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The Great Forest at Reikos is located on the southern borders of the Great Forest of Peytaht. It covers the eastern hills of Broken Ride in the previously Highborn territory of Reikos. Custodianship of the Great Forest grants an Imperial title; a seat on the Imperial Bourse; and a seasonal bounty of valuable weirwood

The Resource

On the borders of Reikos, the great forest is an abundant source of valuable timber including precious weirwood. It was lost when the territory was over-run by Druj barbarians and is not currently being auctioned.

On the borders of Reikos, covering the eastern hills of Broken Ride, the Great Forest is an abundant source of valuable timber including precious weirwood. It was lost when Broken Ride was over-run by Druj barbarians in 369YE.

  • Reference confusion due to status of territory
  • Reference reallocation
  • Expand Great Forest stuff; reference weirwood on northern borders in Barrens
On the borders of Reikos, covering the eastern hills of Broken Ride, the Great Forest is an abundant source of valuable timber including precious weirwood. It was lost when Broken Ride was over-run by Druj barbarians in 369YE.

When the Druj swept out of the Great Forest of Peytaht, many of the workers of the Reikos felt it was their sworn duty to continue working until such a time as they put down their tools, and took up arms against the barbarian invader.

The workers of the Great Forest of Reikos were no exception, apart from the fact that all they needed to do was to take their tools and sharpen them; their great felling axes make for fearsome weapons. They fought hard, but they were overrun in very little time. At best they bought some times for the innocents of Reikos to try and escape. At worst, a generation of the finest workers in the Empire were killed or enslaved.

When the light of the Empire finally shone on the soil of Reikos again, many feared the worst; the forest would be razed, the workers slaughtered many years ago. Surprisingly, it appears the Druj attempted to work the Great Forest, using many of the workers they had captured, as well as other slaves brought from other areas, to work for them.

Some of the most austere vistas of the Empire had survived, almost intact. Great swathes of forested hills, the stands of weirwood trees notable amongst them, stand at the borders of the Empire. Still a valuable resource for just the normal timber never mind the weirwood, it is almost possible to forget the Druj and remember a time before, when workers sang hymns beneath the verdant canopy whilst ensuring the wealth of the area could be harvested for the good of an empire.

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