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During the Summer Solstice 385YE Summit, the Imperial Synod raised TBC judgements.


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The following considerations should be borne in mind when bringing judgements before the Imperial Synod during the Summer Solstice.

  • All Assemblies: Statements that prioritise the greater good over personal loyalties are less effective. This is permanent effect of the Eyes of Loyalty.
  • All Assemblies: Statements that try to compel Loyalty will fail. This is permanent effect of the Eyes of Loyalty.
  • All Assemblies: Revocations and Excommunications for disloyalty to the nation or Empire would risk causing dissent. This is permanent effect of the Eyes of Loyalty.
  • All Assemblies: Any mandate that does not pass with a greater majority will have limited or no effect on Urizen or Varushka. It is not impossible that a mandate might lead to a response in one of the two nations, but it won't lead to any immediate consequences for the people of the nation. This lasts until some new turn of events changes things. Urizen Link. Varushka Link.
  • Partner of Greatness: The National Assembly of Highguard can submit alternate mandates to mandates presented in any National Assembly. The National Assemblies of Urizen, The League, and Varushka are able to submit alternate mandates to those presented to the Highborn National Assembly. Lasts until the the end of the Winter Solstice 385YE. Link
  • A Peerless Kinship: The Highborn National Assembly can pass a statement of principle to call on their nation to support Dawn, Imperial Orcs, the Marches, Wintermark, or Varushka. Lasts until the end of the Winter Solstice 385YE. Link


Judgement 16

  • Assembly: Highborn
  • Raised By: Hazelelponi of the Shattered Tower
  • Judgement: The Highborn Assembly sends Hazelelponi of the Shattered Tower with 50 doses of liao to lead the Wayfarers and Pilgrims to Sulemaine's Tomb. We embrace our past and acknowledge that the Sword Scholars once met Wayfarers with the blade. But now we see the commitment from Urizen in their assurance that "Sulemaine's enemies are not our enemies" (Judgement 47, Winter 389YE). They have not been complacent in their words and met our Grey Pilgrims with spiritual debate. Inspired by Sulemaine's example, we will test what we've learnt and continue inspiring excellence in each other. As such, we have come to bear witness to Urizen's decision and spread word of it through Highguard.
  • Outcome: Upheld (443-265) this was a margin of 178

Judgement 28

  • Assembly: Highborn
  • Raised By: Isaac of Silent Tide
  • Judgement: Vigilance teaches us to seek out falsehood and reveal the truth. We send Isaac of the Silent Tide with 50 doses of liao to urge the unconquered and the priests of our nation to help the Seventh Wave root out the poison in our fields.
  • Outcome: Upheld with a greater majority (834-0) this was a margin of 834

Judgement 31

  • Assembly: Dawnish
  • Raised By: Starac Orzel
  • Judgement: We have aimed high and pursued our dreams, now they are within our grasp at last. We send Starac Orzel with 50 doses of liao to urge Dawnish citizens to come to the Barrens and help rebuild this broken land. Cleave to what you know is true, even where others wish you to doubt..
  • Outcome: Failed (66-189)

Judgement 56

  • Assembly: Marcher
  • Raised By: Friar John of the Mourn
  • Judgement: Consequences are the price of Ambition. We send Friar John of the Mourn with 50 doses of liao to urge every citizen to contribute what resources they can spare to support the creation of a new Holy City at Bastion. Let our virtue echo through history for a thousand years.
  • Outcome: Upheld with a greater majority (170-30) this was a margin of 140

Judgement 57

  • Assembly: Urizen
  • Raised By: Lochias of Oblivion's Edge
  • Judgement: The Virtuous build up their fellows. We send Lochias of Oblivion's Edge with 50 doses of liao to encourage those Urizen magicians who with to stay to embrace a new future in the League. Let us share our values with them and make Apulian a city founded on philosophy, learning, and a vision for a better future.
  • Outcome: Failed (22-171)

Judgement 59

  • Assembly: Marcher
  • Raised By: Brother Geoffrey Orchard
  • Judgement: Better seek out the toadstool before it poisons the cattle. We send Brother Geoffrey Orchard with 25 doses of liao to encourage pilgrims of Vigilance who visit the consecrated orchard of Benson the Bellringer at Pickham to seek out the poison in their neighbour's field.
  • Outcome: Upheld with a greater majority (162-0) this was a margin of 162

Judgement 67

  • Assembly: Urizen
  • Raised By: Lepidina
  • Judgement: All that is worthwhile is shared only with those who deserve it. The League has taken Spiral and even now discusses abandoning it's name and history. We send Lepidina with 50 liao to encourage citizens of Urizen to refuse to share the secrets of the block or provide any other aid to the League until they prove they are more than the pretty opportunists.
  • Outcome: Upheld with a greater majority (358-0) this was a margin of 358

Judgement 74

  • Assembly: Dawnish
  • Raised By: Ser Dindrane
  • Judgement: Pride exalts and uplifts those who have been laid low by the wicked; we come to the Barrens not to conquer, but to liberate and restore those who have been trod underfoot by the Druj. We send Ser Dindrane with 50 doses of liao to urge Dawnish citizens not to settle beyond Dawnguard, but to rather put their words, steel, and coin to the cause of protecting and aiding the many inhabitants of the Barrens who have thrown of the yoke of the Buruk Tepel.
  • Outcome: Upheld with a greater majority (233-46) this was a margin of 358

