Revision as of 22:36, 20 December 2016 by Rosemary (talk | contribs)
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ItemPowerMonthsOrichalcumTempest JadeGreen IronWeltsilverAmbergeltBeggars LyeDragon BoneIrridescent Gloaming
Icon of JudgementYou can perform the EXCOMMUNICATE ceremony as if you knew it200000000
Icon of the ForgeYou can perform the HALLOW ceremony as if you knew it200000000
Icon of the HearthYou can perform the CONSECRATE ceremony as if you knew it200000000
Icon of the High TowerYou can perform the INSIGHT ceremony as if you knew it200000000
Icon of the JusticarYou can perform the EXORCISM ceremony as if you knew it200000000
Icon of the PilgrimYou can perform the ANOINTING ceremony as if you knew it200000000
Icon of the WitnessYou can perform the TESTIFY ceremony as if you knew it200000000