

At event we run a series of sessions designed to provide support for players new to the game or new to different areas of the game or after a refresher on an area. All of these sessions with two exceptions are open to all players who wish to attend. The New Player Meeting in the Hub and the New Player Skirmish on the Skirmish Field are available only to players at their first or second games.

These sessions are run by members of crew or volunteers from the player base who have experience in the area of the game.

Because of the number of different sessions available and time available some of the sessions clash with their timings, You are welcome to attend sessions at different events as you choose.


OOC Social - meet and greet and general chat (in the Senate building): 8pm onwards

This is an informal session where members of the Player Support Team are in the Senate to chat about the game with anyone new or newish who would like to chat. It’s a good opportunity to meet other new players and ask questions.


  • Midday – Hall of Worlds – LGBTQ+ New Players Meeting Brief – 12:00 – 12:30 New players only, discussion and questions on roleplaying in a world that is blind to gender identity and sexuality. Examples of representation. 12:30-13:30 – Wider invite to PD’s LGBTQ+ community. A place to meet others in the community, celebrate highlights from previous years and find a support network. Please bring along any snacks and refreshments to give a bit of a social ‘fuddle’ atmosphere. A good place for people to show off their pronoun badges!
  • Midday – Hub – New Player Meeting – This is a talk with some opportunity for questions after as time allows touching on many aspects of the game including and not limited to the Agencies of State and how to interact with them, NPCs and what are they for, looking after yourself, what to do if things go wrong, weapons checking and anything else we can think of and fit in or people ask about!
  • 1pm – Skirmish Field - Combat Brief – This session introduce the basics of LARP combat and combat at Empire. These sessions will include a brief rundown of the combat rules, how battles work, safety in combat, cinematic roleplay in combat, and some pointers on how to fight safely and enjoyably.
  • 1pm - Military Council Tent - Public Speaking Class - this is a session providing useful advice and tips on improving your confidence and skill speaking to groups and crowds of people.
  • 1:30pm - Hall of Worlds - PoC Player Meeting - An open, welcoming place for PoC players new and old to make friends, talk about experiences on and off the field, and find a sense of community with others who may share in the same culture. A social event with opportunity for discussion, questions and player advice and support.
  • 2pm – Hub – New Player Meeting - This is a talk with some opportunity for questions after as time allows touching on many aspects of the game including and not limited to the Agencies of State and how to interact with them, NPCs and what are they for, looking after yourself, what to do if things go wrong, weapons checking and anything else we can think of and fit in or people ask about!
  • 3pm – Hall of Worlds – Introduction to the Synod – This session will be talk (with Q&A) explaining synod works, legal powers of priests, how to vote and raise judgements, inquisitions and the priest skills.
  • 3pm - Skirmish Field - Archery brief – This session will cover the basics of shooting a LARP bow, how to pick your target, shooting into melee, how to check an arrow, and what is acceptable use on the battlefield. Again, this is aimed at new players, those taking Marksman as a skill, and those who may fancy a refresh. It will also give you the chance to ask questions of players who use a bow regularly.
  • 3pm – Skirmish Field – Combat Brief - This session introduce the basics of LARP combat and combat at Empire. These sessions will include a brief rundown of the combat rules, how battles work, safety in combat, cinematic roleplay in combat, and some pointers on how to fight safely and enjoyably.
  • 3pm – Senate Building – Introduction to Senate - This session will be a talk (with Q&A) explaining the powers and limitations of the Senate, how Senate motions go from ideas to shaping the Empire and how you can advocate for your plans.
  • 4pm – Hall of Worlds – Introduction to Apothecary - During this session, you can learn about, Common Imperial Herbs - Effects, Rules, Phys-Reps, Potions & Poisons - Effects, Rules & Phys-Reps, Brewing & Identifying Potions & Poisons, Apothecary Skill, Chirurgeon Skill, Physick Skill Appropriate Roleplaying Plus brief primers on Imperial lore & censure, uncommon herbs & mysterious potions!
  • 4pm – Skirmish Field – New Player Skirmish – This is an opportunity to try out your weapons and costume in a series of small skirmishes run by a number of crew and players in a controlled environment. It’s an opportunity to try the rules in action, learn what suits you, hit and get hit to judge your levels of comfort in a space where you’re character isn’t at risk and with the intention of helping you learn in a low pressure situation!
  • 5pm – Hub – New Player Meeting - This is a talk with some opportunity for questions after as time allows touching on many aspects of the game including and not limited to the Agencies of State and how to interact with them, NPCs and what are they for, looking after yourself, what to do if things go wrong, weapons checking and anything else we can think of and fit in or people ask about!
  • 5pm – Hall of Worlds – Introduction to Magic - this is a session to talk about combat magic, ritual magic and the Conclave.
  • 6pm - Time in!