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The following judgements of [[rewarding]] were proposed during the Winter Solstice.
The following judgements of [[rewarding]] were proposed during the Winter Solstice.
===Judgement 7===
* '''Assembly:''' General Assembly
* '''Raised By:''' Chauntecleer Words
* '''Judgement:''' Salvation is a sign of the Exemplar and Paragon, and so all virtue should strive to expand the reach of th Way not just by the sword but also y rffirming the faith of believers and bringing new ones to the path. There are Suranni followers of the Way, but they face persecution for their belief. Without access to liao to bolster them we may soon see them expunged, and their candle in the dark snuffed out. We have an opportunity to construct brokerages within the Empire wheer they may legally acquire liao for a fair bargain, that there will continue to be a presence of the Way and perhaps the chance to offer Salvation to more souls.
We estimate to construct such endeavours will be of the order of 60 Thrones for the required 8 white granite and 8 weirwood. Respecting the other demands on the virtue fund, we would ask our fellows to provide 30 Thrones this season, and a second motion will be proposed next season for the remainder. Any unused funds would be returned to the virtue fund, and we would hope that any eventual custodian of th brokerages also remember their provenance should they result in prosperity.
* '''Outcome:''' Upheld (413 - 243); 30 Thrones provided by the Tribune
===Judgement X===
* '''Assembly:''' General Assembly
* '''Raised By:''' X
* '''Judgement:''' X.
* '''Outcome:''' Not Upheld (X - X)
===Judgement X===
* '''Assembly:''' General Assembly
* '''Raised By:''' X
* '''Judgement:''' X.
* '''Outcome:''' Not Upheld (X - X)
===Judgement X===
* '''Assembly:''' General Assembly
* '''Raised By:''' X
* '''Judgement:''' X.
* '''Outcome:''' Not Upheld (X - X)
===Judgement X===
===Judgement X===
* '''Assembly:''' General Assembly
* '''Assembly:''' General Assembly

Revision as of 12:51, 11 May 2019

This is a placeholder page for content that PD are actively working on.


During the Winter Solstice 382YE Summit, the Imperial Synod raised TBC judgements.

Change of doctrine

No change of doctrine was proposed during the Winter Solstice summit.


The veto was not sought during the Winter Solstice 382YE.

Statement of principle

The following statements of principle were presented to the assemblies of the Imperial Synod. Fifteen of these statements achieved a Greater Majority, meaning they will be distributed to appropriate assemblies.

Judgement 5

  • Assembly: General
  • Raised By: Lev Unbound
  • Judgement: Exemplars provide inspiration by their Virtuous deeds. Recognition of such persons by the Synod is not an exaltation, we must not worship or venerate them. Rather we should look to their lives and deeds and seek inspiring examples of Virtue applied in practice. Seeking inspiration in virtuous deeds of an Exemplar is not subsuming our will or our destiny.
  • Outcome: Upheld (1153 - 210)

Judgement 16

  • Assembly: Pride Virtue
  • Raised By: Rafael Barossa di Tassato
  • Judgement: We join our voices with Veikko Bondforger to condemn Almodin Oktístis, the "Asavean Architect". His inclusion of blasphemous and idolatrous iconography in large scale constructions is an affront to Imperial Pride, which we ought to proclaim in every aspect of our lives.
  • Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majority (262 - 0)

Judgement 21

  • Assembly: Urizen National
  • Raised By: Alcuin of the Auric Horizon
  • Judgement: Following a national debate on the subject it is the position of Urizen that: any individual dedicated to the principles of Urizen who wishes to join the nation should be considered be they human or orc.
  • Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majority (89 - 0)

Judgement 27

  • Assembly: General
  • Raised By: Cimeies of Felix's Watch
  • Judgement: The Imperial Synod recognises that orcs can have virtue but to exalt them as exemplars is to venerate an inhuman soul and thus idolatry. Exemplars are on the path to paragonhood and should be exalted as inspirations to those who come after them. We call for virtuous orcs to be referred to as such rather than exemplars.
  • Outcome: Not Upheld (365 - 951)

Judgement 35

  • Assembly: Way Virtue
  • Raised By: Hazelelponi of the Shattered Tower
  • Judgement: The Way Assembly recognises that the humans that travel with the Great Forest orcs are people who have been entrapped by the false virtue of Freedom. To do nothing to address this, to simply shun them would be to ignore the principles of Ambition, Courage, and Vigilance. The Assembly calls upon priests of the Empire to encourage civilians to be guarded against their heretical beliefs, but welcoming to them as people and offer them hospitality, where we will find means to bring them to Salvation, bringing the back into the Way and the Empire. The Way Assembly calls for a citizen to be nominated to take this message and the inspiration that virtue brings over the coming seasons.
  • Outcome: Upheld (83 - 0)

