To build a market town, New Dunhall, which will be a sinecure generating coin. This is to begin to rebuild after the catastrophic loss of Dunhearth Hall into the recent collapse.To be built near the ruins of Dunhall in Hahnmark, and to be looked over by the Caretaker of New Dunhall. Requires funds.

Proposed by Sermersuaq, Seconded by the Conscience.


  • Passed at 30 Thrones.


  • Summer 381YE


  • 20 wains of white granite and 40 crowns provided by Atte Arrow-Tongue Metsastajason after the Summer Solstice 381YE.

Campaign Outcome

  • The market town will be complete by the time of the Autumn Equinox 381YE.
  • The senator who raised the motion has indicated that the Caretaker of New Dunhall will be a Wintermark national appointment.