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Centuries before the Empire was formed, humans already lived in the fertile plains around the Bay of Catazar. They built cities, organized themselves into lose kingdoms, and formed alliances with one another. Part of the pressure to form an alliance came from the orcs - savage barbarians who attacked the human settlements. At the heart of these human kingdoms was the flowering of civillization that serves as the forerunner of the Navarr. Records and the stories of the Navarr call this nation "Teruni'el" and record that its cultured cities were run by a hereditary noble caste.

While other human tribes engaged the orcs in face-to-face battle, the nobles of Teruni'el increasingly came to rely on magic. Initially, their magic served to bolster the other human forces resisting the orcs, but over time the stresses of constant magic use took their toll. Without warning, something went horribly wrong. The magical effects woven around Teruni'el unwound catastrophically, creating or summoning the Vallorn into the heart of their kingdom. The cities were consumed by forest, and though the humans tried everything to stop the Vallorn, in the end they had no choice but to abandon their homes.

The Navarr are descended from the sworn guardians of Teruni'el. Bound and branded by oaths to protect the cities, they fought desperately to keep the Vallorn at bay, giving survivors a chance to flee the cities and offering them succour where they could. When it became clear that the Vallorn vould not be contained by force of arms, a magical solution was sought. The heroine Star and her lover Thorn, along with the last few remaining members of the noble caste and many other magicians, gave their lives to set in motion a poweful ritual to keep the Vallorn from spreading uncontrollably.

Once the ritual was woven it needed to be maintained or its power would have faded over time. As part of the ritual, generations of magicians have dedicated themselves to walking a series of magical routes centred on the ruins of Teruni'el to reinforce and maintain its effects. These vates required protection on their increasingly difficult journeys, and the small groups that accompanied them were the foundation of the first Stridings. To this day the Navarr walk the paths - called Trods - that surround the Vallorn, keeping alive the ritual that chains it in fitful slumber.

The first Steadings were founded around fragments of the human kingdoms that the Navarr wanted to protect, or built to reinforce areas of forest. Refugees and survivors from the devastation of the cities were welcomed here, provided they were prepared to become Navarr themselves. Over time, the designation of "Navarr" as a caste of soldiers was abandoned and came to be the name of the people. The orcs soon learnt that there was little to be gained by attacking the forests in force, but continued to press the Navarr from time to time.

While the Navarr were focusing on their effort to contain the Vallorn, they were unable to offer assistance to the other human kingdoms. Worse, the presence of a hostile force in the human heartland caused panic and unexpected attacks from the insect-horrors that inhabit the Vallorn. One by one, the other human kingdoms fell to the orcs. The ancestors of the Urizen withdrew entirely into their mountain fortresses, refusing to help fight the orcs or contain the Vallorn. Some survivors fled to inhospitable lands to the north - becoming the ancestors of the Kallavesi, the Ssuaq and the Ushka. The remainder were enslaved by the orcs - the surly Feni of the Marches are believed to descend from some of these people. The Navarr did what they could to help, welcoming refugees who sought out their Steadings, or who they encountered during their migrations, and offering what support they could spare to remaining guerilla forces.

The arrival of humans from across the sea - the forerunners of the modern Imperial Nations - drove the orcs from the fertile lowlands. Initially the Navarr treated them the same way as they had the orcs, but the soon realised that these new humans were potential allies. They emerged from the woods and engaged in diplomacy, partly to ensure the continuation of their Stridings, and partly to encourage the new humans to focus their attention on the orcs rather than engage in costly squabbles with each other. They facilitated trade and travel between proto-Nations, and cultivated a reputation for being well-intentioned supporters of humanity.

One of their most successful efforts came when they introduced the Highborn to the liao plant. Fascinated by its ability to unlock visions, it served as the foundation for the Revelation that lead to the formation of the Imperial Faith and, indirectly, to the appearence of the First Empress.

It is popularly held amongst the Navarri that their blood ran thick in the veins of her family, and there had long been a friendship between her house and the Navarri. A Striding of Navarr were among the first humans to hear her message of unity. The Thorn Telanel became one of her first companions, protecting and guiding her through human lands, while other Navarr brought her message first to their own people, then to anyone else who was prepared to listen. They helped arrange the first meeting at which the foundations of the Empire were laid. The goals and philosophies of the First Epress struck a resonant chord deep in their hearts. The Navarri Stridings became the standard-bearers for the Empire, carrying its message to the divided human nations.

Since then, the Navarr have dedicated themselves heart and soul to the success of the Empire. Their oft-stated goals are twofold. First, with the help of the Empire, they will destroy the Vallorn, reclaim their lost cities and discharge their ancestors oaths to protect them. Second, they will help the Empire to protect humankind and its civilisation against barbarians and internal threats alike.