Judgement 39

  • Assembly: General
  • Raised By: Martin Orchard
  • Judgement: We hold that Inquisition is an essential part of the Synod. It is the means by which we uncover truth. It is the means by which we exonerate and laud those who deserve it, and we do so in public. It is the means by which we challenge those unvirtuous who threaten the souls of all Imperial citizens. it is vital that due process of Inquisition be respected and supported by Synod. A judgement of Sanction should only be raised following an Inquisition, that priests may bear witness to the truth. Support your inquisitors.
  • Outcome: Upheld (684 - 17)

Judgement 41

  • Assembly: Urizen National
  • Raised By: Galene Netherwatch
  • Judgement: We recognise and thank the Generals of the League, Highguard, and Varushka for their Loyalty to Urizen in this time of need.
  • Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majority (78 - 0)

Judgement 43

  • Assembly: General
  • Raised By: Medea Ruth
  • Judgement: Medea Ruth's dog is a loyal and virtuous creature. Dog-ri Druj-bone is a highly trained assistant field physick. He has saved many Imperial lives by aiding Medea Ruth in finding and treating and evacuating patients in the face of the Druj invasion of Urizen. The dog was recently injured in defending Medea Ruth from Druj. The dog works tirelessly to his utmost to aid Medea Ruth. We recognise the dog's Loyalty. Virtuous dog.
  • Outcome: Not Upheld (143 - 863)

Judgement 44

  • Assembly: General
  • Raised By: Saavi Anaasdottir
  • Judgement: Slavery is abhorrent and should be stamped out. No slave can truly follow virtue as their will is not their own - they cannot be Proud, Ambitious, or Loyal if they are bought and sold. An opportunity has arisen to strike the Grendel in Mareave and free up to 2000 slaves. The independent captains who take this action should be commended for their virtue.
  • Outcome: Upheld (823 - 294)

Judgement 45

  • Assembly: General
  • Raised By: Zastyt the Feeder
  • Judgement: The synod urges the virtuous citizens of the Empire to tear down all idolatrous statues and show Sumaah that we are true pilgrims of the Way.
  • Outcome: Upheld (566 - 355)

Judgement 46

  • Assembly: Dawn National
  • Raised By: Ser Ancel Watcher
  • Judgement: We are the glorious heart of the Empire and the fire of our virtue is warmth to our friends and ruin to our enemies. We urge troubadours to venture forth to Ossium to bring tales of virtue and glory to burn away the lingering dread imposed by the verminous Druj. "Troubadours to Ossium go / Let tales of virtue and glory grow / And in the light of Dawn they'll know / The Way now through this land shall flow."
  • Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majority (126 - 0)

Judgement 49

  • Assembly: Courage Virtue
  • Raised By: Clarice Novarion
  • Judgement: The path of courage tells us to despise cowardice, not to inspire it. The use of torture, and cruel tactics, is predicated on inspiring terror and cowardice in the victim and in all who witness such atrocity. The assembly of Courage condemns the use of such tactics.
  • Outcome: Upheld (128 - 20)

Judgement 50

  • Assembly: General
  • Raised By: Gilah of the Chantry
  • Judgement: Pilgrims visiting the shrine of the exemplar Zemress at Calvos Sound in the Brass Coast who are dedicated to the Way should be allowed to conduct their pilgrimage in safety regardless of their country of origin.
  • Outcome: Upheld (1115 - 0)

Judgement 51

  • Assembly: Prosperity Virtue
  • Raised By: Lilith of the Chantry
  • Judgement: Pilgrims visiting the shrine of the exemplar Zemress at Calvos Sound in the Brass Coast who are dedicated to the Way should be allowed to conduct their pilgrimage in safety, regardless of their country of origin.
  • Outcome: Upheld (76 - 0)

Judgement 53

  • Assembly: Highguard National
  • Raised By: Lina of Felix's Watch
  • Judgement: The Highguard Assembly urge those of all nations who are questioning their beliefs to turn to discussion with the Grey Pilgrims, not those of Foreign Nations or Idolatrous or Heretical beliefs.
  • Outcome: Upheld (392 - 40)

