to raise the walls of Holberg from their current level to double their current effectiveness, and a request for disbursal of funds to commence building. .

Proposed by Holberg, seconded by Tassato


  • This motion was to improve the walls of Holberg,
  • Passed at 150 thrones.


  • Winter 381YE


  • An opportunity applies
  • 200 wains of white granite
  • 50 Thrones
  • 1 year to complete
  • Upkeep increases to 28 Thrones each season


  • 40 wains white granite and 40 thrones received from Irina Kardaovich after the Spring Equinox 382YE.
  • 40 wains white granite received from Caerwyn Von Holberg of The Feasting Crow after the Spring Equinox 382YE.
  • 8 wains white granite received from Imperatrix Lisabetta von Holberg after the Spring Equinox 382YE.
  • 40 wains white granite and 80 crowns effectively provided due to the Silent Sentinel opportunity.
  • 72 wains of white granite provided by Imperatrix Lisabetta von Holberg after the Summer Solstice 382YE.


  • This motion is believed to be taking advantage of an opportunity.
  • Greatly improves the walls of Holberg city, giving them an effective defensive military strength of 12,000.