



  • 65 wains of mithril provided by Henry Ward of The Marches after Winter Solstice 377YE
  • 55 wains of mithril provided by Henry Ward of The Marches after Spring Equinox 378YE
  • 65 wains of mithril provided by Henry Ward of The Marches after Summer Solstice 378YE
  • 65 wains of mithril provided by Henry Ward of The Marches after Winter Solstice 378YE


  • N/A

Campaign Outcome

The army is now on active duty, and the general of the army is appointed by the Marcher senators as usual.

Autumn 378YE

Submitting a motion for the disbursal of funds for the intent of continuing to fund the raising of the new Imperial Army in The Marches, to more easily defend our borders and forge new ones.

Proposed by Upwold, seconded by Mitwold.


  • Passed in Principle
  • Passed at 170 Thrones
  • Money disbursed to Henry Ward, Senator for Upwold


  • Progress for this is tracked on the original motion to raise the army.

Spring 378YE

Supply funds for the completion of the new Marcher army

Raised by Upwold, seconded by Bregasland.


  • 275 Thrones disbursed to senator Henry Ward

Winter 377YE

To raise a new army in the Marches.

Raised by Upwold, seconded by Bregasland.


  • To raise a new Marcher army
  • No funding requested at this time