To construct the Greenwatch in Casinea to create the national title of 'Greenwatcher' annually appointed by the Senators of Highguard. This building creates a ministry to strengthen those who fight the vallorn, especially those who need to venture into the vallorn miasma. With all responsibilities as required by Ossegrahn, the Rain Lord. Self funded and time limited to this summit.

Proposed: Reikos, Seconded: Hercynia


  • Constructs a ministry in Reikos as per the Rain king wind of fortune.
  • Passed


  • Autumn 385YE


  • Costs as per the wind of fortune
  • 20 wains of white granite
  • 60 crowns
  • Three months to complete


  • 1 crown provided by Fintan Founders' Dance after Autumn Equinox 385YE
  • 1 crown provided by Nathair Autumngale after Autumn Equinox 385YE
  • 1 crown provided by Konstantin Rabovich Bolotnikov after Autumn Equinox 385YE


  • Once complete, the position of Greenwatcher will be available to appoint by the senators of Highguard