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The Fell Iron Fury is a weapon for an individual. No nation could afford the cost of spreading these through even a small unit. However, a commander who leads from the front, or the sort of heroes who are sent through the portals to do great damage at a precise point - these are the people who the nations of the Empire outfits with their best. Few are the artisans with the knowledge of how to make them, fewer still the treasuries with the stores of green iron and ambergelt needed.

The Kohan of the Freeborn, the Sentinels of Urizen, or perhaps a particularly successful Warden. These are the people who will look to get themselves outfitted with a Fell Iron Fury. Fighters with the knowledge of when to strike to kill, when to disable, and when to knock down. Warriors with the skill to hit precisely enough to kill through the gaps in heavy armour; anyone can use the weapon will leave a lightly-armoured enemy dying.


  • Form: Pole-arm.
  • Effect: Twice per day you may either call CLEAVE or STRIKEDOWN with this weapon.
  • Materials: Crafting a Fell Iron Fury requires eighteen ingots of green iron, eight measures of ambergelt and six ingots of orichalcum. It takes one month to make one of these items.
"Did you hear what the right flank were saying? 'They have no fire in them, no spirit. That serenity speaks of a hollow soul, a soul of ice, nothing in it that would excite the smallest measure of loyalty, the passion that welds a family together, so that it will bleed for itself.'

Or the left? "They are only a mere breath from barbarism. Uncouth. That whirling, it's hardly a proper combat form. It's more dancing that war, really. Can only be coincidence when they do the right thing."

Who'd be a general in this Empire. I thank Loyalty it's so clear we hang together, or we'll hang separately.