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* '''Assembly:''' General
* '''Assembly:''' General
* '''Raised By:''' Tiana i Zayden i Riqueza
* '''Raised By:''' Tiana i Zayden i Riqueza
* '''Judgement:''' In 383our virtuous fleets went to Vorlach, broke the Grendel's chains, and freed the slaves. In Winter, we went to Axos and brought back the Tamazi orcs. Now Sumaah have sounded the charge to do so again, to free the slaves of Chalonsio. Last season the synod agreed with Preceptor Yevanshka that 'to allow to commit enslavement is to commit a spiritual crime.' We call upon the Senate to legalise a Fleet action to support our Sumash brethren and free those slaves to follow in the Way.
* '''Judgement:''' In 383 our virtuous fleets went to Vorlach, broke the Grendel's chains, and freed the slaves. In Winter, we went to Axos and brought back the Tamazi orcs. Now Sumaah have sounded the charge to do so again, to free the slaves of Chalonsio. Last season the synod agreed with Preceptor Yevanshka that 'to allow to commit enslavement is to commit a spiritual crime.' We call upon the Senate to legalise a Fleet action to support our Sumash brethren and free those slaves to follow in the Way.
* '''Outcome:'''  Upheld with a Greater Majority 1298 to 68
* '''Outcome:'''  Upheld with a Greater Majority 1298 to 68
===Judgement 16===
===Judgement 16===
* '''Assembly:''' Loyalty
* '''Assembly:''' Loyalty
* '''Raised By:''' Zenith Ascendant
* '''Raised By:''' Zenith Ascendant
* '''Judgement:''' The Loyalty assembly .
* '''Judgement:''' The Loyalty assembly condemns slavery in all its forms wherever it occurs in the world. To enslave another is to utterly deny themany chance to be truly virtuous and as such represents a spiritual threat as severe as any other facing the Empire. Loyalty is proven not through words, or deeds but by the unity of both. This assembly will gladly recognise and reward the Virtue of anyone who draws upon the inspiration of the Marked and demonstrates this principle in the struggle to eliminate this blight.
* '''Outcome:'''  Upheld with a Greater Majority 1298 to 68
* '''Outcome:'''  Upheld with a Greater Majority 423 to 0
===Judgement 17===
* '''Assembly:''' Highborn
* '''Raised By:''' Brother Luke
* '''Judgement:''' Last season, we, the Highborn Assembly,condemned the Druj's tactics. Cruelty is nothing more than a wellspring of Fear, Hatred, and Vengeance, poisoning the spirit as the Druj poison the land. However, they are not the only force of Cruelty affecting the Empire. Vigilance drives us to seek out the poison in your neighbour's fields, lest your own crops be blighted, and Loyalty calls on us to unify our words and actions. We as Highborn have the weight of Virtue in our hearts, and as such we do not have the immunity of ignorance. We cannot ask our brave soldiers to fight and die to eliminate Druj cruelty while ignoring the same inflicted by our Varushkan cousins. Our hypocrisy is seen by all who live within and without our Empire, and we are judged for it. The Varushkans are a people of a great nation and a vital part of our shared Empire, their lands are harsh, but their people are renowned for their Wisdom and Prosperity. We call upon them to demonstrate this by turning away from the folly of Cruelty and finding new ways to fight in accordance with their National Character. Until they do so, the Highguard Assembly is compelled to condemn the Iron Helm's use of Cruel tactics - the Druj's tactics - to ensure that the taint of Cruelty does not spread to others.
* '''Outcome:'''  Upheld 268-197


Revision as of 20:13, 31 July 2022


During the Spring Equinox 384YE Summit, the Imperial Synod raised tbc judgements.


The following considerations should be borne in mind when bringing judgements before the Imperial Synod during the Summer Solstice.

