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The Auditor of Senatorial Accountability is an Imperial ceremonial title created by the Imperial Senate in Spring 377YE with responsibility to investigate the use of Imperial funds by Senators.

The Imperial Senate has responsibility for allocating and spending the treasury. They do this by appointing individual Senators to oversee projects from building a shipyard to raising an army. They also disburse funds to worthy causes such as the Anvil hospital or toward the creation of valuable tools for the Empire. In all such cases, it is the responsibility of the chosen individual to ensure that the funds are used wisely and for the purpose they are intended.

In Spring 377YE, the Senate chose to create an auditor to oversee these activities. Given responsibility for ensuring funds were being spent for the purposes for which they had been disbursed, the Auditor is expected to report back to the Senate with its findings.


The Auditor of Senatorial Accountability is charged with ensuring that funds allocated to Senators by the Imperial Senate are spent wisely and for the purpose for which they were intended. The findings of the Auditor should be reported to the Senate.


The Auditor of Senatorial Accountability is a ceremonial title - it has no legal powers to force citizens to cooperate with investigations.

Nadezhda Darva.jpg
Nadezhda Darva, first Auditor of Senatorial Accountability

The Civil Service has outlined a number of possible powers that would be within the ability of the Senate to grant, and appropriate to the remit of the position, but assigning one or more of these powers would require further motions.


The title is appointed by decision of the Assembly of Nine. There is no requirement for the Auditor to be a member of the Synod, although it has been suggested that access to the Synod power of inquisition would be helpful in pursuing the responsibilities of the position in the absence of other powers.


The Auditor serves until they die, step down or are revoked.

The Auditor can be revoked by the General assembly or the Assembly of Nine.


  • The first holder of this title was Nadezhda Darva of Varushka, as of Spring 377YE.
  • They were succeeded by Autocephalous Patriarch L. Tolya Orbardenko of Temeschwar.
  • Tolya died during Winter 378YE and was succeeded by the Highborn magister Sargon of Felix's Watch.

Further Reading