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A Lady's Gown

by Jessica Townshend

Part 1 - Design and planning

What sort of person is my character going to be?

This dress is intended to serve two characters - first a fairy NPC at Masquerades and Massacres, and the second as an Empire character (yet to be fully realised). The key concepts uniting the two are a need for an elegant and impressive presence. What really appeals to be about making costume for Empire and the League specifically is the separation of political and combat arenas, so a character is free to express an extravagant and flamboyant side through their dress without having to make it battle ready.

What IC and OOC practical considerations do I need to take into account?

The train I will put in for M&M will have to be removed for Empire, and the skirt shortened, as events can be very muddy and we want to avoid bringing the dress back dripping wet every time it rains. The front closure is also designed to be adjustable in future, as the wearer is currently pregnant and will be breastfeeding.


What images from the media appeal to me that might help with my design?

Very few media images appeal, to be honest. I much prefer to reference historical source material and bring a creative interpretation to it, rather than adapt designs taht already have had a modern influence infused into them. Having said that, I made a few forays into Borgias costume diaries and archives, to make it clear in my head what the Empire design team intended, and look at a few options for sleeve designs.


Ready to Scribble?

Lizy provided me with a pencil sketch of what she envisioned for the M&M NPC and the design slowly drifted from this original concept as we searched for fabric amd researched historical images. I feel the key thing with scribbles is not to be bound my them if you aren't trying to recreate a specific piece.


One of the most helpful tools for costume mkaking I've recently been introduced to is Pinterest. While searching the internet for pictures, tutorials and dress diaries I've been able to collect any interesting finds into one resource that represents things with pictures. So much easier to work with than the old bookmarks list or myriad of open browser tabs. Even if you don't want to sign up for an account there are still lots of inspiration boards people have made for your to browse.