  • All Assemblies: Statements that prioritise the greater good over personal loyalties are less effective. Lasts until the end of the Summer Solstice 384YE. Link.
  • All Assemblies: Statements that try to compel Loyalty will fail. Lasts until the end of the Summer Solstice 384YE. Link.
  • All Assemblies: Revocations and Excommunications for disloyalty to the nation or Empire would risk causing dissent Lasts until the end of the Summer Solstice 384YE. Link.
  • All Assemblies: Any mandate that does not pass with a greater majority will have limited or no effect on Urizen or Varushka. It is not impossible that a mandate might lead to a response in one of the two nations, but it won't lead to any immediate consequences for the people of the nation. This lasts until some new turn of events changes things. Urizen Link. Varushka Link.
  • All Assemblies: No statement of principle that is about Sulemaine i Taziel will lead to a mandate. Lasts until at least the end of the Winter Solstice 384YE and potentially longer. Link.
  • Virtue Assemblies: Any statement of principle in any virtue assembly will not create a mandate for that virtue assembly. If any mandate does arise, then it will need to be passed by the General Assembly. Lasts until the end of the Winter Solstice 384YE. Link.
  • Highguard Assembly: for the coming year statements of principle in the Highborn Assembly that do not directly address matters of orthodoxy and false beliefs in the Empire will be significantly less likely to result in a mandate. Lasts until the end of the Summer Solstice 384YE. Link.
  • Highguard and Dawn Assemblies: Statements of principle in either assembly that receive a greater majority may create opportunities in the other assembly. Lasts until the end of the Autumn Equinox 384YE Link.

Statement of Principle

Judgement 6

  • Assembly: General
  • Raised By: Vasili, Pride of Ossium
  • Judgement: To aid our Sumaah cousins in dismantling the Asavean slave trade is an act of the highest virtue. To prosecute any Imperial citizen who undetakes this mission of mercy and manumissions would be the most heinous act of political cowardice. We the general assembly urge all those with fleets who hold virtue in their hearts to sail to Asavea and bring the liberty that we thrive under to those in chains, and naught but the bloody are edge to their so-called masters.
  • Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majority 1113 to 24

Judgement 6

  • Assembly: General
  • Raised By: Genoveva Barossa di Tassato
  • Judgement: When the Inquisitorial Court was created in Summer 379, it was decided that Inquisitors should have the power to raise a judgement of inquisition in addition to their usual judgement and that the additional judgement would follow all the usual rules of a priest's judgement in terms of scrutiny and voting. It is now the view of the Inquisitorial court that, while this aids us in performing our roles, it means that in most circumstances it is difficult to perform an inquisition in the same summit as we hear of the need for one. This has on at least one occasion led to a person only being excommunicated after their death as the escalation could not be done sooner. We call on the Imperial Senate to amend the powers of the Virtue Inquisitors so that their additional judgement of Inquisition is automatically passed without a vote. The constitutional court have previously ruled that this is possible.
  • Outcome: Upheld 1660 to 20

Judgement 11

  • Assembly: League
  • Raised By: Rafael Barossa di Tassato
  • Judgement: The Modnos family of Faraden have claimed responsibility for burning the Blood Red River Museum in Tassato Mestra. There can be no doubt that we owe them a Reckoning. We must make clear our defiance against any who would attack us. Let us rebuild the Museum even larger and grander than ever before, in the spirit of the Paragon Richilde. Let us show the world this symbol of our National Pride. Let us swell the congregations of Tassato's Bishops of Pride as our people embrace our shared past.And when it is complete, let us invite the citizens of Faraden to see that Tassato stands Proud.
  • Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majority 360 to 0

Judgement 14

  • Assembly: General
  • Raised By: Tiana i Zayden i Riqueza
  • Judgement: In 383 our virtuous fleets went to Vorlach, broke the Grendel's chains, and freed the slaves. In Winter, we went to Axos and brought back the Tamazi orcs. Now Sumaah have sounded the charge to do so again, to free the slaves of Chalonsio. Last season the synod agreed with Preceptor Yevanshka that 'to allow to commit enslavement is to commit a spiritual crime.' We call upon the Senate to legalise a Fleet action to support our Sumash brethren and free those slaves to follow in the Way.
  • Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majority 1298 to 68

