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"Ber says they're going to consecrate her tomb."

Anna rolled her eyes at her old drinking companion. "Berengar says lots of things. You spend too much time with him. He hangs out with a bad crowd" her voice trailed off

"Hey! That's not fair - I thought I was the bad crowd?" mocked Dieter. "Anyway, you were the one who introduced us..." he grinned at her, daring her to say it wasn't true.

"Yes I was - and now I regret it. Ever since you two got together, it's been Berengar this and Berengar that. I'm sick of hearing about him."

"Well excuse me, for enjoying a little night-time company for a change!" Dieter adopted a look of mock pain, but he couldn't keep it up for long. "Anyway, that sword scholar woman you were talking about. Berengar says they're going to consecrate her tomb..." his voice drifted off before he added "with true liao" to emphasize his point.

"Yeah I heard. I dunno, it doesn't seem like that big a deal? Some dead Urizen warrior is getting a tomb..."

"Actually she was Freeborn originally" Dieter interrupted before she could finish "And anyway, I thought you liked what she had to say. All that thinking for yourself stuff. What was it you said 'You should try it Dieter'?"

Anna wondered for a moment, what version of the Labyrinth she'd been cursed to wander that meant that Dieter of all people was lecturing her on history. "I like what they teach at the Academy. About rejecting all dogma. That makes good sense to me. But the rest of it just feels like something for the wizards." She paused for a moment to martial her thoughts. "Look at it this way Dieter - it's a long way to Morrow... do you even know where it is?" Dieter had seen plenty of maps of the Empire and everyone knew Urizen was in the south somewhere, but she was pretty confident he wouldn't know one territory from another, any more than she did. "It's a long journey - that's expensive. That's good money you could be spending on drinking wine with Ber. So the point is are you gonna trudge all that way to see this tomb?"

Dieter grinned... "I do like wine" he confessed "I cannot lie."

"Right. So you're not going anywhere near this tomb are you? And I'll bet nobody else outside Urizen is either. This is a matter just for them. Now it'd be different if she were some kind of paragon. I reckon a whole lot more people would sit up and take notice of what she said then..."

Sulemaine i Taziel remains a controversial figure, but few doubt she was a woman of profoundly held conviction who left behind an enduring legacy


At the most recent summit, Able of Zenith Ascendant informed the Urizen Assembly of the intention of Herminius of the House of the Wanderer to use true liao to consecrate the tomb of Sulemaine, daughter of Taziel to Wisdom. Herminius also raised a statement urging Urizen citizens to attend such a ceremony and indicating where the tomb was found. Both statements passed with a greater majority.

Recent developments have seen Sulemaine's legacy reconciled with the nation, but she remains deeply controversial. She was a crucial figure in Urizen's pre-Imperial history, achieving notoriety for her direct confrontation of Highborn missionaries who tried to spread the Way in Urizen. She denounced and executed any whose beliefs she considered insufficiently grounded in reason and logic and she became an inspiration to many. In the decades following her death, the sword scholars grudgingly adopted the virtues but they remained fiercely opposed the Way.

The Imperial Synod has repeatedly refused to recognise Sulemaine as an exemplar or paragon, so there is no single cardinal virtue with which she is associated. Many of the sword scholars, associate her with Wisdom and that is the virtue that Able has announced but a number of her current disciples cling to other beliefs. Arguments can be made for Ambition, Courage, Pride, or Vigilance perhaps but there are followers of the first sword scholar who espouse other paths.

It is not clear if it is even legal to create an inspirational tomb for Sulemaine. Traditionally such an honour has always been reserved for exemplars and paragons. In practical terms, Imperial laws on blasphemy forbid "promoting false virtues and the teachings of false exemplars or false paragons" but the Imperial Synod have previously said that she cannot be considered a false paragon. Provided they continue to hold that line then the Imperial magistrates won't have a case to prosecute.

