Revision as of 17:16, 18 August 2018 by Rafferty (talk | contribs)
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To amend the powers of the Virtue Inquisitors: to gain the ability to raise an additional judgement of Inquisition to their Virtue Assembly, to be voted on to lesser majority, to replace their current power of ‘Inquisitor’s Judgement’. To also amend the appointment from Cardinal, to being voted on by their Virtue Assemblies.

Proposed by the Conscience of the Senate, seconded by Semmerholm.


  • To amend the power of the seven Virtue inquisitors.
    • They gain the ability to raise an additional judgement of Inquisition each summit
    • They lose the current power to escalate an Inquisition.
    • They are appointed by judgement of the appropriate Virtue assembly rather than by the decision of the Cardinal.
  • Passed


  • Spring 382YE

Campaign Outcome

  • The powers of the Virtue Inquisitors were amended.
  • As they are no longer appointed by the Cardinals, an appropriate election schedule has been arranged by the civil service.