Judgement 16

  • Assembly: Loyalty
  • Raised By: Zenith Ascendant
  • Judgement: The Loyalty assembly condemns slavery in all its forms wherever it occurs in the world. To enslave another is to utterly deny themany chance to be truly virtuous and as such represents a spiritual threat as severe as any other facing the Empire. Loyalty is proven not through words, or deeds but by the unity of both. This assembly will gladly recognise and reward the Virtue of anyone who draws upon the inspiration of the Marked and demonstrates this principle in the struggle to eliminate this blight.
  • Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majority 423 to 0

Judgement 17

  • Assembly: Highborn
  • Raised By: Brother Luke
  • Judgement: Last season, we, the Highborn Assembly,condemned the Druj's tactics. Cruelty is nothing more than a wellspring of Fear, Hatred, and Vengeance, poisoning the spirit as the Druj poison the land. However, they are not the only force of Cruelty affecting the Empire. Vigilance drives us to seek out the poison in your neighbour's fields, lest your own crops be blighted, and Loyalty calls on us to unify our words and actions. We as Highborn have the weight of Virtue in our hearts, and as such we do not have the immunity of ignorance. We cannot ask our brave soldiers to fight and die to eliminate Druj cruelty while ignoring the same inflicted by our Varushkan cousins. Our hypocrisy is seen by all who live within and without our Empire, and we are judged for it. The Varushkans are a people of a great nation and a vital part of our shared Empire, their lands are harsh, but their people are renowned for their Wisdom and Prosperity. We call upon them to demonstrate this by turning away from the folly of Cruelty and finding new ways to fight in accordance with their National Character. Until they do so, the Highguard Assembly is compelled to condemn the Iron Helm's use of Cruel tactics - the Druj's tactics - to ensure that the taint of Cruelty does not spread to others.
  • Outcome: Upheld 268-197


The following mandates were passed during the Spring Equinox. Where there are competing mandates, the one that passes with the largest margin is successful and all other competing mandates are considered to have failed.

Judgement 5

  • Assembly: General
  • Raised By: Aurum of the Nightingale Temple
  • Judgement: The Urizen and Loyalty Assemblies call for others to join in this Virtuous Crusade for the salvation of Zenith. Let every priest in the Empire commit to the defeat of the Druj. We send Autumn of the Nightingale Temple with 25 doses of liao to urge the priests of the Empire to tithe their strength so that we may bring swift death to the Druj.
  • Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majority 2178 to 48
  • Notes: Liao Supplied. This opportunity is detailed in the To ride the earth wind of fortune.

Judgement 21

  • Assembly: General
  • Raised By: Isaac of the Silent Tide
  • Judgement: Urizen and Loyalty assemblies call for others to join in virtuous crusade for the salvation of Zenith. Let every priest in the Empire commit to the defeat of the Druj. We send Isaac of the Silent Tide speaker of the Highguard national assembly with 25 doses of liao to urge the priests of the Empire. To tithe their strength so we may bring swift death to the Druj.
  • Outcome: Withdrawn
  • Notes: This opportunity is detailed in the To ride the earth wind of fortune. Judgement 5 represents an upheld version of this mandate.

Judgement 33

  • Assembly: Dawn
  • Raised By: Mael Donjeon of House Remys
  • Judgement: With five-and-twenty liao we send Killian Mortére to summon virtuous knights and yeofolk. Defy the Druj with shining spear and sword! And free the captive Barrens from their yoke!
  • Outcome: Withdrawn
  • Notes: This opportunity is detailed in the The day writes the words wind of fortune.

Judgement 43

  • Assembly: Navarr
  • Raised By: Iniska Ashwood
  • Judgement: The Navarr take Pride in sacrifice but we must not sacrifice our Pride. Pride tells us never to be ashamed of our past. Terunael is dead but from the ashes Navarr was formed. We send Iniska Ashwood with 50 doses of liao to remind Navarr of what we have achieved; with the aid of the Empire and since the fall of Terunael. We are Navarr - not Terunael. Take Pride in what we have achieved so far - one day the vallorn will be eradicated and we must plan for that future.
  • Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majority, 278-52.
  • Notes: Awiaitng Liao. This opportunity is detailed in Shimmerglisten wind of fortune. Waiting for liao.