In the winter of 384YE our nation demonstrated our dedication to the restoration of Zenith to the Empire by constructing the Crucible of Fate in Iteri in a single season but we can climb higher still. I call upon the faithful of Urizen to Witness the Consecration of the Crucible of Fate to the virtue of Prosperity - to remind all who work there, and all who live in Zenith that no reward is beyond our reach if we strive for it. The Urizen national assembly calls upon the faithful to gather in Morrow and witness the consecration of the tomb of Sulemaine I Taziel to Wisdom by Herminius of the House of the Wanderer before proceeding together to Zenith to Iteri to witness the consecration of the Crucible of Fate to Prosperity by Bartimaeus of Zenith Ascendant.

Able, Zenith Ascendant, Urizen Assemblyt, Spring Equinox 385YE, Vote: Greater Majority 353-10

Who Has The Right

The easiest route to create an inspirational tomb for an exemplar or paragon is for a statement of principle supporting the effort to be passed by the relevant virtue assembly. The Assembly of Loyalty might raise the issue of using true liao to memorialise the memory of a recognised exemplar of Loyalty like Bolstering Bill. This instance is more complicated because Sulemaine is not an exemplar or a paragon - her followers say that "she taught and practised widely on the virtue of Wisdoms" but that claim has never been fully approved by the Imperial Synod with a formal judgement of recognition. In theory that makes it impossible for any virtue assembly to pass an effective statement calling for the creation on an inspirational memorial.

The Virtuous apply what they have learned: the Sword Scholars undermine this with their ruthless and indiscriminate opposition to the expressed will of the Synod. Their founder, Sulemaine i Taziel, taught them to browbeat, silence, and murder any who raised a dissenting voice. They would rather strike down a soul seeking the right question than face an unwelcome truth. We should stand against such narrow minded and dogmatic behaviour. Those of scholarly inclination should look to the Exemplars Kala Windward and Avigliana di Sarvos, not to Sulemaine i Taziel. Above all, we should not let the will of the Synod be stymied by followers of a lawless sect whose philosophy promotes silence, shame, and inaction..

Rafael Barossa di Tassato, Autumn Equinox 383YE, Vote: {{{vote}}}

By process of elimination that would mean that the General Assembly alone could muster sufficient moral authority to ensure the public recognition needed to create an effective memorial for the Paragon of Blades. But unless the Synod changes their mind after five centuries of rejecting the notion that Sulemaine was an exemplar or paragon, that too will prove impossible. Sulemaine dedicated her life to fighting for a vision of Urizen that was unencumbered by The Way. Her followers have worked tirelessly for years to undermine the authority of the Synod and rid Urizen of what Sulemaine denounced as the pernicious influence of a foreign religion. She is the single most prominent critic of the Imperial Synod and the General Assembly that anyone can recall. It was barely two years ago that the General Assembly publicly condemned Sulemaine and her followers in the strongest possible terms. It would undermine the General Assembly if they now alter course to elevate the one figure in Imperial history who more than anybody else, epitomises open hostility to the moral authority of the Synod.

Normally a national assembly would not have the requisite moral authority across the Empire to create an effective inspirational tomb. The influence of the sword scholars has been growing in recent times, with developments in the League, but she is still a little known figure outside of Urizen and Highguard. Monks and friars in the Marches who are pursuing Wisdom are unlikely to make a pilgrimage across the Empire to visit Sulemaine's tomb no matter how much the Urizen Assembly lauds her. Without the recognition that the status of exemplar would provide, the influence of Sulemaine will always be limited in scope.

However, while Sulemaine might not be well known in Wintermark or even her original home in the Brass Coast, she is a pivotal figure in Urizen's history. Because of her singular status as a uniquely national figure - one who identified completely with the nation of Urizen and utterly rejected the Way - the Urizen National Assembly could chose to endorse an effective mandate to create an inspirational tomb for her if they so wish. With the backing of Urizen priests, such a site would see a regular stream of visitors, from the fanatical to the merely curious. Sulemaine's legacy would be preserved as permanently as the aura that supported it, inspiring a new generation of Urizen to take up the fight against the Imperial Synod.

