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During the Autumn Equinox 384YE Summit, the Imperial Synod raised TBC judgements.


The following considerations should be borne in mind when bringing judgements before the Imperial Synod during the Summer Solstice.

  • All Assemblies: Statements that prioritise the greater good over personal loyalties are less effective. This is permanent effect of the Eyes of Loyalty.
  • All Assemblies: Statements that try to compel Loyalty will fail. This is permanent effect of the Eyes of Loyalty.
  • All Assemblies: Revocations and Excommunications for disloyalty to the nation or Empire would risk causing dissent. This is permanent effect of the Eyes of Loyalty.
  • All Assemblies: Any mandate that does not pass with a greater majority will have limited or no effect on Urizen or Varushka. It is not impossible that a mandate might lead to a response in one of the two nations, but it won't lead to any immediate consequences for the people of the nation. This lasts until some new turn of events changes things. Urizen Link. Varushka Link.
  • All Assemblies: No statement of principle that is about Sulemaine i Taziel will lead to a mandate. Lasts until at least the end of the Winter Solstice 384YE and potentially longer. Link.
  • Virtue Assemblies: Any statement of principle in any virtue assembly will not create a mandate for that virtue assembly. If any mandate does arise, then it will need to be passed by the General Assembly. Lasts until the end of the Winter Solstice 384YE. Link.
  • Highguard and Dawn Assemblies: Statements of principle in either assembly that receive a greater majority may create opportunities in the other assembly. Lasts until the end of the Autumn Equinox 384YE Link.


The following mandates were passed during the Spring Equinox. Where there are competing mandates, the one that passes with the largest margin is successful and all other competing mandates are considered to have failed.

Judgement 5

  • Assembly: General
  • Raised By: Mazo Zabala
  • Judgement: All that is worthwhile is shared with those who deserve it. We send Mazo Zabala with 50 doses of liao to urge every citizens who has wains of white granite, mithril, or weirwood to sell to contribute to the Great Library by offering them to the Advisor on the Vallorn first..
  • Outcome: Not Upheld 893 to 1175

Judgement 12

  • Assembly: League
  • Raised By: Alessi di Trivento
  • Judgement: The Virtuous apply what they have learned. I send Alessi di Trivento with 25 doses of liao to urge the vigilant and the wise to gather every scrap of information on the vallorn to help establish a centre of learning at the Great Library of Hacynian.
  • Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majority 399 to 0
  • Awaiting Liao This will speed the effect of researching the vallorn at the Great Library of Hacynian once it is completed. As detailed in The Bones of what you Believe winds of fortune.

Judgement 44

  • Assembly: League
  • Raised By: Agravain of House Meliora
  • Judgement: The Virtuous inspire other to greatness. We send Ser Argavain of House Meliora, Adjutant of the Hounds of Glory, with 50 does of liao to urge the Knight of Dawn to prove to the Barrens that they will do all they can to free those held captive by the Druj, no matter the cost. Let our deeds light this glorious path.
  • Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majority 278 to 0
  • Awaiting Liao If enacted this mandate will greatly increase the penalty Dawnish armies suffer to take territory in the Barrens as detailed in the Throw back the echoes Wind of Fortune.

Judgement 50

  • Assembly: Highborn
  • Raised By: Lysimachus
  • Judgement: The vallorn represents the greatest spiritual threat to the people of the Empire. We send Lysimachus with 50 doses of liao to urge the priests of Highguard to listen to our allies in Navarr, and to share any insight into the challenges that faces us all.
  • Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majority 368 to 26
  • Awaiting Liao If enacted this mandate will share judgements between the Navarr and Highborn, allowing the chance to create responses in either nation from the other nations statements of principle as detailed in the The bones of what you believe Wind of Fortune

Judgement 51

  • Assembly: Highborn
  • Raised By: Hazelponi of the Shattered Tower
  • Judgement: The virtues demand that we face the greatest spiritual threat faced by the Empire at this time. We send Hazelponi of the Shattered Tower with 75 doses of liao to urge the priests of Highguard to support the attempt to reach Terunael whatever the cost. Let us piece the black heart and thwart its malice.
  • Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majority 346 to 22
  • Awaiting Liao If enacted this mandate will cause every congregation in Highguard to lose 2 liao and 4 votes in the coming season, but provide considerable assistance to the raid on Terunael. See the The city asleep Wind of Fortune for more details.

