Employ Civil Service to observe Fleets II
Put civil servants back on boats in order to prevent piracy.
Proposed by Zenith, seconded by Tassato
Proposed by Zenith, seconded by Tassato
- Piracy of foreign fleets is damaging relations with foreign nations
- The Senate has instructed the civil service to put observers on every Imperial fleet to ensure compliance with the law
- Summer 379YE
- 50 Thrones per season
Campaign Outcome
- Re-instates the earlier placement of civil servants on ships leaving Imperial ports
- The presence of a civil service observer on every fleet in the Empire makes it effectively impossible for PCs to engage in piracy of foreign nations or trade with barbarian nations. Consequently both options have been removed from the downtime system immediately.
- This measure was initally proposed during the Summer Solstice 378YE.
- It was then abrograted during the Spring Equinox 379YE summit.