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Notice Board.jpg
There are notice boards like this all over Anvil, full of the latest news.


Over the past three months, several events have occurred which are of significance to the Empire and may require a response from her champions. You can also read about the progress of the Empire's military campaigns here.

In each case, we've tried to tag the Winds of Fortune entry with the nations, or political bodies, to which it is most relevant. We've done this to help people who are interested only in events that are especially relevant to them. In no way are these tags intended to be exhaustive; the Empire is a complex place and very little happens in isolation.

As always, how much or how little of this information you choose to know in character is up to you. Part of the purpose of Winds of Fortune is to maintain the illusion of the Empire as a living, breathing place where things happen - and to make players aware of things their characters 'should' know based on what their roleplaying says they have been doing for the past three months.

Many winds of fortune open with a short section of in-character text. In all cases, these pieces are intended to help create an atmosphere and provide a little entertainment. Where they contain opinions, those are the opinions of the fictional people depicted - and where they contain information or rumours the assumption is that the reader will create their own context for that information or gossip. They're mostly just a bit of fun and they tend not to contain anything vital to the understanding of the wind of Fortune.

Winds of Fortune

A Dream That Can Last

  • Citizens of Holberg; Imperial Orc and General assemblies

During the Spring Equinox the Imperial Senate ceded the region of Misericorde in Holberg to the Sand Fishers of Ossium. With the assistance of the civil service, the orcs abandoned Bittershore and have crossed the Semmerlak to claim the region for their own. They have quickly established a number of small villages, taking advantage of the abundance of natural wildlife and venturing far afield to explore their new homes.

As the Senate has recognised the Sand Fishers as foreigners, there is a blossoming trade with League citizens in rare herbs, rare delicacies, and exotic hides. Yet there are also a few problemts - the orcs do not much care for the city of Holberg itself preferring to explore the marshes of Ennerlund, Rebeshof, and the Morass. They are leery of the deep woods of Utterlund fearing the bandits that dwell there - and perhaps reminded all-too-keenly of the Druj who once ruled them.

Still, it seems the addition of the orcs to Holberg has been a positive step - one ripe with opportunity for the burghers of the League. You can read more about this situation here.

Old Ways

  • League, Wintermark, Marcher, and Varushkan assembly

During the Spring Equinox, the long-discussed refurbishment of the Basilica of Seven Doors in Bastion was commissioned by the Imperial Senate. With the assistance of the Custodes Clavium, the restoration was quickly completed, and the previously-lapsed position of Speaker of the Highborn Assembly reinstated.

As anticipated, with the Speaker for the Highborn Assembly restored to prominence, other national assemblies are taking time to consider improving their own organisation. The bishops of the League propose that Capodomus Cathedral be reinvigorated; the Crows of Wintermark point to the parlous state of the Hall of Rund; and Varushkan wise ones consider the role of the Tender of the Hearth. Some ecclesiastical scholars, especially among the Highborn, imagine that a little more organisation in the national assemblies could only be for the good of the Synod as a whole.

Meanwhile Abbot Matilda of Becktunn, a Marcher - a people with a reputation for going their own way - refutes the idea that their assembly needs any more direction but embraces the idea that the Empire would probably benefit from a little of the common sense only her peeople can provide - and from the example of a long lost exemplar of Ambition.

You can read about these proposals here.

Walk On

  • Priests of every nation

The grey pilgrims traverse the trods as they seek to weaken the vallorn. They are guided by the statements passed by the Highborn Assembly and act with the support of the Assembly of the Nine. While they walk, they speak with those they meet - to question them about their faith.

The goal of their inquiry is to encourage the faithful to consider their beliefs, to think about their faith and to ask themselves if any part of what they are doing is contradicted by doctrine. Such conversations are often challenging. Many find it difficult to answer the questions the pilgrims provoke. Priests across the Empire have noticed absences from their congregations as citizens sought answers elsewhere.

With the Synod about to convene at Anvil for the Summer Solstice, the chance has arrived to provide answers to the questions raised by the grey pilgrims - presuming such answers exist of course.

You can read about potential answers to the grey pilgrims' questions here.

Other Events



A number of mandates were upheld at the Spring Equinox and enacted in the months that followed. You can find a complete list here.

Following our new rules about mandates, the majority have already begun to have their effect.

Imperial Lore

One ritual was entered into Imperial lore following the Spring Equinox.

The ritual is now available to be mastered by Imperial magicians.

Other Media

Insert other media here.