Judgement 59

  • Assembly: Highguard National
  • Raised By: Mechior of Adina's Charge
  • Judgement: Courage teaches us to despise that which leads to weakness and inaction. Pride teaches us to inspire others to greatness. Torture tears others down. Torture inspires fear and inaction. Our actions affect not only our own virtue but that of everyone we meet and who hear our stories. Torture is antithetical to the virtues of Pride and Courage and thus we condemn it.
  • Outcome: Upheld (204 - 80)

Judgement 62

  • Assembly: Brass Coast National
  • Raised By: Mazo i Zabala i Erigo
  • Judgement: Pilgrims visiting the shrine of the exemplar Zemress at Calvos Sound in the Brass Coast who are dedicated to the Way should be allowed to conduct their pilgrimage in safety regardless of their country of origin.
  • Outcome: Upheld (88 - 0)

Judgement 63

  • Assembly: Urizen National
  • Raised By: Calpurnia of the Scarlet Guard
  • Judgement: To support the sending of a message to every Urizeni via an arcane projection so that a promise will reach those held captive by the Druj in Morrow and Zenith that the Empire has not forgotten them and is coming to free them, to give them Pride and Courage not to seek Kaela's Boon unnecessarily unless facing imminent torture and death.
  • Outcome: Upheld (60 - 19)

Judgement 65

  • Assembly: Varushka National
  • Raised By: Nisha Strascovitch
  • Judgement: People of Varushka; the Eternal Shafts of Time are held by Tomasz Strascovitch. The Night Quarry is held by Tomislav Strascovitch. The Hunt of Alderei the Fair is held by Bors. The Granites of Veltsgorsk are held by Vitaly Dukov. The Gift of the Dwindling Star is held by Pavel Novak. The Overseer of the Western Trade Route is held by Borys Strascovitch. All traditional Varushkan bourse seats are in Varushkan hands. In pride rejoice in the achievement of our Ambition.
  • Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majority (106 - 0)

Judgement 67

  • Assembly: Marches National
  • Raised By: Friar John of the Mourn
  • Judgement: We, the people of the Marches, take great Pride in the vast bounty of our land. This land is kept ours by the armies that defend it. Many of these soldiers serve with the Ambition that they can own their own farms. We encourage the farm owners of the Marches to thank the soldiers who rest on leave in our lands. One night of food and rest a week, so that they may know what they fight for. An army marches on its stomach, and the Marchers are the ones to bring the bread.
  • Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majority (102 - 0)

Judgement 68

  • Assembly: Varushka National
  • Raised By: Amvis Juhan Menkovich
  • Judgement: Ossium was conquered by the Empire. Although Varushka has been granted the role of managing the land we welcome the troubadours of Dawn led by Ancel Watcher in their glorious mission to cleanse the land of false virtue.
  • Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majority (106 - 0)

Judgement 69

  • Assembly: Courage Virtue
  • Raised By: Luis i Guerra
  • Judgement: The Courage assembly encourages priests to accompany Imperial Armies into Ossium with liao to remove the fear auras from the territory.
  • Outcome: Upheld (128 - 0)

Judgement 70

  • Assembly: Courage Virtue
  • Raised By: Leonora van Holberg
  • Judgement: The Courage assembly posthumously recognises the tireless and unstinting work of Levitia of Endsmeet (formerly Echostorm) of Urizen who strove always to support the Assembly's work.
  • Outcome: Upheld (128 - 0)

Judgement 71

  • Assembly: Courage Virtue
  • Raised By: Nina of Cantiarch's Hold
  • Judgement: The Courage assembly nominates Melchior Adina's Charge to bear for the next year the artefact spear "Oathkeeper" given to the Empress by the artisan Tom of Upwold.
  • Outcome: Upheld (108 - 0)

Judgement 73

  • Assembly: Marches National
  • Raised By: Friar William
  • Judgement: We implore all members of the Marches to be ever watchful and vigilant. The Marches is in a prosperous time and it is our belief the Marches should not grow complacent. The Marches have always known their lands and our folk are good at beating the bounds be the threats vermin or Jotun.
  • Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majority (102 - 0)

Judgement 75

  • Assembly: League National
  • Raised By: Eyrbia Melampus de Tassato
  • Judgement: This assembly endorses the Witches' Ball Event and encourages all League citizens to assist in preparation however they can and participate with enthusiasm. This assembly approves that the Witches' ball will help forge bonds of Loyalty throughout the League and across the Empire, affecting all social ties, be they business, marriage, or friendship.
  • Outcome: Upheld (96 - 10)

