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The Barrens describes an area to the east of Semmerholm never conquered by the Empire. Dawn maintains a series of long-established outposts on the western edge that reinforce the border against the barbarians. The land is rich and fertile and there have been several attempts to settle it more fully, but the presence of several barbarian bandit tribes makes establishing permanent settlements impossible. Between 325 YE and 328 YE the barrens were the scene of a short-lived rogue kingdom called Montane following the events of the Freedom Heresy. Since then a large proportion of the territory has been in the hands of agressive barbarian orcs.

Nonetheless, the Dawnish refuse to abandon the Barrens and it serves as a common proving ground for knights-errant.

Minor Settlements


Sits between Broceliande and the Barrens, in woods watched by Navarr Thorns as much as knights of Dawn. It is still held, as a bastion against the creatures of the Barrens. It’s often under attack, with much glory waiting the brave knights who volunteer here for dangerous adventure. This is not a place for families.

Towers of the Dawn

Along the western borders of the Barrens are four massively built white granite tower-keeps collectively known as the Towers of Dawn. This great fortification serves as a base of operation for Dawnish knights exploring the Barrens, and a reminder to the orcs that while they may dominate the Barrens, they do not do so without opposition. During the Freedom Heresy, the towers were the sight to an atrocity as rebellious briars murdered the yeomen and knights assigned to the FIrst and Second towers. To this day, the garrisons of the Towers of Dawn are unfriendly towards briars - and woe betide anyone who supports the 'virtues' of freedom within their earshot.

The Spires of Dusk

Along the eastern borders of the Barrens are two spires of white granite and weirwood, studded with spikes and surrounded by multiple rows of sharpened spikes, moats and carefully constructed pit-traps and staged-quagmires. Only one safe approach exists to the towers, overlooked by archery posts, and the forests taht surround this Druj fortification are thick with traps and poisonous beasts. Looking on the towers sends a thrill of fear up the spine of all save the bravest knights. They glare across the Barrens toward the Towers of Dawn, and dark tales speak of what happens to Dawnish or Navarri scouts captiured in the vicinity. Occasionally, the Druj masters of the fortress release prisoners from the towers, broken in body and mind and shattered in spirit, to spread tales of cruelty and terror within the Empire.

The Druj call this fortress The Jaws of Suffering; the Dawnish choose to refer to it as the Spires of Dusk and know that if they are ever to claim the Barrens for the Empire they will need to destroy this abominable castle.