The League costumes
Look and Feel
- Extract from the relevant art brief – expanded into specific costuming ideas
- Colours (with images), fabrics, etc
Similar nations
- Compare it to other nations with overlaps and discuss how to differentiate
- Historical/cultural inspiration (and how the nation differs/adheres to it), films, books, tv, google search terms
In detail
- Breakdown of each garment worn, typical layers and fabrics for each
- links to patterns, shops, traders etc.
- Good substitutions for each garment
- Costuming high, middle and low status character
- Men/Women/children in each category?
- What you can achieve at different price brackets? (thinking of doing something along the lines of the Odyssey £30 kit challenge maybe Daisy and Jude!)
Hats and outerwear
- Examples, materials, patterns etc.
- Both an online “would you like to know more!” and a guide to the amazing books you can get on amazon.
Nation specific garment
- Possibly – if we can think of something suitable for each nation!