During the Spring Solstice 384YE I funded an excavation of caverns and ruins in Peregro, during our investigation of the site it was revealed that this was the final resting place of Sulemaine i Taziel. People of Urizen I call on you to witness and support my use of True Liao in permanently consecrating this cavern to Wisdom. Let it mark this site and Morrow as a place where dedicants of Wisdom through debate may test what they have learned and take that important next step on their path to Virtue. This is not all. For this season Urizen will be blessed with a second dose of True Liao. From Morrow I ask that you follow me on to Iteri in Zenith, to the site of the newly Constructed Crucible of Fate, to witness its concentration by Bartimeus of Zenith Ascendant.

Herminius, House of the Wanderer, Urizen Assemblyt, Spring Equinox 385YE, Vote: Greater Majority 293-20

Where The Body Lies

  • Creating an inspirational tomb for Sulemaine means no statement of principle or mandate from the General Assembly, the Assembly of Nine, or the Virtue Assemblies will affect Urizen ever again
  • Statements of principle by the Urizen Assembly will only affect Urizen if they achieve a greater majority and are completely unanimous

When the Synod indicated that it wished to create an inspirational memorial to Adelmar the Lion, the civil service were able to identify three viable sites that would be most effective. In theory a memorial can be placed anywhere, but in practice it needs to be a site that has a strong historical connection to the figure's life. The nature of that connection between the exemplar and the site chosen can have a big impact on the way visitors perceive them.

In this case however, it is very clear that Herminius and his fellow sword scholars have already identified the single most suitable location for an inspirational tomb. It is often incredibly difficult to locate the final resting place of ancient historical figures, but the civil service have examined the area magically and all the evidence suggests that Herminius is right and that Sulemaine was buried at this very spot. Given that connection, given that her soul came to rest here, there can be no question that this is the single most powerful connection with Sulemaine that still endures. There is no sign that any part of the Paragon of Blades still lingers here, but there are at least two ghosts of her followers who do still haunt the area. That means that in addition to experiencing the powerful aura, visitors to the tomb may come face to face with those who actually fought alongside her in her battles against the Highborn.

As a consequence, consecrating this site as an inspirational tomb to Sulemaine will have a dramatic impact. In the past when the Urizen Assembly have encouraged the virtuous to take inspiration from the life led by Sulemaine it has led to priests in the nation openly challenging the edicts of the Synod and interrogating priests looking to spread the Synod's mandates. These efforts made it more difficult for the Synod to enact its will. Creating an inspirational tomb for Sulemaine, a place where the virtuous could go to meditate while contemplating the life and works of the first sword scholar would create an immovable object that would ensure that Urizen was fundamentally freed of the influence of the Imperial Synod. The effects would be permanent, at least for as long as the aura in the tomb remained intact.

If that happens (no matter which virtue is chosen, see below) then no statement of principle or mandate that is passed by the General Assembly, the Assembly of Nine or the virtue assemblies will affect Urizen ever again. The questors and sword scholars will not spare the Urizen Assembly for Sulemaine's most dedicated followers are no hypocrites. Their priests may have slightly more influence but everyone who tries to offer guidance to their fellow citizens will face the same relentless questioning. No statement of principle passed by the Urizen Assembly will lead to opportunities unless it passes with a greater majority and is completely unanimous. Even a single priest voting against a statement will be enough to doom it - a clear sign that the statement has flaws and needs further questioning.

That leaves only the matter of the Virtue to be chosen for the consecration. The original statement made clear that the aura should be dedicated to Wisdom so that is the first choice that the civil service have considered. It is not the only option however...

