You can list your request for someone to ref your encounter on the plotmatron. Be sure to do it early, over two weeks before the event. The ref team will assign someone and they’ll seek you out at the event.

If you forget to ask for a ref they ask that you get in touch once on site, before time in on Friday.

Any encounter with a likelihood of combat must request a ref (ie. players will be encouraged to start a fight, or meet hostile, armed NPCs.) It's also common to get a ref's help for casting rituals and delivering curses, but it's not a requirement. You may be able to log an effect yourself, or if someone wants to cast a ritual you're not prepared for it's okay to say you don't have the ability to process it. We usually have a tablet to share as a department, and you can access the system on any device through the onsite wifi.

It's especially useful to have a ref's help when there is a good chance of combat or complicated magical effects. For simple things like tying a ribbon to an item or leading a group to an encounter it's worth heading out in a red-black tabard to do it yourself, or asking another plot writer.

For any questions contact Emma and Rich on &

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