Judgement 75

  • Assembly: Wintermark
  • Raised By: Cynerik
  • Judgement: Wisdom knows all knowledge is incomplete. We don't know what fate might befall us if Yulia Kasimiova Voronov enters the Sovevann, but we are not cowed by uncertainty. We send Cynerik with a single dose of liao to inter her body alongside those of Wintermark's greatest heroes.
  • Outcome: Withdrawn

Judgement 76

  • Assembly: Freeborn
  • Raised By: Maria i Espiri i Guerra
  • Judgement: The battle at Braydon's Jasse was hard fought and we honour the courage of those who remained behind to face us. We send Maria i Espiri i Guerra with 25 doses of liao and 5 thrones to urge the people of Kahraman to raise a burial mound over the dead Jotun. Our traditions are what define us, we believe all should be offered the opportunity to follow those traditions, especially in death.
  • Outcome: Upheld (150-16) this was a margin of 134

Judgement 84

  • Assembly: Urizen
  • Raised By: Clytemnestra
  • Judgement: Despise the thieving bandit and those who take without giving. We send Hector of Tropaion with 50 doses of liao to encourage citizens of Urizen to remain apart from Apulian until a reckoning is agreed upon.
  • Outcome: Upheld with a greater majority (330-0) this was a margin of 330

Judgement 90

  • Assembly: Urizen
  • Raised By: Galene Netherwatch
  • Judgement: The virtuous do not fear to act, and face unwelcome truths boldly. We send Galene Netherwatch with 10 doses of liao to provide support to the botanists of the Bleak Tower and help them face their fears.
  • Outcome: Upheld with a greater majority (358-0) this was a margin of 358

Judgement 92

  • Assembly: League
  • Raised By: Liliana di Sarvos
  • Judgement: Strive, toil and claim the just rewards of your labours. We send Lia Adelaar von Holberg with 50 thrones to lend to the Sand Fishers with which to buy the resources they need. No one knows what the morrow holds, but in this case it is a little under 8%.
  • Outcome: Upheld with a greater majority (445-0) this was a margin of 445

Judgement 94

  • Assembly: Dawnish
  • Raised By: Earl of Fools
  • Judgement: Our long toil to free the Barrens is complete, now we must claim the just rewards of our labours. We send Aramis du Froste with 50 doses of liao to urge our countryfolk to enjoy the fruits of our labour today.
  • Outcome: Upheld with a greater majority (237-22) this was a margin of 215

Judgement 101

  • Assembly: Urizen
  • Raised By: Able the Taller
  • Judgement: Strive, toil, and claim the just rewards of your labours. We send Bartimaeus of Zenith Ascendant with one dose of true liao to consecrate the Crucible of Fate to the virtue of Prosperity, to remind all who work there with no reward is beyond our reach if we strive for it.
  • Outcome: Upheld with a greater majority (298-10) this was a margin of 288

Judgement 112

  • Assembly: Highborn
  • Raised By: Brother Aemon
  • Judgement: Highborn! Our Marcher siblings have vigilantly raised the cry to defend our great Empire from the malignant operatives of the Whisper Gallery. We send Brother Aemon with 50 doses of liao to urge Highborn inquisitors and magisters to take inspiration of our Marcher siblings. Our nation's bed rock is founded on human destiny, the parasites of the Whisper Gallery will not stop our realisation of the fact!
  • Outcome: Upheld with a greater majority (700-0) this was a margin of 700

Judgement 114

  • Assembly: Highborn
  • Raised By: Wildfyre of Balthazar's Vineyard
  • Judgement: Let us build up our fellows. We send Wildfyre of Balthazar's Vineyard with 25 liao to urge Highborn and Varushkan citizens to share what weapons and armour they can to spare the Dreamers of the Dark Forest. All that is worthwhile is shared with those who deserve it.
  • Outcome: Upheld (351-164) this was a margin of 187

Judgement 121

  • Assembly: Imperial Orc
  • Raised By: Skywise Rykana
  • Judgement: We are loyal to the core. As other septs to join us, we must never forget our own proud history. We send Skywise Gralka with 10 doses of liao to encourage all Imperial Orcs to embrace a new name as we become the Sunstorm sept.
  • Outcome: Upheld with a greater majority (74-26) this was a margin of 48

Judgement 125

  • Assembly: Highborn
  • Raised By: Eli of the Cenotaph
  • Judgement: The holy city of Bastion is extraordinary, but nothing is beyond our grasp. We send Eli of the Cenotaph with 75 doses of liao to urge every citizen of Highguard to support this, and only this, until all the materials are provided.
  • Outcome: Upheld with a greater majority (639-0) this was a margin of 639

