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Enchanted Items

  • You must be bonded to a magic item to use it
  • You can only be bonded to one item of each type at once
  • Magic items last for the four events that follow their creation
  • Magic items that can be made by an artisan are listed here.

To use an enchanted item, a character must be bonded to it. Magicians can cast a spell that will bond a character to an item, but an artisan can bond a character to any item that they know how to make. A bond lasts as long as the magic of an item endures, but magicians can cast a spell to break a bond.

Magical items fall into one of a number of types, you can only ever be bonded to one item of that type at any one time.

E.g. Your character is bonded to a sword with the Shield Breaker enchantment on it. You cannot become bonded to a two-handed axe with the Giants Maul enchantment because both of these items are weapon type enchantments.

Breaking Bonds

  • You can never use two items of the same type in the same day
  • If an item has been used then it cannot be used again that day

Any magician can perform a spell that breaks the bond between an item and a character. If the character has used the ability of their magical item in any way that day then they cannot benefit from the abilities of another item of the same type that day. The item is also affected - any character that is bonded to an item that has been used that day cannot make use of it until the following morning. The ref will inform you if an item has already been used that day when you are bonded to it.

E.g. You have a shield-breaker magic weapon that you have used to call SHATTER earlier that day, using the item. You cannot use any other magic weapon until the following day even if you bond to a new weapon. No other character can use this magic weapon until the following day even if they become bonded to it.

If the character or item is not present when the break bond spell is cast then the power of the item for the day is automatically used, as is the character’s ability to use an item of that type for that day.


Making Items

A character who has purchased the artisan skill has three months each downtime to make items. There is no monetary cost to make items, but the character must have the rare materials needed to make the item. Most enchantments take a month to complete but some weak enchantments are done without materials in two months. A character can continue to operate their personal resource while crafting items.

Enchanted items last for a single year from the day of creation. This means that they can be used at the following four events before the magic is lost.

Artisans can also make an artefact vesion of any magic item they can create. These powerful items that retain their enchantment permanently, and possess certain other unique properties as well. Making an artefact requires the use of the exotic material ilium.

Further reading

  • You can learn more about the artisan skill used to make magical items here.
  • You can learn more about the many magical items that can be created by Imperial artisans here, and the list of items available is found.
  • You can learn more about how magical items are made by artisans here.
  • You can learn more about the various special materials that artisans use to craft items here, including the rare star-metal ilium.