  • Raised By: Tribune
  • Judgement: Apointment of the Reeve of Greenforest Fair
  • Outcome: Arlen Foreman-Smith was appointed with 176 votes.

Judgement 65

  • Assembly: Courage
  • Raised By: Tribune
  • Judgement: Appointment of the Champion of Courage.
  • Outcome: Emrys i Guerra, Pris Jackdaw's Call, Salome i Nadir i Erigo all received 20 votes so the title was not appointed. Ser Drysford received 10 votes. Coren Lonestrider and Thomir of the Cenotaph each received 0 votes,
  • Notes: See Judgement 161

Judgement 81

  • Assembly: Wisdom
  • Raised By: Tribune
  • Judgement: Appointment of the Champion of Wisdom
  • Outcome: Valens Leos was appointed with 119 votes. Elagabala received 69 votes. Iza Mor'goed received 0 votes.

Judgement 126

  • Assembly: Highborn
  • Raised By: Tribune
  • Judgement: Appointment of the Lepidean Librarian
  • Outcome: Hazelelponi of the Shattered Tower was appointed with 280 votes. Carlos i Navigator of Virtue i Guerra received 78 votes. Jard of the Suns of Couros received 62 votes.

Judgement 161

  • Assembly: Courage
  • Raised By: Tribune
  • Judgement: Appointment of Champion of Courage
  • Outcome: Thomir was appointed with 126 votes. Pris Jackdaw's Call received 66 votes. Coren Lonestrider received 10 votes.

Special Considerations

The following considerations should be borne in mind when bringing judgements before the Imperial Synod during the Autumn Equinox.

All AssembliesStatements that prioritise the greater good over personal loyalties are less effective.Eyes of LoyaltyOngoing
All AssembliesStatements that try to compel Loyalty will fail.Eyes of LoyaltyOngoing
All AssembliesRevocations and Excommunications for disloyalty to the nation or Empire would risk causing dissent.Eyes of LoyaltyOngoing
All AssembliesAny mandate that does not pass with a greater majority will have limited or no effect on Urizen or Varushka. It is not impossible that a mandate might lead to a response in one of the two nations, but it won't lead to any immediate consequences for the people of the nation. Urizen Link, Varushka Link.Ongoing
Highguard The Highborn National Assembly can submit alternate mandates to mandates presented in any National Assembly.Partner of GreatnessLasts until the the end of the Winter Solstice 385YE
Highguard The Highborn National Assembly can pass a statement of principle to call on their nation to support the Imperial Orcs, the Marches, or Wintermark.Peerless KinshipLasts until the the end of the Winter Solstice 385YE
Urizen The Urizen National Assembly can submit alternate mandates to mandates presented in the Highborn Assembly.Partner of GreatnessLasts until the the end of the Winter Solstice 385YE
League The League National Assembly can submit alternate mandates to mandates presented in the Highborn Assembly.Partner of GreatnessLasts until the the end of the Winter Solstice 385YE
Varushka The Varushkan National Assembly can submit alternate mandates to mandates presented in the Highborn Assembly.Partner of GreatnessLasts until the the end of the Winter Solstice 385YE

Alternative Mandates

Prior to the summit, the following alternative mandates were proposed by members of the Synod.

Member Link to mandate Notes
Aurum of the Nightingale Temple A question of loyalty
Herminius of the House of the Wanderer Not to conquer A use of Partner of Greatness for the Urizen Assembly
Maximillian Ankarien Not to conquer A use of Partner of Greatness for the Urizen Assembly
Brynn Tendfallen Not to conquer
Nathair Autumngale Not to conquer
Enis RootBloom Not to conquer
Corey Wayfarer Not to conquer
Jared of the Suns of Couros Restraint A use of Partner of Greatness for the Highborn Assembly
Maria i Espiri i Guerra Between two mounds
Ahraz i Guerra Between two mounds

The Virtue Fund

The following represents the Virtue Fund of the Synod:

Starting Value 26 Thrones, 2 Rings
Rewarding 21 Thrones Rewarding to Estella Lucati following Judgement 8 being upheld.
Income 12 Rings Donation by the Secretary General of the Civil Service from the sale of writing implements.
Income 5 Rings Donation by Lysimachus.
Income 70 Thrones The price paid in the Bourse Auction for the dose of True Liao.
Rewarding 9 Thrones, 2 Crowns, 11 Rings Rewarding to Lysimachus following Judgement 28 being upheld.
Rewarding 35 Thrones Rewarding to Rafael Barossa di Tassato following Judgement 10 being upheld.
Rewarding 28 Thrones Rewarding to Jules von Holberg following Judgement 45 being upheld.
Rewarding 2 Thrones, 6 Crowns, 8 Rings Rewarding to Pontus Figures following Judgement 95 being upheld (insufficient funds for full rewarding).
Income 14 Rings Donation by the Secretary General of the Civil Service from the sale of writing implements.
Closing Value 14 Rings

Doses of True Liao

Six doses of True Liao were disbursed this summit:

  • One dose in connection to the Lepidean University to Fintan Founders' Dance via Judgement X
  • One dose to Gisli by purchase in the Public Auction
  • One dose to Anastasiya Volkov by decision of the Gatekeepers
  • One dose to Esteban i Del Rio Blanco i Guerra by decision of the Gatekeepers
  • One dose to Tom Appleseed by decision of the Gatekeepers
  • One dose awarded by the Gatekeepers at a previous summit to Livia Cascade