Judgement 127

  • Assembly: Loyalty
  • Raised By: Veikko Bondforger
  • Judgement: The Loyalty assembly sends Mazo with 25 liao to support the Urizen national assembly in their efforts to prevent the cultural genocide of the Spiral Urizeni with the mandate reading: Despise the thieving bandit and those who take without giving. We send our priest with 50 doses of liao to encourage citizens of Urizen to remain apart from Apulian until a reckoning is agreed upon. The role of the Loyalty assembly in this is to reassure people that the Empire does not intend to endorse their destruction and to keep open the channels of communication necessary for a reckoning to be agreed upon. There is a future in which this results in stronger bonds within the Empire and it is upon those dedicated to Loyalty to achieve this.
  • Outcome: Upheld with a greater majority (466-0) this was a margin of 466

Judgement 138

  • Assembly: Pride
  • Raised By: Harwyn Eternal
  • Judgement: The virtuous inspire others to greatness. We send Eska Crowspeaker with 75 doses of liao to urge priests to engage with the Hylje to learn their ways to discover if we might bring them to the Way.
  • Outcome: Upheld (268-0) this was a margin of 268

Judgement 139

  • Assembly: Freeborn
  • Raised By: Rocio i Fijadoz i Guerra
  • Judgement: The Sumaah are our allies and we are united by our shared love of Zemress. We send Rocio i Fijadoz i Guerra with 50 doses of liao to urge the corsairs to thwart the Asavean blockade of the Sumaah coast. Harass their warships to let the traders reach the port of Zemeh!
  • Outcome: Upheld (105-0) this was a margin of 105

Judgement 148

  • Assembly: League
  • Raised By: Emil Radana von Temeschwar
  • Judgement: All citizens should know the name of those who helped end the Vyig. We send Emil Radana von Temeschwar with 25 doses of liao to encourage citizens who prospered from their actions to reward these people for their work.
  • Outcome: Upheld (209-0) this was a margin of 209

Judgement 151

  • Assembly: Marcher
  • Raised By: Aliss Thorn
  • Judgement: The prosperous are not selfish and the proud proclaim their virtue by actions not words. Let every Marcher yeoman and steward welcome to the orcs of the Mournwold, and treat them as they would any other young Marcher seeking hard work and fair pay. We send Aliss Thorn with 75 doses of liao to ensure everyone knows that it is our ambition to make one people out of two, and a job that never gets started never gets finished.
  • Outcome: Upheld with a greater majority (200-0) this was a margin of 200

Judgement 163

  • Assembly: Varushkan
  • Raised By: Anatolij Paukov Zorkin
  • Judgement: Let us build up our fellows. We send Anatolij Paukov Zorkin with 25 doses of liao to urge Varushkan citizens to share what weapons and armour they can spare to arm the Dreamers of the Dark Forest. All that is worthwhile is shared with those who deserve it.
  • Outcome: Upheld (336-10) this was a margin of 326

Judgement 187

  • Assembly: Marcher
  • Raised By: Henry Fletcher
  • Judgement: Know your heart and what commands its devotion above all else. We send Henry Fletcher with 25 doses of liao to let everyone in Bregasland know that this is the land of the Strong Reeds, and they will never abandon it.
  • Outcome: Withdrawn

Judgement 190

  • Assembly: Marcher
  • Raised By: Brother Marcher Orchard
  • Judgement: We are at war with the Whisper Gallery, and anyone who helps them must be rooted out. It falls to the threshers to harvest this field of sorcerers. We send Brother Martin Orchard with 50 liao to urge the threshers to turn their full attention on agents of the Whisper Gallery, and deal with them using whatever tools are necessary. Shriving and clemency will both be available whenever they are needed.
  • Outcome: Upheld (134-10) this was a margin of 124

Judgement 195

  • Assembly: Highborn
  • Raised By: Kish of the Flame Beneath the Earth
  • Judgement: The vigilant prepare for malice, lest malice takes us unawares. We will stand with the Freeborn to defend their homes and march with them as they take back what has been lost. We send Kish of the Flame Beneath the Earth with 75 liao to urge the people of Highguard to support our Freeborn cousins in the coming war.
  • Outcome: Upheld (590-52) this was a margin of 538

Alternative Mandates

Prior to the summit, the following alternative mandates were proposed by members of the Synod.

Member Link to mandate Notes
Clytemnestra of the House of the Wanderer The deepest cut
Aspar The deepest cut
Lochias Of Oblivion's Edge The deepest cut
Elagabala The deepest cut
Hazelelponi The deepest cut
Konstantin Rabovich Bolotnikov Pride and prejudice A use of Partner of Greatness for the Varushkan Assembly
Velko Perunovich Razoradze Pride and prejudice
Maria i Espiri i Guerra Questions of virtue
Luca i Taziel i Riqueza Questions of virtue
Soratio i Del Toro i Guerra Questions of virtue
Tabris, Son of Armisael Questions of virtue A use of Partner of Greatness for the Highborn Assembly
Ser Dindrane A glorious victory
Sam Wych-Elm Welly boots
Dinah of Jeremiah's Welcome Rings and crowns A use of Partner of Greatness for the Highborn Assembly
Able the Taller The fate of the many
Hector of Tropaion The fate of the many
Martin Orchard Pruning shears
Aemon of the Suns of Couros Pruning shears A use of Partner of Greatness for the Highborn Assembly