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The Navarr territories are scattered throughout the Empire. Most of the land they claim is heavily forested, surrounding the ruins of one of more ancient Navarr settlements.


In the south is Miaren, a forest of golden trees and fair winds, that lies on the border between the Catazarria, heartland of the League, and the Brass Coast. In the early years of the Empire the vallorn at Miaren was completely destroyed and the ruins of the city at the heart of the forest reclaimed. It is now considered the heartland of the Navarr nation, and a symbol of what can be achieved..


Ice-bound northern Hercynia is a forest territory entirely contained in the Nation of Wintermark. It is an inhospitable place but where the trods flow so the Navarr travel. The Navarr have made slow but steady inroads here, reclaiming much of the forest from the particualrly malicious vallorn that dwells within it. The territory is quite harsh, and the Navarr steadings there are often under threat from barbarians.


In Highguard, the water-logged bayou of Therunin provides a unique challenge to the stridings that travel here. As the Navarr have recovered territory from the vallorn, the forest here has grown still more malicious. Monstrous insects are a common threat here, even outside of areas where the vallorn still holds sway.

Liathaven (Lost)

In the west a series of dense forests once formed Liathaven. Control of Liathaven was lost at the same time that the Mourne fell and though the Navarr migrations still include this land they must travel secretly for the barbarians that control the Mourne harass any striding which attempts to follow the trods around the ancient wood.

Brocéliande (Lost; Never conquered)

In the east, lush Brocéliande, on the border between Dawn and Urizen, is considered by the Navarr as ancestral homeland and is the single largest forested expanse in the Empire. This is where Navarr and Thorn first danced. The Navarr have been unable to make any significant gains in this territory.