The NPC team have a range of abilities and preferences, but as a rule we try to avoid “postie” roles whose sole job is to hand over a prop or conjunction information. It’s entirely acceptable to have NPCs do these things, but try to give them a personality and agenda to bring to life.

Beth Charlton is the person to ask any NPC-specific questions, best contactable on facebook and in the “Empire NPC Crew” group.

The NPC team can cast and kit themselves in your absence, but it’s good practice to be around to answer questions. They should be ready for briefing an hour before the encounter goes out. Unless the role has a particularly time-consuming makeup job or brief, try not to start briefing any earlier or you risk leaving an NPC waiting around twiddling their thumbs.

If you need someone with a specific skill or availability (eg. happy to be covered in fake blood, or free at midnight on Saturday) you can look for people before the event in the Empire NPC Crew facebook group or discord channel. We try not to over-rely on pre-casting like this, as not every NPC is in these places, or able to do much prep before the event.

6-8pm on Friday, and 2-6pm on Saturday are often really busy times for NPC. These are often just the best times for plots to go out (too early and lots of people are on the battle, too late and people are starting to go to bed, etc) but be careful about asking for lots of roles during these times.

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