Heminius 2.jpg
Herminius, of the House of the Wanderer in battle

Dagger Of The Mind

  • Consecrating the tomb to Wisdom will cause a flowering of philosophy throughout Urizen
  • The Arbiter of the Four Winds would gain the ability to oppose a single Synod mandate each season

Stories agree that Sulemaine constantly encouraged independent thinking, and the importance of never accepting the answers or limitations imposed by others. Many of her followers claim that this clearly demonstrates the virtue of Wisdom. One of the five tenets encourages the virtuous to despise folly and chastise those who spread it. Sulemaine did much more than simply chastise the foolish. She dedicated her life to hunting down Highborn missionaries, exposing the weaknesses in their arguments and then murdering them in cold blood whenever they came up short.

Thought and action; separate they are meaningless folly. We send {named priest} with one dose of true liao to consecrate the tomb of Sulemaine daughter of Taziel to the virtue of Wisdom and to remind every citizen that any task can be performed perfectly. To doubt this is to fail before you have even begun.

Synod Mandate, Urizen National Assembly

If this mandate is enacted then the inspiration provided by the tomb, consecrated to Wisdom, will bring a renewed flowering of interest in every branch of philosophy, especially ethics and moral reasoning. It would lead to a blossoming of new ideas as people seek out alternatives to the ideas prescribed by the doctrines of the Way. More Urizen would take an interest in philosophy, ethics, and religion to the point where the nation comes to rival Highguard for the importance placed on such issues. But where the Highborn stress the importance of orthodox devotion to the Way in helping to keep the Empire unified with a common purpose, Sulemaine's example would encourage Urizen to take heterodox approaches in all things.

The consecration would also empower those sword scholars who seek to actively oppose the influence of the Imperial Synod in Urizen and elsewhere. As a result of their strong backing for the Arbiter of the Four Winds, that position would gain the ability to oppose a single Synod mandate each season. The Arbiter would be able to submit a single mandate to the Urizen Assembly calling on sword scholars and other priests to oppose another mandate. The mandate would need to use the following wording:

Test what you learn; only fools accept hearsay as truth. We send the Arbiter of the Four Winds with {x} doses of liao to encourage every priest to challenge Synod judgement XX, calling for...

Synod Mandate, Urizen National Assembly

If the mandate were enacted then sword scholars would support the Arbiter in challenging the other mandate described in the judgement. The Arbiter would need to provide the same amount of liao as the original mandate required and obviously the Arbiter's judgement would need to pass the Synod with a greater majority and without opposition. If that happened then the original judgement called out by the Arbiter would be impossible to enact, it's progress impeded everywhere by the challenging interrogation of the sword scholars.

Many Steps on The Way

  • The Urizen Assembly could consecrate the tomb to Ambition, Courage, Pride or Vigilance
  • The prognosticators cannot be certain what the effects would be

Wisdom is not the only virtue associated with Sulemaine. The Paragon of Blades despised the Way, seeing it as an existential threat that would undermine Urizen's commitment to reason and enlightenment. She sought out the Highborn missionaries to expose the falsehoods she believe they spread in their wake, claiming that revelation was a poison that infested the mind. She dedicated her life to root out this poison wherever it put down roots. Thus some claim that her fight to defend Urizen against the Way exemplified the virtue of Vigilance.

Others have argued that Paragon of Blades exemplified Courage. She took the fight to the priests who came to spread the Way, determined to oppose them in every way, with words as well as swords. She refused to deviate from the path, hewing to the course she had chosen no matter the adversity she faced. She was a peerless warrior, who cleaved to what she believed to be true, even while others urged her to doubt.

Others scholars have claimed that it was Pride that drove Sulemaine to oppose the Way, saying it was the love of Urizen and it's traditions that make her an inspiring figure. That a woman born on the Brass Coast might prize Urizen so highly could only happen because of the Pride she felt in her adoptive homeland. She proclaimed her commitment to her arete in every debate and duel she took part in. She executed those she defeated because she despised the half-hearted, those who pretend to a great wisdom they do not possess.

