To build a suitably virtuous Shrine to celebrate the life and Achievement of Empress Britta in the Kallavesi Marshes. Proposed by Hahnmark, Seconded by Reikos


  • A sinecure in the Kallavesa Marsh in Kallavesa which provides liao and votes in the Imperial Synod
  • Passed in principle
  • Passed at 75 Thrones
  • This is to capitalise on the opportunity to build a shrine to Empress Britta after their regalia was interred in the marshes of Kallavesa


  • Winter 379YE


  • The Senator may choose either of the options provided by the Civil Service.
    • A modest shrine, appropriate for pilgrims to pay their respects, would require 10 wains of white granite and cost 20 crowns in labour. This would create an Imperial title who received 7 liao and 14 votes in the Imperial Synod.
    • A major shrine, suitable for a large numbers of pilgrims that would also provide places for them to stay and places for meditation, prayer, and religious ceremonies would require 18 wains of white granite and 36 crowns in labour. It would provide the Imperial title with 9 liao and 18 votes in the Imperial Synod, and would be a significant religious structure in Kallavesa.

In both cases, the well worn path for appointing the sinecure would be for the Wintermark national assembly to appoint a candidate (one of the Winterfolk), who would likely have lifetime tenure.


  • 75 Thrones disbursed to Senator Hahnmark
  • 18 wains of white granite provided by Hengest Dun after Winter Solstice 379YE.
  • 36 crowns provided by Hengest Dun after Winter Solstice 379YE.

Campaign Outcome