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Ice-bound northern Hercynia is a forest territory entirely contained in the Nation of Wintermark
Regions of Hercynia


Ice-bound northern Hercynia is a forest territory entirely contained in the Nation of Wintermark, situated in the Great Vale, a bowl of mountains that surround both Hercynia and Skarsind. It is an inhospitable place, but where the Trods flow so the Navarr travel. Over the centuries, the Navarr have made slow but steady inroads here, reclaiming much of the forest from the particularly malicious Vallorn that dwells within it.

Recent History

The fall of Skarsind in 373YE left the people of Hercynia facing immediate danger, as the Thule orcs tried to force their way into the forest to achieve the capture of the whole of the Great Vale. Barbarian forces took the runeforges of Treji, but made no further ground. With the defeat of the Thule forces in Skarsind, it is likely that a concerted effort could be made to recover the territory claimed by the orcs.

Major Features


A stone-built steading in the heart of the winter forest at The Glen of Shadows, and one of the only places where the Navarr had a number of large forges, built with aid from the Winterfolk. Steinr apprentices are often placed with the Navarri for a time, to learn the working of wood alongside metal. The steading fell to the barbarian orcs in the fall of Skarsind in 372YE and has not been recovered. It is unclear what state the forges are in, but it is believed many of the runesmiths captured when the steading was taken have been sent north to Otkodov.

The Heartwood of the Great Vale

The Heartwood of the Great Vale is a Bourse position which produces weirwood.

The Gate of Summer

Two huge stones and a top lintel stand in the middle of a clearing, carved about with boar, deer and other game, and symbols representing summer. It is covered in moss, and no-one has ever seen a hint of any magic from it.

The Vallorn of Hercynia

The vallorn of Hercynia is often characterized as "malicious" or "patient." It does not seem to be as vibrant as the vallorn in more southerly climes, and is certainly not as aggressive as the vallorns of Broceliande or Liathaven. Still, while incursions from vallornspawn are few and far between, they are especially vicious when they do come. Over the centuries, it has been beaten back to a dark heart in eastern Deer's Folly but efforts to dislodge it entirely have failed.



The mountains of north-west Hercynia are home to several mines that have been worked since before there was an Empire. The slopes of the mountains are thick with ancient pine trees, rich in Ambergelt and Dragonbone. This was the easiest region to clear of Vallorn influence during the slow war of attrition to regain Hercynia, and there have been no major incursions of vallornspawn into the mountains in centuries. Several secluded passes through the mountains into Skarsind served as trade routes prior to the invasion of the Thule. In later years they were used to launch scouting missions into the barbarian-held territory. The steadings of the region are considered a little odd by many Navarr, and occasionally accused of having more in common with the Winterfolk than with their own cousins. There may be a little truth to this - with the loss of the Glen of Shadows to the barbarians, Northpines was cut off from the rest of Hercynia - and indeed the Empire - by a combination of barbarians and the vallorn-infested region of Deer's Folly to the south.
Keywords: Forested, Mountainous

The Glen of Shadows

The steading of Treji still stands here, although it is now occupied by orcs. The artisans who made their home here combined the working of wood and metal to make weapons and armour for the Thorns of Hercynia and to support their Winterfolk allies. The Glen of Shadows was especially known for the fine magical bows and spears, easily matching the more workmanlike produce of the Wintermark runesmiths. Today the Glen of Shadows is occupied by remnants of the Thule forces that swept down through Skarsind from Otkodov.
Keywords: Forested

Deer's Folly

Another mountainous area of Hercynia, but one that has fared less well than Northpines. While the mountains to the west create a natural barrier against the worst effects of the vallorn, a poisonous miasma lies over much of the region. The noxious atmosphere pools in valleys and spreads through the forest from the vallorn of Hercynia, wrapped tight around the ruins of an ancient Terunael city in the east.There are only a handful of steadings in Deer's Folly and they are all built in the western mountains - no steading established closer to the vallorn heart has survived more than a decade before it is overrun. (OOC Note: This region is not considered to be in Imperial hands. It cannot be reclaimed until the power of the vallorn is broken.)
'Keywords: Forested, Mountainous, Vallorn

Old Ranging

The forests of Old Ranging are carefully cultivated by the inhabitants of the Steadings here. The woods are rich with animal life, and many hunters make a good living providing pelts, furs and fine meats to merchants and traders who travel across the Empire. Likewise, the manystreams and shallow rivers are rich with an impressie variety of fish and a number of steadings here raise domesticated deer and even goats whose meat is very much in demand. There are several well-established trade routs from Old Ranging to Kalapheim and Winterfolk merchants are a common sight in the Summer months,

In recent years, as the heart of the Vallorn of Hercynia has become more restive, there has been an increase in vallornspawn attacks on hunting parties along the northern borders - but never in great numbers, and the attacks have been dealt with swiftly and effectively by vigilant Thorns.
Keywords: Forested


The forests of Summersend are sparse, giving way to the plains of Gildenheim to the north. The Gate of Summer is found here, along with several other well-explored Terunael ruins. Several steadings are built on a foundation of old Terunael structures, and it is from here that the push to drive back the Vallorn is overseen. In addition to the usual occasional incursions from the vallorn of Hercynia, there have been several skirmishes with the orcs both from Skarsind and from the Glen of Shadows to the north-west. The fortified steadings here served as a base of operations for forays into Skarsind during the recent war, and a number of Wintermark refugees were helped to safe havens in Hahnmark to the south west.

The Heartwood of the Great Vale is in northern Summersend, right on the border with the Glen of Shadows.
Keywords: Forested