The tomb could also be consecrated to Ambition. That Sulemaine ultimately failed to prevent the Highborn bringing the Way to Urizen, is a testament to how extraordinary the challenge facing her was. She tried to fell the forest one tree at a time, seeking to stop the missionaries by opposing personally. She understood it was better to try and fail than not to try at all and it is eminently clear from her writings that she never wavered in the belief that her goal was beyond her grasp.

Any Urizen priest could submit an alternative mandate calling on the Urizen Assembly to consecrate the tomb to one of these four virtues. If that mandate passed with a greater majority then it would have a significant effect. In each case Urizen would be permanently shifted beyond the Synod's influence as outlined above. In addition, the the civil service prognosticators are confident that there would be the additional effects comparable with the benefits outlined for Wisdom above, but they cannot be certain exactly what they would be.

Interred With Their Bones

  • Consecrating the tomb to Hate would enable Urizen to raise a second army
  • It would reduce the number of magicians contributing to the Doyen of the Spires, lowering the effective rate of codification to 3 ranks per territory

Sulemaine was an implacable enemy of the Highborn missionaries who sought to spread the way in Urizen, hunting them down, challenging them, and executing them whenever the opportunity presented itself. She could have chosen to oppose them with words alone, challenging them to debate their philosophy. Instead she chose to execute any who she felt could not fully justify their faith. There are a handful of followers of Sulemaine whose names are linked to spiritual forces outside the seven virtues of the Way. Such individuals are wise enough not to make the journey to Anvil - the sword scholars may have been reconciled with wider Urizen society, but these scholars well understand how their perspective is viewed by the Empire.

One such priest, Severus of the Blinding Sun, is a peripatetic sword scholar who travels around Peregro in Morrow. According to the civil service records he has not visited Anvil in over two decades. He is not misanthropic; people who have spoken with him have commented that he is personable enough. However his objection to the Synod and opposition to the influence of the Empire on Urizen is completely implacable. When news of Herminius' statement reaches the aging scholar he makes an offer to provide Urizen with the capability to consecrate the inspirational tomb to a virtue outside the seven virtues of the Way.

Of course many will reject such an offer as a violation of the Way, but Severus is unflinching. He argues that Sulemaine despised the Way and utterly rejected the dogma of the Highborn priests who tried to spread it. She would never have allowed her access to the virtues to be curtailed by Imperial law and the doctrines of the faith - so why should her followers?

Tolerance is the crack in the foundation of a strong society. We send {named priest} with a dose of true liao to consecrate the tomb of the Paragon of Blades to the virtue of inviolate perfection to remind Urizen that mercy is weakness. To be without mercy is to be without limits.

Synod Mandate, Urizen National Assembly

If this mandate is enacted it will remind every Urizen that Sulemaine was first and foremost a warrior who fought for the things she believed in - and who opposed every threat to Urizen with ruthless force. She taught her followers that mercy was a weakness and pity an illusion. Modern sword scholars have largely set aside Sulemaine's methods, preferring to focus on the way she would challenge and debate those she encountered to test the Wisdom of their beliefs. Consecrating the tomb to hate would remind everyone of the less savoury elements of Sulemaine's personal history: that she did much more than just challenge priests to defend their views, she challenged them to defend their lives. Her followers would be reminded of her ferocious commitment to arete in battle and the will to use it against any threat no matter how its nature.

The nation would see a flowering of independent thinking, a rejection of the benefits of the union with the Empire with sword scholars pointing to Sulemaine's uncompromising hostility for any outside influence. Those who meditated at the tomb would feel driven to ensure that Urizen sought a new future, one free of the constraints and limitations imposed by other nations. People would be motivated to take up the sword, just as Sulemaine did, and seek to combat any force that seeks to hold the nation back. Peaceful discussion will be discarded in favour of armed opposition as each individual seeks to confront the challenges facing the nation and strive to keep it pure.

