Revision as of 16:09, 7 February 2013 by Matt (talk | contribs) (moved Information for 7-11 year olds to Information for 7-10 year olds)
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We expect children of this age to be able to roleplay and participate in our game, albeit with restrictions and limited expectations for those at the lower end of this age band. At this age children are becoming more independent and our rules reflect this.

Children at the lower end of this age range are unlikely to want to roleplay for long periods of time. Parents should consider this and make suitable arrangements, for instance bringing books and toys and taking regular breaks in your own tent or camp or in the OOC area.

Ticket costs £10 less discounts

We expect a child of this age who is attending to have a character and roleplay at the event, and the charge reflects this. If the parent or guardian attending the event is eligible for a discount (a student or in receipt of benefits or a pension) then the ticket costs £5.

A character but no skills

The intention for Empire is to create a world in which children play children as realistically and credibly as possible. We intend to try to make the experience of being a child in the world of Empire as epic as possible, but children are not great heroes risking their lives to save the Empire, they merely have the chance to become one as they grow up in the game.

Because of this, children are expected to create a character on our system once the character generation system is released, however children cannot have skills or resources until their character passes test of citizenship, somewhere between the ages of 11 and 16. We intend to deliver a game aimed at our young players that is based around their characters and what they want to learn and do and is not contingent on skills or resources.

Must have suitable costume and toys

Children should dress in costume appropriate for their character. Footwear is always difficult in LRP, particularly for children who are still growing quickly, so neutral coloured footwear (plain shoes, trainers or wellies) is acceptable. Wooden toys are ideal for young children, but bright plastic or battery-operated toys are not allowed in the IC area.

24/7 responsibility required

You do not have to supervise your child at all times, however your child should only be out of your direct supervision with your permission and must return in the timeframe set by you. Our golden rule at this age is: “You must know where your child is at all times. Your child must know where you are at all times.”

Characters are non-combatants

Children of this age cannot participate in a fight without the express prior agreement of a member of our referee team. They is only likely to be forthcoming for children taking part in supervised IC activities arranged for children, they will not be allowed to take the battlefield. Fights on the main field are likely to be rare at Empire, but if one does start, then your child should know to leave the immediate area by the most effective route, to ensure their own safety.

Parents may allow their children to spar with other children using a suitable phys-rep for a child’s sparring weapon (like the wooden sword that Arya uses in the first series of Game of Thrones).

IC area for young players

The IC site will include a large tent dedicated to IC activities for young players. There will be DBS (previously known as CRB) checked crew in attendance when the tent is open, who will offer supervised sparring and combat training, lessons in Imperial Geography and History and similar. Parents may leave their children here at selected times with the permission of the crew who are operating the area.

Game participation is encouraged

Parents are encouraged to keep their children with them while roleplaying on site and to involve their children in what they are doing. You should return to your own camp or to the OOC area if your child ceases to enjoy the roleplaying.