Slips trips and falls are one of the most common causes of injury. Even if many trips or falls might only result in minor injuries, if the circumstances that allow trips/falls to happen are allowed to continue, there is a risk that a more serious accident could occur.

There are locations such as the battle field and skirmish areas where there is a higher risk of slips and trips. Where possible you should wear footwear with good ankle support to reduce the risk of injuries in these areas.

To help with reducing the risk of accidents in other areas please:

  • Keep paths/walkways as clear as possible.
  • Limit trailing cables including extension leads and data cables.
  • Report any failed lighting to your department head.
  • Where possible carry a torch during night time hours. Aim them low when moving around and do no shine in other peoples faces.
  • Tidy equipment away when no longer in use.
  • Do not climb on equipment/structures, use ladders and follow the ladder safety advice.