It would become possible for Urizen to raise a second army, one of sword scholars, inspired by Sulemaine's legacy. It would require 200 wains of mithril and 50 thrones and take a year to complete as normal, but there would be enough sword scholars to sustain an entire armed force to rival the Citadel Guard. It is not clear what quality the new army might possess, but one feature it would definitely have is an abiding dislike for the Empire and it's influence over Urizen. This might not be a problem provided the general was a sword scholar chosen by the senators of Urizen, but it would be impossible for a general appointed by the Imperial Senate to issue any orders to the army. The independent minded sword scholars would follow Sulemaine's example and refuse to follow the directions of anyone who had been chosen by people from outside Urizen.

Such benefits would not come without a cost however. Urizen is able to maintain the extraordinary benefits of the Doyen of the Spires due to the presence of so many magicians in the nation. It is their commitment to the study of magic in all its forms that enables the college to function to full effect. The only way Urizen could form a second army, is if thousands of the nation's most promising students chose to take up the sword and dedicate themselves to battle rather than the contemplative study of magic. If that happened, then this would mean less magicians supporting the Doyen in their research. Going forward, each territory in Urizen would contribute 3 ranks to the Doyen of the Spires, rather than 5.

Severus does not propose to carry out the consecration himself - he believes that honour should go to one chosen by Herminius and the other sword scholars who have done so much to restore Sulemaine's legacy. Instead he offers to meet with the named priest to dedicate them to his virtue, to allow them to conduct the ceremony. There is no question of him coming to Anvil, but he has sent correspondence to a few prominent sword scholars to let them know where they might find him if they chose to. A small group of priests could use that information to meet with Severus if they were so inclined. This is the only way anyone is ever likely to meet the old priest. There are absolutely no circumstances of any kind at all under which he would acknowledge the authority of the Imperial Synod nor accede to any summons issued by them.

Make Their Wills Their Law

  • The Imperial Synod has limited ability to oppose the consecration

The General Assembly of the Imperial Synod have limited ability to influence Urizen directly, partly because of the enduring opposition of the sword scholars. They could raise a statement of principle attempting to address the situation, but if the Urizen National Assembly choses to proceed with the consecration then it would be too late for any statement by the General Assembly, (or any other assembly) to intervene. Whether or not this consecration proceeds - and how - is now a matter for the Urizen Assembly and is beyond the ability of any other assembly to influence the support for that decision directly.

There are two steps the the Synod could take that would have a significant impact. They could reverse their earlier judgement and declare that Sulemaine is a false paragon. This would enable them to use a judgement of sanction to condemn as blasphemy, any attempt to use true liao to consecrate an inspirational tomb to someone the Synod has repeatedly said is not as an exemplar or paragon. That would mean any priests involved with the consecration would come to the attention of the Imperial magistrates who would try and investigate the act as a potential crime.

Whether that will stop anyone remains to be seen. It most certainly would not have stopped Sulemaine, daughter of Taziel.

The other option would be to send a priest with true liao to remove the aura on Sulemaine's tomb. That would be expensive, it would require a second dose of true liao to remove the aura created by the first. It would also be physically difficult, the sword scholars in Morrow would almost certainly move to oppose such an action. Some of them would confine their resistance to verbal opposition to the Synod, but nobody thinks that is how Sulemaine i Taziel would have responded. Given the numbers of sword scholars in the area, the Imperial Synod would have to arrange for an Imperial army to accompany the priest with explicit orders to escort them to the tomb, otherwise the attempt would fail.

While in theory, the logical choice for such an action might be the Citadel Guard, the feud between the sentinels and Sulemaine's followers has existed for the best part of five centuries. Sending sentinels to ensure the desecration of the tomb of the first sword scholar would be incendiary, as a repetition of the events that saw the sword scholars driven underground in the first place.