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Unwelcome Discovery

The rocks were slick and slippery with rainwater, but Clytemnestra stepped lightly and her balance never faltered. She paused momentarily, eyes closed, to feel the moisture against her skin, before shaking her head to dislodge droplets from her barbels.

The route was well-worn as Clytemnestra - and many before her - had walked it to the location of the Spire's mana site. A perfect spot that, almost like a rockpool on the coast, gathered flows of magic to the point they crystallise.

Cresting the rise, Clytemnestra paused again, this time eyes open and alert. Figures were gathered by the small stone shallow where the mana gathered; three of them, on their hands and knees. They had the look of naga yeoman about them, but they were many miles from Dawn or the Marches. Clytemnestra reached behind her back and pulled forth two ornately carved, and yet visibly well-used, rods. Adopting a battle-ready stance, weapon in either hand, Clytemnestra advanced. "Identify yourselves," she called out, without any waver in her voice.

The three figures jumped to their feet immediately, faced Clytemnestra and hissed, before fleeing.

Clytemnestra advanced on the mana site carefully, but also resigned to what she would find. Fragments of broken crystal lay scattered about the bowl, and in smaller number than usual.

"Boggarts," hissed Clytemnestra .

Civil Service Report

Citizens across the Urizen territory of Morrow are reporting sightings of boggarts. These vermin, believed to have originated from the Realm of Night, are manavores and deliberately seek out flows of magic, and the places they pool, to feed upon. Possessing an inherent magics akin to the ritual The Twilight Masquerade, their primary defence is camouflage, and they rarely approach or attack citizens.

Past experience has shown that territories infested with boggarts experience a significant decline in mana production. Conversely, in more positive news, boggart faeces are also known to enrich - or perhaps transform - soils and enhance their fertility. Consequently, this rarified manure is sought after by citizens who can use it to enhance production of herb gardens or farms in the territory. These faeces sadly cannot be stored or transported well, as their potency swiftly fades.

Swarms of Boggarts are a known phenomena and across the Empire's history, a number of responses have been tried to varying degrees of effect:

  • The civil service estimates that the consequences of doing nothing about this boggart infestation will be a massive[1] reduction in Morrow's mana site supply, accompanied by a moderate increase in herb garden[2] and farm productivity[3] in Morrow.
  • As manavores, boggarts pose little threat to the lives of citizens and only threaten Imperial resources. Consequently, the Academy has, in the past, taken the opportunity to arrange boggart hunts for younger citzens keen to practice their martial skills. The outcome of a successful boggart hunt would mean less mana would be lost to the vermin[4]. This would have no impact on the benefit to farms and herb gardens.
  • The Senate during the reign of Empress Mariika hit upon a scheme where - using scares, lures, and mana as bait - boggarts could be coaxed from one territory into another. In this way, the boggarts were relocated from Astolat to Miaren, which benefitted from the increased herb production and was mana poor at the time. This action could be carried out by the Senate for a cost of 10 Thrones or by a Conclave Gambit of 21 Mana. The motion or gambit must specify a single territory adjacent to Morrow the boggarts were being relocated to, otherwise it could not succeed.
  • Before becoming Emperor, Nicovar proposed to the Senate that boggart lures could be improved upon to become boggart traps so that the mana supply could be protected, and the boggart faeces harvested for the enhancement of herb gardens. This proved very popular. This action could be carried out by the Senate for a cost of 25 Thrones or by a Conclave Gambit of 40 Mana. This would significantly reduce the mana lost to vermin[5] and, if the Academy completed a successful boggart hunt, would ensure no mana was lost.
  • There is also the belief that as manivorous Night-creatures, the boggart population could be directly affected by the intervention of Sadogua. There is a story from the First Interregnum that the then Archmage of Night demanded Sadogua remove boggarts from Kahraman, and whilst Sadogua agreed, the outcome was that they were relocated to Madruga with their numbers swollen. It is unclear what price Sadogua sought for his aid on that occasion, or even if the story is true.

The above options are the lessons learned across the history of the Empire. The civil service does not expect that this is an exhaustive or absolute list. Costings for Senate Motions, Conclave Gambits or Synod Rewardings can be requested from the civil service at the Hub.


  • [1] -4 mana production per mana site
  • [2] +2 random herbs per herb garden
  • [3] +36 rings of income per farm
  • [4] 1 less mana lost per mana site
  • [5] 3 less mana lost per mana site