Judgement 56

  • Assembly: General
  • Raised By: Rooslan Stanvich Prochnost
  • Judgement: The Paragon Zoria represents the unending drive to understand both the self and the world around us. Anyone who walked the twisting paths of the Maze of Zoria knows that it embodies the search for Wisdom. Every follower of the Way should consider a pilgrimage to Mieriada to seek the questions that elude them. We send Illya Nikovitch Volkov with 1 dose of True Liao and 4 crowns to consecrate the heart of the maze in the name of Wisdom.
  • Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majority 1633 to 157
  • Awaiting Liao If enacted this mandate will consecrate the Maze of Zoria with true liao as detailed in the Three celebrations and a funeral Wind of Fortune for more details.

Judgement 65

  • Assembly: Highguard
  • Raised By: Naomi Felix Watch
  • Judgement: Seek out the poison in your neighbour's fields! We send Naomi with 25 doses of liao to urge everyone to turn their focus to the miasma, the tortured souls and the restless dead that are the Druj's legacy in Zenith. Let us uproot this threat before it can spread.
  • Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majority 476 to 56 (margin of 420)
  • Awaiting Liao If enacted this mandate will cause the Highborn armies to turn their attention from slaughtering the Druj toward rooting out the threat of the orcs from Zenith, as detailed in Into tired shadow.

Judgement 66

  • Assembly: Highguard
  • Raised By: Sela of the Suns of Couros
  • Judgement: Consequences are the price of Ambition. We sed Sela with 50 doses of liao to urge every Highborn soldier to commit themselves to the destruction of the Druj Empire, Let us take the fight to their heartland and destroy them utterly. Death to the Druj!.
  • Outcome: Not Upheld 74 to 404 (Greater Majority)

Judgement 83

  • Assembly: Prosperity
  • Raised By: Darian Numbers
  • Judgement: There are three things that should never be made: food that goes uneaten, coin that goes unspent and magic that goes unused. We send Darian Numbers with 25 liao to Zenith to urge all prosperous citizens to seek out new opportunities for commerce and development in their lands putting forward their proposals for consideration at the next summit. Take this opportunity for the prosperous to show the Druj we will not be torn down and build back greater and better than ever before.
  • Outcome: Upheld with Greater Majority 218 to 13.
  • Awaiting Liao If enacted this mandate will cause the Prosperous to propose ways that the economy of the territory of Zenith could be improved as detailed in the Apples_from_a_tree#An_Unspent_Coin Winds of Fortune.

Judgement 102

  • Assembly: Highguard
  • Raised By: Belial
  • Judgement: Only fools accept hearsay as truth - we seek a future free from the threat posed by the vallorn. We send Silas of the Cenotaph with 25 doses of liao to urge every archivist, curator, and gray pilgrim to create copies of any document relating to Terunael and the struggle against the vallorn. .
  • Outcome: Upheld with Greater Majority 218 to 13.
  • Awaiting Liao If enacted this mandate will urge the Highborn to share documents with the Great Library of Hacynian, speeding their research into the vallorn, if the project is completed. See the The bones of what you believe Wind of Fortune for details.

Judgement 140

  • Assembly: Varushka
  • Raised By: Nikolovitch Drakov
  • Judgement: The Semmerlak is not be trusted. Dho'ula waits in its depths o claim those who foolishly come too close. We send Father Drakov with 25 liao to discourage any Varushkan from foolishly claiming the trinkets left behind by the receding water.
  • Outcome: Upheld with Greater Majority 202 to 0.
  • Awaiting Liao If enacted this mandate will remove the benefits to businesses in territories belonging to Varushka bordering the Semmerlak, but give Dawnish businesses bordering it an addition 2 crowns as detailed in the Light upon the water.