(Task tracking/ query handling)
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Revision as of 15:43, 4 July 2023

If you’re dealing with a query of any sort, and either sending the player away or sending them to talk to one of the heads of department, you need to write this down on one of the pre printed forms, and put that form in the relevant inbox. This reduces the risk of players waiting around forgotten, or of them needing to come back multiple times for the same issue.

Before sending a player away

Before sending a player away, or sending them to wait for a head of department:

1. On one of the A5 query sheets, record:

  • Your name
  • The PID and name of the player
  • The current time and date
  • Any other involved PIDs or ribbon IDs
  • A description of what needs doing to resolve the query

2. Is someone currently triaging query sheets?

  • If there is:

(a) Pass the sheet to them and give them a chance to review it.

(b) They’ll make a quick call about what needs to happen next, including where to file the ticket and whether to ask the player to come back later or to wait while we fix things.

  • If there isn’t:

(a) If the issue is urgent, ask the player to wait and put the ticket in the “HoD Player Waiting” box.

(b) If the issue isn’t urgent, ask the player to come back later, and put the ticket in the inbox on the triage desk.

Handling returning players

If you have a player returning with a query, this process means you should be able to find the status of the player’s query fairly easily:

1. Check the various ticket outboxes. If the ticket is in an outbox, that should mean we’ve done as much as we can with it; hopefully there will be a final result attached, but it might be that we need more information. Check what the ticket says and handle accordingly.

2. Check the other ticket-in-progress boxes. If you can find a ticket but it’s not in an outbox, that means we’ve not finished handling the ticket. Consider whether the ticket is still in the right place, make sure the notes are up-to-date (including that the player has returned) and consider moving it to the “HoD Player Waiting” box for us to handle ASAP.

3. If you still can’t find a ticket, that implies we’ve dropped a ball. Create a new ticket and handle the new ticket appropriately, but if this is a returning player that probably means the urgency will be higher than it might otherwise be.