Judgement 54

  • Assembly: Prosperity
  • Raised By: Darian Numbers
  • Judgement: There are three things that should never be made; food that goes uneaten, coin that goes unspent, and magic that goes unused. We send Darian Numbers with 25 liao to Asolat to urge all prosperous citizens to seek out new opportunities for commerce and development in their lands putting forward their proposals for consideration at the next summit. Let the glorious work of the seneschals of Dawn and their prosperous work be recognised and guided.
  • Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majority 279 - 0
  • Notes: Awiaitng Liao. This opportunity is detailed in Apples from a tree. Waiting for liao.

Judgement 62

  • Assembly: General
  • Raised By: Aureliana di Sarvos
  • Judgement: The Barrens is a land to be liberated, not a prize to be claimed. We send Aureliana du Sarvos to urge the nations of the Empire to turn aside from this conquest. Let us rally the slaves and survivors of the Druj's campaign in the Barrens to our cause. We send Aureliana di Sarvos with 75 liao to discourage a campaign of brutal conquest.
  • Outcome: Upheld 1707 - 227
  • Notes: Awaiting Liao. This opportunity is detailed in The day writes the words Wind of Fortune

Judgement 70

  • Assembly: Navarr
  • Raised By: Enis Splinterspear
  • Judgement: We should seek to learn more of, and from, our past and shoulder a little of the responsibility for the sinkhole. Now we have a chance to repair the damage we should not be half-hearted in the attempt. We sent Enis Splinterspear with 25 doses of liao to urge those Navarr who can to help the koboldi reach the lower depths of the sinkhole so that access to the ruins of our past my be learned from.
  • Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majority 310-0

Notes: Awaiting Liao. This opportunity is detailed in One side stone, one side fire Wind of Fortune

Judgement 106

  • Assembly: Loyalty
  • Raised By: Raewyn Eternal
  • Judgement: We send Aurum of the Nightingale temple with 25 liao to encourage those pilgrims inspired by the following mandate with the eyes of loyalty. The Urizen and Loyalty Assemblies call for others to join in this Virtuous Crusade for the salvation of Zenith. Let every priest in the Empire commit to the defeat of the Druj. We send Autumn of the Nightingale Temple with 25 doses of liao to urge the priests of the Empire to tithe their strength so that we may bring swift death to the Druj.
  • Outcome: Upheld 261-0
  • Notes: Awaiting Liao. This use of the Eyes of Loyalty supports Judgement 5.

Judgement 109

  • Assembly: Dawn
  • Raised By: Claude Cutter
  • Judgement: Let the quest for glory be the blazing sun that guides you as you venture into the abyss! We send Lord Pelleas Montrose with 25 doses of liao to urge those who seek glory to delve into the deeps beneath the world and defeat whatever evil they may find there!
  • Outcome: Upheld 172-0
  • Notes: Awaiting Liao. This opportunity is detailed in One side stone, one side fire Wind of Fortune

Judgement 135

  • Assembly: Wisdom
  • Raised By: Hembeneth i Guerra
  • Judgement: I call upon the people of Holberg and followers of wisdom throughout the Empire to focus their wisdom. I send Hembeneth I guerra with 25 doses of liao to urge the * faithful to find a practical solution to the ravages caused by the curse placed by Skathe on Holmauer Park.
  • Outcome: Upheld 304-0
  • Notes: Awaiting Liao. This special mandate opportunity is detailed in the Watches_from_the_Wall#The_Focus_of_Wisdom Wind of Fortune

Judgement 165

  • Assembly: Brass Coast
  • Raised By: Luca i Taziel i Riqueza
  • Judgement: Pride conveyed by words alone is vain boasting; proclaim it by how you conduct every part of your life. Those who embrace the Festival of the Broken Wheel should demonstrate their Pride in this traditional festival by donning a white head scarf, robe or similar. We send Luca i Taziel i Riqueza with 25 doses of liao to urge Freeborn citizens to dress in such a way that everyone knows who is celebrating the Festival.
  • Outcome: Upheld with primacy 184-0
  • Notes: Awaiting Liao. This special mandate opportunity is detailed in the To see what you sell Wind of Fortune

Judgement 5

  • Assembly:
  • Raised By:
  • Judgement:
  • Outcome:
  • Notes: