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The Empire

Empire Overview (Woodcut)
Empire Overview
Empire Detailed


The Brass Coast
The Marches

The Wider World

Outside the Empire

Tactical Maps

Coloured Territories
Regions with Keywords

Maps by Daisy Abbott. Alongside the above, you can take a look at Nicholas Avenell's wonderful zoomable Google version of the Empire Map.

You probably also want to check out the Gazetteer, which tells you all about the places on the map, and perhaps the Pronunciation guide, which tells you how they're said. :-)

Map Questions

Can we have the settlement of X for our background?

'And so began the great land grab of 2013, when people from across the nation did email unto PD saying "Can we have the settlement of X for our background?". And to each of them was given the answer "Submit your background when the character creation system goes live and we'll look at it then. We thank you for your patience"'

How much can I make up in my background?

We will be providing major cities, towns and Interesting Places as a starting point, and will be looking at a mechanism (almost certainly via the New Player Team) to work out how we can ensure player groups can be connected to those locations (or even 'own' smaller ones).

In coming up with new places for your background, the rule of thumb, really, is 'would it be widely known about'? If it would, it's best to avoid it. Hopefully we'll be providing you with a dense enough network of biggish places for you to refer to already, without the need to crowd our maps with more.

Therefore we're happy for people to come up with small hamlets, small settlements or steadings, points of interest such as hidden waterfalls or caves, sheltered valleys and the like. Anything bigger is unlikely to fit in.

How big is the Empire?

Very roughly, the Empire is 900 miles by 900 miles.

Where can I get territory maps with the regions on?

Please do not use the coloured maps that are linked from each territory page. They are coloured for clarity but look terrible IC. Instead, use the map from your nation (linked above) and, if you want, crop out the other territories. Or, if you prefer, delete the colour by hand or using Photoshop's Levels tool.

Who drew the maps IC?

All of the illustrated maps (the ones that look like pen drawings) are drawn by the official Imperial cartographer, Thomas H Dabot, who runs a map shop in Sarvos. The woodcut maps are widely available across the Empire and no-one knows who made the first woodcut. The other map versions have been made by various Imperial citizens, probably based on the Imperial cartographer's originals.