Judgement 78

  • Assembly: Varushka National
  • Raised By: Yevanshka Nicolaiova
  • Judgement: We the Varushan National assembly recognise the virtue of all citizens of the Empire who provided the liao needed to fulfil mandate 66 particularly: Belakov, Wolf of Karsk; Father Nikolovich Drakov; Nisha Stracovich; Anastasia of the Sovereign's Head; Atla of the Imperial Orcs; Galene Netherwarch of Urizen; Mal Lassel Scechous of Dawn.
  • Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majority (114 - 0)

Judgement 79

  • Assembly: Imperial Orc National
  • Raised By: Bloodcrow Losak
  • Judgement: The Imperial Orc national assembly invite the orcs of the Mournwold to share accounts of their beliefs with the Synod so that we may better understand them, and sends Bloodcrow Losak to seek out such accounts of thrall beliefs and evidence regarding them.
  • Outcome: Upheld (33 - 17)

Judgement 80

  • Assembly: General
  • Raised By: Beodun "Warcrow" Snowlock
  • Judgement: In recognition of the exemplary conduct of Severin von Holberg, I put it to the Synod that not only has he inspired us to work together, but has bettered our understanding of the Way like no-one since Britta's death.
  • Outcome: Not Upheld (301 - 327)

Judgement 82

  • Assembly: General
  • Raised By: Goran Sokolov Zaytsev
  • Judgement: The newly conquered territory of Ossium has been awarded to Varushka, yet as it is one of the first newly attained territories, it does not have any infrastructure. As it is a territory of the Empire, we wish to raise support for any future acquisitions that will help shape it into a virtuous territory of the Empire.
  • Outcome: Upheld (561 - 80)

Judgement 86

  • Assembly: Brass Coast National
  • Raised By: Constanza i Kalamar i Guerra
  • Judgement: Now that Freeborn citizens can choose their tribe, now more than ever we should affirm our Pride in the deep ties that bind us as a nation. We offer hospitality, care, and support in Loyalty to those we consider family, thus we encourage all citizens to extend those same courtesies to our countrymen refugees. Indeed, any of us might find ourselves in such need. Investment in refugees is important for the Prosperity of the whole nation.
  • Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majority (98 - 0; Primacy)

Judgement 87

  • Assembly: Nine
  • Raised By: Hywel Summer Crow
  • Judgement: The Assembly of Nine invites the cities of Axos to send one or more priests to Anvil in the Spring of 383YE to discuss our respective religions and further mutual understanding.
  • Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majority (8 - 0)

Judgement 88

  • Assembly: Nine
  • Raised By: Viviane de Courdefer
  • Judgement: We the Nine strongly support the potential building of the Lepidean Library, on the absolute condition that the added dose of true liao is given only to the Gatekeepers to disburse.
  • Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majority (7 - 1)

Judgement 89

  • Assembly: Nine
  • Raised By: Onan of the Chantry
  • Judgement: The Assembly of Nine wish to register their congratulations on the progress of the Liberty Pact. We commend the work of: Eska Crowspeaker; Ianthe of the Suns of Couros; Thanmir Hrafnar; Atte Arrowtongue; and the Ambassadors. We reaffirm that slavery is abhorrent.
  • Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majority (8 - 0)

Judgement 90

  • Assembly: Nine
  • Raised By: Astrid Fjellrevening Kezin di Tassato
  • Judgement: The Assembly of Nine strongly condemn the reverence of eternals, in particular the building of idolatrous statues in places of virtue - such as the suggestion of building statues to Janon within Laroc cathedral.
  • Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majority (8 - 0)

Judgement 91

  • Assembly: Nine
  • Raised By: Veikko Bondforger
  • Judgement: The Assembly of Nine ask the Silent Bell to investigate if anyone of the Empire is trading liao with the Iron Confederacy.
  • Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majority (8 - 0)

Judgement 92

  • Assembly: Marches National
  • Raised By: Bethany
  • Judgement: Yes, we know the vates (they're kind of like Navarr Landskeepers) cast Rivers Run Red. They did it against the vallorn, what traps folks' souls. It were done with the consent of the people of that land, and they turned themselves in right away - no-one did this lightly. Conclave continues to support its Interdiction.
  • Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majority (92 - 0; Primacy)


The following mandates were passed during the Winter Solstice. Where there are competing mandates, the one that passes with the largest margin is successful and all other competing mandates are considered to have failed.

