To create the Sinecure “Custodian of the Academy Religious Studies” at the request of the Senate's counterparts in the Academy Junior Council, to provide Liao with the intention that it be used in Academy. To be built at Canterspire in Morrow.

Proposed by Casinea, seconded by Conscience of the Senate



  • Passed Autumn 378YE


  • 10 wains of White Granite
  • 2 Thrones 4 Crowns
  • Time: 3 months


  • 10 wains of white granite and 2 thrones 4 crowns supplied by Zephram of Cantiarch's Hold after Winter Solstice 378.

Campaign Outcome

  • Sinecures are life-time appointments.
  • When the sinecure is complete it will create the Imperial title of Dean of Pilgrims.
  • This will be an Imperial position that can be held by any Imperial citizen.
  • The title will be appointed by the Senate following the normal guidelines.
  • This is an Imperial sinecure, and can be revoked by the General Assembly or Assembly of the Nine.