To construct the Golden Causeway across the Semmerlak. This construction has no upkeep.

Proposed by Astolat, seconded by Weirwater.


  • To take advantage of an opportunity afforded to the Empire by the Lady of the Semmerlak; a magical golden causeway allowing passage to Druj lands.
  • Passed at 220 Thrones.


  • Spring 382YE


  • Uses non-Standard costs.
  • 25 wains white granite, 15 wains mithril
  • 10 Thrones labour costs


  • 25 Wains of white granite, 15 wains of mithril, and 10 thrones provided by Bohemond De Rondell after the Spring Equinox 382YE.

Campaign Outcome

  • When complete the gateway will allow the armies of Dawn (only) to march from Lacuve to the region on the opposite side of the Semmerlak - and return the same way.
  • If the eternal the Lady of the Lake serves - currently Eleonaris - were to be placed under enmity by the Conclave, the causeway could not be used until the enmity was lifted.