Judgement 3

  • Assembly: Dawn National
  • Raised By: Ranae de Rondell
  • Judgement: The green forest of Brocéliande is a wilderness like few others; now the vallorn that lies at its heart rises against our friends among the Navarr. The opportunity for glory here cannot be ignored; nor should the people of Semmerholm and Astolat ignore the sacrifices the Navarr have made to protect them against the malign force of the power that dwells there. The Dawn assembly sends Ranae de Rondell with 50 doses of liao to encourage knights and witches to offer their aid to the Navarr fighting to stem the green tide of the vallorn. Let knights-errant and questing knights alike face the challenge of the dark forest, and show the abhorrent power of the vallorn the might of Dawnish steel!
  • Outcome: Upheld (102 - 0)
  • Notes: The opportunity is detailed here

Judgement 4

  • Assembly:General
  • Raised By: Eska Crowspeaker
  • Judgement: The Way binds us together, guiding all citizens on a virtuous path. We send Eska Crowspeaker with 50 liao to spread the Way to those we have rescued from Dubhtraig to allow them to find a place for themselves in the Empire.
  • Outcome: Upheld (1388 - 36). Eska Crowspeaker provided 50 doses of liao to enact this mandate after the Winter Solstice 382YE.
  • Notes: The opportunity is detailed here.

Judgement 8

  • Assembly: General
  • Raised By: Erasmo di Tassato
  • Jugement: The Way was founded in Bastion, and the Sumaah were among the first to follow in our footsteps. We are not tyrants however; we do not seek to chain those who accept the truth of the Way to a single dogma. The Imperial Synod acknowledges Timoj as the equal of Bastion, and the Sumaah Houses of Virtue as equal to the Imperial Senate. Equal yet separate; we seek no dominance over them but likewise grant them no authority over those pilgrims who look to Bastion for guidance. We may be in opposition, but we are not enemies, and may gain as much together by cooperation as we do alone through ambitious pursuit of the truth. We send Erasmo di Tassato with 150 doses of liao to bring this message to the people of Sumaah, and the world.
  • Outcome: Not Upheld (274 - 837)
  • Notes: The opportunity is detailed here.

Judgement 9

  • Assembly: General
  • Raised By: Rafe
  • Judgement: All members of the Synod have a duty to represent their congregations. Those who are neither raising judgements in pursuit of their goals, nor voting in support of their understanding of Virtue, shame themselves. We send Rafe with 100 doses of liao to urge any priest in the Empire who does not make full use of their powers to take up arms and lead their congregations in heroic battle.
  • Outcome: Upheld (1006 - 204). Rafe provided 100 doses of liao to enact this mandate after the Winter Solstice 382YE.
  • Notes: The opportunity is detailed here. This judgement is similar to Judgement 10, but the two are not in competition. If both are enacted, however, their effects are not cumulative.

Judgement 10

  • Assembly: Wintermark National
  • Raised By: Severi Jarlmarison
  • Judgement: Those Winterfolk who are members of the Synod have a duty to represent their congregations. Those who are neither raising judgements in pursuit of their goals, nor voting in support of their understanding of Virtue, shame themselves. We send Severi Jarlmarison with 50 doses of liao to urge any priest of Wintermark who does not make full us of their powers to take up arms and lead their congregations in heroic battle.
  • Outcome: Upheld (167 - 25)
  • Notes: This opportunity is detailed here. This judgement is similar to Judgement 9, but the two are not in competition. If both are enacted, however, their effects are not cumulative.

Judgement 11

  • Assembly: General
  • Raised By: Solas
  • Judgement: The Way of Virtue is an enlightened faith; while we have Pride in its roots in Bastion, the Highborn discovery of True Liao, and the understanding this brought us, the true heart of the Way is anywhere discoveries are being made and understanding realised. Such events can happen anywhere and are not bound to any individual location in the Empire, Sumaah, or anywhere else. True pilgrims of the way, those who seek to understand and thus pursue Virtue, should challenge and combine their experiences and understanding so that the resulting faith is built on the strongest possible foundations. We send Solas with 150 doses of liao to bring this message to the people of Sumaah, and the world.
  • Outcome: Not upheld (405 - 661)
  • Notes: The opportunity is detailed here.

Judgement 13

  • Assembly: General
  • Raised By: Bartimeus
  • Judgement: The virtuous build up their fellows, and take pride in their people. Rather than looking to line their own pockets, Imperial citizens should seek ways to strengthen their own nations - and by doing so strengthen the Empire as a whole. We send Bartimeus with 75 liao to urge Imperial citizens to consider how best the bounty of their nations might be used for the benefit of their people.
  • Outcome: Upheld (879 - 276)
  • Notes: This opportunity is detailed here.

