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The Apothecary of Orieb is an Imperial title created by the Senate in Winter 383YE to oversee the Palace of Orieb following the conquest of Ossium. The position of Apothecary is a sinecure and a ministry, producing a variety of herbs, including the rare realmsroot. The Palace is in the former Druj town of Orieb in Drownbark Forest, Ossium.


The Apothecary has no particular responsibilities; they simply receive a bounty of herbs from the Palace and are able to hire locals to greatly improve this bounty. If the Palace were to be threatened in any way, it would be the responsibility of the Apothecary to deal with those threats.


Bounty of Herbs

The Apothecary gains custodianship of a sinecure. Each season they receive 5 drams each of True Vervain, Cerulean Mazzarine, Imperial Roseweald, Marrowort and Bladeroot. They also receive two doses of the rare realmsroot.


Total Money SpentProduction
7 Crowns14 random herbs, 1 dose of Realmsroot
17 Crowns28 random herbs, 2 doses of Realmsroot
30 Crowns42 random herbs, 3 doses of Realmsroot

The Palace of Orieb also functions as a ministry - the Apothecary can hire local humans and orcs to greatly increase its productivity. The Apothecary makes their decision how much money to spend during downtime from their character page. Money is removed from, and resources are placed into, the character's inventory when the downtime is processed.


The title is selected by unanimous decision of the Varushkan senators at the Winter Solstice. If a unanimous decision cannot be reached, the title may be appointed by the Imperial Senate instead.

The title can be held by any Varushkan citizen. The Apothecary serves until the next scheduled election. They can be revoked by the General Assembly, the Varushkan National Assembly, and by the Assembly of the Nine.

Palace of Orieb

In the depths of the Drownbark Forest is the settlement of Orieb, a ramshackle former Druj settlement surrounding a sprawling and labyrinthine palace. The Palace of Orieb is believed to have been home to the Buruk Tepel of the Bone Serpent clan, Bleakbane. Neither she nor her apprentices have been accounted for, although it is possible they were slain by either the Thule or the Druj orcs during the peculiar events at Orieb during Spring 383YE.

The maze-like structure is a peculiar and unsettling combination of living area, apothecary workshop, palace, political hub, and herb garden with plants growing inside the structure in internal gardens - some open to the elements and others roofed with glass or cunning wooden shutters that can be adjusted to control the amount of rain and sun that reaches them. Parts of the palace are flooded with waters from the surrounding marshes - but all the signs indicate that this is by design rather than as a consequence of any architectural failure. There are also a number of peculiar chambers focused around apparent veneration or propitiation of supernatural entities containing statues surrounded by a profusion of flourishing plants of all kinds.

The "town" of Orieb is composed of makeshift hovels populated by a number of freed orc and human slaves. They have thus far cooperated fully with the liberating forces, open in their relief that the Druj have been driven away. The only real concentration of Varushkans in the region is found here - bands of wagon raiders from Karsk and southern Volodmartz.

Some of the former slaves made a spirited attempt to gut the palace before Imperial civil servants requested that they stop and allow an inventory of the contents to be completed. The civil service reports that the Palace of Orieb is not only a web of secrets and mysteries, but a labyrinthine pharmacopeia that dwarfs even the now-destroyed Bitter Vats.

Winter Solstice 385YENikolai Desovich Patazca
Winter Solstice 384YENikolai Desovich Patazca
Spring Equinox 384YENikolai Desovich Patazca

Recent Elections

This title is currently held by Nikolai Desovich Patazca; it will be reelected at the next summit. The table to the right shows the citizens who have been elected to hold this title in the years since Empress Britta died.