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Malign Spiritual Presences

Although there are Seven Virtues that are known to empower the human soul, and guide it through the Labyrinth of Ages, there are other spiritual forces that are present in the world. These malign spiritual presences can arise from false teachers, barbarians, foriegners or even simply arise by circumstance. Amongst the duties of the Priests of the Way is cleansing and purging the Malign Spiritual Presences utilsing the ceremonial rite of Exorcism.

Malign spiritual presences have a number of known sources and manifestations. These include:

False Virtues

There are some malign auras that initially appear harmless, even beneficial, but which were ruled as Un-Virtuous and excluded from the Doctrine of Seven by the early Synod. Consequently, the promotion and propogation of these auras and presences is regarded as Blasphemy under Imperial Law. Nevertheless, some cults still arise and either explore these auras in secret, or seek to change the Doctrines of the Faith to press for their inclusion.

False Gods

In their ignorance, some Barbarians and Foriegners encounter spiritual auras and manifestations and, instead of understanding that they are echoes from the Labyrinth of Ages, see them as the presence of gods, demons or other supernatural entities. Priests of these false gods may even believe that they are invoking the power of some divine being through their warped approaches to religious ceremonies.

Phenomena and Phantasmagoria

Whereas the propogation of False Virtues and Gods is carried out via mortal agencies, there are occasions where malign spiritual presences can occur without obvious cause. For example, a house in which a horrific crime is committed may attract a malign spiritual aura related to the nature of that crime. Additionally, it has been known for vile and wicked spirits - condemned to wander the Labyrinth of Ages for all time - to seek to break loose and seize control of mortal hosts.

Examples of Malign Spiritual Presences

The following are a few of the spiritual presences that have been excluded from the Doctrines of the Faith and so whose accepted presence constitute at least Blasphemy if not also Idolatry.


Seemingly benign, this aura has also been referred to as Fortune or Fate and generally conveys that there are greater forces at work that can be trusted. This seductive aura has been deemed by Synods past as being anathema to all the Virtues for it discourages effort and striving. It is also an aura often associated with False Gods for it encourages faith in greater powers, which is Idolatry.




