Construct Sarvos Mana Exchange
That there be constructed a mana ministry in Sarvos, to take advantage of the opportunities presented by the Tassato Mana Ministry. This ministry will be assigned as a League National position.
Proposed by Tassato, seconded by Astolat.
Proposed by Tassato, seconded by Astolat.
- Winter 381YE
- Taking advantage of this opportunity
- 12 mithril
- 24 crowns
- Three months to complete
- 12 wains of mithril and 24 crowns provided by Lorenzo “La Volpe” Macelliao von Temeschwar after Winter Solstice 381YE.
- Will create mana exchange ministry in Sarvos and an Imperial title - Steward of the Sarvos Mana Exchange - to oversee it.