(No difference)

Revision as of 00:55, 2 August 2020

The Throne

Imperial Senate

The Freeborn Senators

The Dawnish Senators

The Highborn Senators

The Imperial Orc Senator

The League Senators

The Marcher Senators

The Navarr Senators

The Urizeni Senators

The Varushkan Senators

The Wintermark Senators

Other Titles

Imperial Synod

The Assembly of Ambition

The Assembly of Courage

The Assembly of Loyalty

The Assembly of Pride

The Assembly of Prosperity

The Assembly of Wisdom

The Assembly of Vigilance

The Assembly of The Way

Other Titles

Imperial Military Council

The Freeborn Generals

The Dawnish Generals

The Highborn Generals

The Imperial Orc Generals

The League Generals

The Marcher Generals

The Navarr Generals

The Urizeni General

The Varushkan Generals

The Wintermark Generals

Other Titles

Imperial Conclave



Other Titles

Imperial Bourse

Imperial Bourse Positions

National Bourse Positions

Other Titles

Other Imperial Titles

Appointment by Senate Appointment

Appointment by Bourse Auction

Appointment by Bourse Vote

Appointment by Conclave Declaration

Appointment by Synod Judgement

Appointment by Throne Appointment

Appointment by Cardinal Appointment

Appointment by Not A Well Worn Path