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The Imperial Senate in session

Imperial budget for this season announced by the Civil Service as 173 Thrones. The list of Senators serving during this season can be found here.

Friday, Evening session

No motions presented.

Saturday, Afternoon session

Motion: To appoint ambassadors to foreign nations to pursue trade in bulk raw materials. Ambassadors to be appointed to the Principalities of Jarm, the Asavean Archipelago, Faraden, the Commonwealth and the Sumaah Republic. Results to be presented for Senate approval at the next meeting

Proposed by Tassato, seconded by Temeschwar
Passed unanimously

Motion: To request an Auditor to be chosen by full Synod by whichever means the Synod see fit to audit accounts of Senators to whom funds have been supplied by Senate vote, auditor to then report back to the Senate

Proposed by Astalot, seconded by Semmerholm Passed with 1 vote against

The 8pm session of the Saturday

Motion: Funding, founding and recognition of an Imperial school of medicine and Anvil hospital

Proposed by Bregasland, seconded by Sarvos
Expert witness: Elizabeth Talbot
Passed at 20 Thrones with 11 votes against, money distributed to Bregasland

Motion: That for this and the following two seasons, an operational budget of 44 Thrones be assigned to Bridget Talbot for the contracted purchase of 40 wains of White Granite for improvements to the fortifications of 3 regions each season

Proposed by Mitwold, seconded by *illegible*
Defeated in principle

Sunday, Afternoon Session

1) To build defenses at Holberg.

(Advised by the civil service to require: 25 wains white granite, 10 wains weirwood, 100 crowns, 25 measures of Bladeroot, 25 measures of Imperial Roseweald.)

Proposed by Necropolis, seconded by Karov

Passed at 45 Thrones with 13 votes against, money distributed to Necropolis.

2) In recognition of the vital need to set aside past rivalries within the Empire,

and the need for all the Virtues of the Way, the Senate shall commission the construction of a Cathedral to Loyalty in Sarvos, and a Cathedral to Wisdom in Astolat in Dawn, thereby creating a pilgrimage route along the River Gancio, benefiting the citizens of both nations and instilling closer co-operation between them.

(Advised by the Civil Service to require 20 wains of white granite.)

Proposed by Sarvos, seconded by Upwold

Defeated with 18 votes against

3) To provide funds to reinforce the foothold established in Skarsind

as recommended by the military council.

(Advised by the Civil Service to require 13 wains of white granite.)

Proposed by Hahnmark, seconded by Therunin

Passed at 15 Thrones, money distributed to Hahnmark

4) That for the next two seasons (Spring and Summer)

three towns or regions within the Empire to be fortified. The towns or regions to be chosen by the Senator for Upwold.

Proposed by Upwold, seconded by Semmersuaq

Passed at 60 Thrones with 9 votes against, money distributed to Upwold.

5) The Spider's Dream bridge is in a sorry state of repair.

I ask for funds towards the fixing of the bridge.

(Advised by the Civil Service to require 20 wains of weirwood.)

Proposed by Madruga, seconded by Feroz

Passed at 15 Thrones with 3 votes against, money distributed to Madruga.

6) To allow Edward Watcher and Lucifier son of Cyrus on behalf of the Empire

to commission research in the Imperial Archives into the prophecies and True Liao visions of Abraxus. An ideal budget to be 5 Thrones. Report to be made available.

(Advised by the Civil Service to require 5 Thrones.)

Proposed by Casinea, seconded by Morrow

Passed in principle, with 4 votes against. No thrones allocated.

Sunday, Late Session

1) That safe passage be granted for a Jotun representative(s) to visit Anvil

at an appropriate time to discuss a potential peace treaty.

Proposed by Semmersuaq, seconded by Weirwater

Passed unanimously

2) Vittorio von Holberg requests access to the Imperial Archives

for the purpose of collating historical maps from the various ages of the Empire and before, with a view to pinpointing sites of interest, such as the location of battlefields, regios and the deeds of paragons. This request would be entirely self-funded.

(Advised by the Civil Service to require 5 Thrones.)

Proposed by Volodmartz, seconded by Kahraman

Passed unanimously

3) That the Senate grant funding to provide resources to the Academy

for the training of our next generation.

Proposed by Bastion, seconded by Casinea

Passed at 5 Thrones with 12 votes against, money distributed to Bastion.

4) That the cultivation of Vallorn be outlawed by the Empire.

Proposed by Therunin, seconded by Zenith

Passed with 8 votes against.

"Tassato addressed the Senate pursuiant to the first motion of the 3pm session of the Saturday, the following ambassadors are appointed:"

  • Constanza Barassadi di Tasssato of the league for the Principalities of Jarm
  • Adnanna Dionati of the League for the Asavean Archipelago
  • Braganza i Arco of the Brass Coast for the Faraden
  • Destain of Derondell of Dawn for the Commonwealth
  • Elisir of Urizen for the Suma Republic

Monday, Morning Session

1) We propose the creation of a written history of the lives of the Egregores and their hosts.

This work will be collated and maintained by Gwyliwr of the Carrion and other interested historians selected by him and will be submitted to the Imperial Archives

Proposed by Miaren, seconded by Hercynia

Passed with 3 votes against

2) To send an envoy to Axos to attempt to initiate diplomatic relations

and attempt if possible to investigate their recent activities interfering with the Empire if and only if this will not provoke further interferences.

(Advised by the Civil Service that while we can send envoys, we cannot guarantee a response.)

Proposed by Kahraman, seconded by Redoubt

Passed unanimously

3) We should give official recognition to the loyalty of those military unit commanders

who commit their troops to support our armies in the field. We suggest a roll of honour be posted each season listing those who have aided each campaign.

Proposed by Kallavesa, seconded by Astolat

(Advised by the Civil Service that we will need to check costings.)

Passed unanimously

4) Changes to the Urizen voting method for senators in the event of a draw.

- Should more than two candidates be standing then the candidate with the lowest voting strength will conceded with their votes being recast.

- Should it be a draw with no lowest candidate then those previously unable to vote would be granted a voting strength of one. (1)

(Advised by the Civil Service that the motion may have constitutional implications, or require the agreement of the egregore of Urizen.)

Passed unanimously

Various announcements and statements were also made during the course of the sessions.