To construct a congregational sinecure for the Brass Coast. To be known as "the Azure Chorus" in Braydon's Jasse in Kahraman. The Choirmaster of The Azure Chorus to be decided by the Freeborn assembly for life or until resignation. At a cost of 10 wains of white granite and 20 crowns to be funded by Lorenzo la Volpe, and not to include the words Bloody, Red, Cleavers, or Butchers in the title.

Imperial Wayleave by Lorenzo la Volpe


  • Passed.


  • Spring 382YE


  • Standard costs apply.
  • 10 wains of white granite,
  • 20 crowns in labour costs.


  • 10 wains of white granite and 20 crowns received from Lorenzo “La Volpe” Macelliao von Temeschwar after the Spring Equinox 382YE.


  • When completed this will create an Imperial title, the Azure Sutannir, appointed by the Freeborn national assembly.