Judgement 14

  • Assembly: General
  • Raised By: Ephron of Adina's Charge
  • Judgement: The Way was founded in Bastion and the Sumaah follow in our footsteps. But the Proud seek to raise others up not cast them down. The Imperial Synod issues a challenge: if the Houses of Virtue wish the world to look to them for guidance, they must prove their claim. Send us not a trickle of missionaries but a flood. Let the vision of the Way that shines the brightest inspire the faithful. The Imperial Synod still leads the Virtuous and shall prevail. We send Ephron of Adina's Charge with 50 liao.
  • Outcome: Not Upheld (548 - 549)
  • Notes: This opportunity is detailed here.

Judgement 18

  • Assembly: Highguard National
  • Raised By: Yarona of the Chantry
  • Judgement: The purpose of our Pilgrimage is to save souls; certainly those who have fallen to the Vallorn, but also those who are in danger of being lost to false beliefs. We the Highborn Assembly acknowledge that no citizen follows the Way perfectly. We all have room to grow, and faults to address. We send Lilith of the Chantry with 25 liao to urge the Grey Pilgrims to act as guides for all the human nations of this great Empire. As they walk the trods in the years to come, let there be no dark corner into which they cannot shine the light of Virtue.
  • Outcome: Upheld (410 - 192)
  • Notes: This opportunity is detailed here.

Judgement 20

  • Assembly: General
  • Raised By: Jorma Steelhail
  • Judgement: The Way was founded in Bastion, and the Sumaah were among the first to follow in our footsteps. For so long Bastion has been a single light in sea of savagery and ignorance - the Imperial Synod is heartened to learn there are now two with Bastion's counterpart in Timoj. Rather than seek division through political pettiness, the Imperial Synod has a grander vision and so sends Jorma Steelhail with 150 doses of Liao to urge the citizens of the Empire and the Sumaah Republic to seek common ground and focus on our shared Ambition in spreading the Way to the world.
  • Outcome: Upheld (897 - 274). Jorma Steelhail provided 150 doses of liao to enact this mandate after the Winter Solstice 382YE.
  • Notes: This opportunity is detailed here.

Judgement 22

  • Assembly: Highguard National
  • Raised By: Josephine of Adina's Charge
  • Judgement: The monstrous infestation that is the Vallorn is a danger beyond any other that now faces us. There is no sacrifice too great that we cannot meet it to defeat this terror. The walking of the trods will weaken the vallorn, but we must not be blind to the danger it poses to humanity. The time has come to raise sword and brand against it in defence of our allies - and to strike at the horror in Brocéliande before it becomes a threat to our own people. We send Hazelelponi of the Shattered Tower with 50 doses of liao to urge the vigilant faithful of Highguard to aid the Navarr in the defence of Brocéliande.
  • Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majority (514 - 0)
  • Notes: This opportunity is detailed here.

Judgement 24

  • Assembly: Prosperity Virtue
  • Raised By: Edna of the Chantry
  • Judgement: As Edna has declared, the building of the Cinderpath Exchange is a virtuous endeavour that both increases the Prosperity of the Empire as a whole, and ensures that those who sell white granite receive a fair and virtuous reward for their labours. We send Edna with 100 doses of liao to urge those Prosperous citizens who have white granite to refrain from auctioning it through the Bourse Auction at Anvil until such time as the Cinderpath Exchange is completed.
  • Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majority (160 - 14). Sister Edna of the Chantry provided 100 dose of liao to enact this mandate after the Winter Solstice 382YE.
  • Notes: This opportunity is detailed here.

Judgement 25

  • Assembly: Navarr National
  • Raised By: Corey Wayfarer
  • Judgement: The Empire is beset on all fronts; sacrifices must be made. Brocéliande will not be one of those. The Navarr national assembly sends Corey Wayfarer with 25 doses of liao to urge the people of the steadings and stridings of Brocéliande to find the Courage in their hearts to take up arms against our ancient enemy and stand firm in the face of such horror. The Navarr are coming to aid you, remain firm till we arrive, we will hold it back.
  • Outcome: Withdrawn at the request of the raising priest. When withdrawn there were 76 votes in favour and 0 against.
  • Notes: This opportunity is detailed here.

Judgement 26

  • Assembly: Highguard National
  • Raised By: Dinah of Jeremsah's Welcome
  • Judgement: Highguard were those who founded The Way and first spread it to the peoples of the Empire's nations. They have now shown their Loyalty in kind for this great enlightenment Highguard gave to them, and it is time to spread The Way further afield through the people of foreign nations. We send Able of the Shattered Tower with 25 liao to urge the grey pilgrims to convert traveling foreigners to The Way, so that they may go back to their lands and pass on the truth.
  • Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majority (511 - 25) Able of the Shattered Tower provided 25 doses of liao to enact this mandate after the Winter Solstice 382YE.
  • Notes: This opportunity is detailed here.

Judgement 31

  • Assembly: Highguard National
  • Raised By: Raziel of the Shattered Tower
  • Judgement: As Bartimaeus has already vouchsafed, virtuous people set prices for things which are fair, and buy and sell them accordingly. The Senate disagrees; it denies the virtue of engaging in trade in a virtuous manner. We send Raziel of the Shattered Tower with 25 doses of liao to urge those Highborn citizens in possession of white granite to refuse to deal with the greed embodied by the Bourse Auction at Anvil until such time as the Cinderpath Exchange is completed.
  • Outcome: Upheld (436 - 14)
  • Notes: This opportunity is detailed here.

Judgement 33

  • Assembly: General
  • Raised By: Severin von Holberg
  • Judgement: The Way is an ever-evolving faith, whose truths must be Ambitiously pursued. While The Way of Sumaah fails to alter its Doctrines to address The Imperial Way's Doctrines of the Howling Abyss and the Ancestors, the Imperial Synod considers them nonconformist to the Imperial Way, but not enemies. We claim no temporal authority over those who look to Timoj, and we will continue to spiritually aid all those who cleave to the true Virtues. We fully reject any notion that the Sumaah Houses of Virtue have any authority over those who look to Bastion. Where souls can be saved by Sumaah, we will aid them, if they hinder us in the salvation of others, we will resist them. We send Severin von Holberg with 200 doses of liao to bring this message to all nations of the world, excepting Sumaah.
  • Outcome: Withdrawn at request of raising priest; when withdrawn there were 655 votes in favour and 321 against
  • Notes: This opportunity is detailed here.

Judgement 34

  • Assembly: General
  • Raised By: Skywise Tulva
  • Judgement: Skarsind offers a welcome home for the slaves liberated from the Broken Shore. Just as we once fought for our freedom, so you will have a chance to fight against those who once enslaved you. Those who do not fight, will still have a place, working to support our legions. We send Skywise Tulva with 50 liao to encourage the slaves to settle in Skarsind and let them know that those who choose to adopt our ways will be able to become Imperial Orcs in time.
  • Outcome: Upheld and passed (1203 - 54). This judgement competes with Judgement 47 but achieved a margin of 1149. As such this mandate is considered to have been upheld. Skywise Tulva provided 50 doses of liao to enact this mandate after the Winter Solstice 382YE.
  • Notes: This opportunity is detailed here.

Judgement 47

  • Assembly: General
  • Raised By: Arno von Leche
  • Judgement: Ambition is the lifeblood of the League. Near everyone who dreams of making something of their life, eventually finds their ways to one of the great cities of the Empire. We send Arno von Leche with 50 liao to encourage the slaves to settle in {named League city} and let them know of the many opportunities that await them there.
  • Outcome: Upheld but not passed (443 - 248). This mandate competes with Judgement 34. It received a margin of 195, and was defeated by the other mandate. It cannot be enacted.
  • Notes: This opportunity is detailed here.

Judgement 55

  • Assembly: Brass Coast National
  • Raised By: Tiana i Zaydan i Riqueza
  • Judgement: Rescuing slaves is an act of great Virtue. Crushing a slave rebellion is an act that debases the Empire. We are born free, and it falls to us to uphold the right to a free life following the Way for all people. We send Tiana i Zaydan i Riqueza with 75 doses of liao to urge the people of the three tribes to take up arms and free not only the slaves of the Grendel, but those who had fought free who we condemned to return to their chains.
  • Outcome: The Empress used her Custodian of Virtue power to require that this mandate reach a greater majority to pass. The judgement was upheld (86 - 16) but failed to achieve the required greater majority.
  • Notes: This opportunity is detailed here.

Judgement 66

  • Assembly: Varushka National
  • Raised By: Dovbravka Nadjaovna Vanek
  • Judgement: Vasili Zoryakovich Zverokaz reminds us that slavery is unacceptable; Eska Crowspeaker urges us to open out homes to those who have found freedom. Yet in Varushka we cannot simply accept a stranger at face-value, and must be certain of the nature of those we invite into our homes. We send Belakov the Wolf of Karsk with 150 doses of liao to examine each of these strangers and determine whether each one is friend or foe.
  • Outcome: Upheld with a Greater Majority (106 - 0). Belakov Zakharovich Prochnost provided 150 doses of liao to enact this mandate after the Winter Solstice 382YE.
  • Notes: This opportunity is detailed here.

Judgement 72

  • Assembly: Highguard National
  • Raised By: Shadrach
  • Judgement: The purpose of our pilgrimage is to save souls, those who have fallen to the vallorn, but also those who are lost to malign forces and who bend the knee to eternals. We send Shadrach with 25 liao to urge the grey pilgrims to preach the rejection of False Virtues and idolatrous behaviour.
  • Outcome: Upheld (343 - 20)
  • Notes: This opportunity is detailed here.


The Synod made the following judgements of excommunication, inquisition, revocation, and sanction.

Judgement X

  • Assembly: X
  • Raised By: X
  • Judgement: Specific Judgement. X.
  • Outcome: Upheld (X - X)


The following judgements of recognition were presented during the Winter Solstice.

Judgement 6

  • Assembly: General
  • Raised By: Brodi Brackensong
  • Judgement: Gerallt Brackensong, founder of songs and stories, should be recognised as an exemplar of Pride, as has already been agreen by th Pride Assmbly. Details on the board.
  • Outcome: Upheld (713 - 130).


At the Summit, the following appointments were proposed by the Assemblies of the Synod. You can find the names of citizens who currently hold Imperial titles in the Synod here.

Judgement 1

  • Assembly: X
  • Raised by: X
  • Judgement: Appointment of the title.
  • Outcome: New Title Holder was appointed with X votes. Other candidate received X votes.


The following judgements of rewarding were proposed during the Winter Solstice.

Judgement 7

  • Assembly: General Assembly
  • Raised By: Chauntecleer Words
  • Judgement: Salvation is a sign of the Exemplar and Paragon, and so all virtue should strive to expand the reach of th Way not just by the sword but also y rffirming the faith of believers and bringing new ones to the path. There are Suranni followers of the Way, but they face persecution for their belief. Without access to liao to bolster them we may soon see them expunged, and their candle in the dark snuffed out. We have an opportunity to construct brokerages within the Empire wheer they may legally acquire liao for a fair bargain, that there will continue to be a presence of the Way and perhaps the chance to offer Salvation to more souls.

We estimate to construct such endeavours will be of the order of 60 Thrones for the required 8 white granite and 8 weirwood. Respecting the other demands on the virtue fund, we would ask our fellows to provide 30 Thrones this season, and a second motion will be proposed next season for the remainder. Any unused funds would be returned to the virtue fund, and we would hope that any eventual custodian of th brokerages also remember their provenance should they result in prosperity.

  • Outcome: Upheld (413 - 243); 30 Thrones provided by the Tribune

Judgement X

  • Assembly: General Assembly
  • Raised By: X
  • Judgement: X.
  • Outcome: Not Upheld (X - X)

Judgement X

  • Assembly: General Assembly
  • Raised By: X
  • Judgement: X.
  • Outcome: Not Upheld (X - X)

Judgement X

  • Assembly: General Assembly
  • Raised By: X
  • Judgement: X.
  • Outcome: Not Upheld (X - X)

Judgement X

  • Assembly: General Assembly
  • Raised By: X
  • Judgement: X.
  • Outcome: Not Upheld (X - X)

The Virtue Fund

The following represents the Virtue Fund of the Synod:

Starting Value TBC
Income TBC The price paid in the Bourse Auction for the dose of True Liao. Closing Value TBC


The following individuals received visions of their past lives.

Assembly Strength

At the start of the summit the voting total of the General Assembly was calculated to be 2598.

The final voting total of the General Assembly was calculated to be 2949.

The Civil Service reminds citizens that determining whether a Judgement has achieved a Greater Majority counts from the estimation of the relevant Assembly strength when scrutiny on the Judgement closes, not the final Assembly strength at the end of the summit.

At the end of the Winter Solstice 382YE Summit the voting strength of the Virtue and National Assemblies were estimated to be:

Virtue Assembly Initial Voting Strength Final Voting Strength Final Greater Majority
Ambition 270 290 146
Courage 246 300 151
Loyalty 379 431 216
Pride 346 436 219
Prosperity 252 272 137
Vigilance 385 447 224
Wisdom 309 331 166
The Way 411 442 222
General 2598 2949 1480

National Assembly Initial Voting Strength Final Voting Strength Final Greater Majority
Brass Coast 178 188 95
Dawn 182 256 129
Highguard 842 902 452
Imperial Orcs 123 134 68
The League 264 306 154
The Marches 82 142 72
Navarr 240 270 136
Urizen 105 127 64
Varushka 188 198 100
Wintermark 394 426 214
General 2598 2949 1484