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The progress of the Empire's many military campaigns will appear here before the Autumn Equinox.

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Three Marcher armies advance into Segura

Circle and Track

As the Summer Solstice dawned, three of the four territories of the Brass Coast lay under siege. Segura and Kahraman were threatened by the Jotun, while the Grendel advanced in Feroz. During the Solstice, the heroes of the Empire struck back bravely against the orcs. They helped to relieve the garrison of Fort Braydon, and prevented the Grendel from seizing control of the bridges that would have allowed them to prevent Imperial armies moving south from Madruga to engage them.


Marcher Folk, last season we knocked out a few of the Kraken's teeth. This season we prevent the enemy from closing its claws on Segura. We stand shoulder to shoulder with our kith and kin. As well as gifts from the Autumn Realm. We march to War!

Ciaphas Dekar, General of the Bounders

Immediately after the Solstice, the armies of the Empire are on the move. Three armies of Marcher soldiers advance into Segura; the Tusks from Mitwold, the Bounders and the Strong Reeds from Feroz. They are here to relieve the Seventh Wave and the Granite Pillar; the Highborn armies are needed in the eastern Brass Coast. They plant their battle standards along the borders of Anduzjasse and contested Anozeseri. Shoulder to shoulder to shoulder they stand, forming a wall of Marcher steel and sinew to throw back the armies of the Lasambrian Jotun. The Tusks oversee the defence, and along with the Reeds they bear valuable enchantments that help them coordinate the Imperial defence despite the vast, open grasslands with minimal numbers of runners and messengers.

Soldiers of the Strong Reeds, once more we aid the Freeborn, we will defend shoulder to shoulder with Bounders. Look to your virtue, we will allow the dead to be recovered, and we will ensure no Freeborn suffers!

Jack Flint, General of the Strong Reeds

The Tusks and the Reeds are supported by more than five thousand soldiers loyal to independent captains - supplementing the Imperial Guerdon with the bounty offered by the Zemress Islanders. Five great constructs of brass and bronze, each twice as large as the tallest Marcher yeoman, fight alongside the Bounders - a gift from the Mistress of Shikal herself. Other potent magic is at work in Segura this season. What little water there is in this dry territory bears the unmistakable mark of spring power; any wound suffered by orc or human that is not fatal is healed overnight. For those able to perceive it, the subtle tang of Autumn magic hangs in the air as well, gently twisting the ribbons of fate to once again ensure that the people of Segura do not suffer the depredations of the western raiders.

Tusks, the time for rest is over. Take up your bills and bows, and march for Segura. We will dig in deep, and conduct a strategic defence. We stand alongside the Bounders and the Strong Reeds - let us show them how it is done!

Tomothy Crowle, General of the Tusks

The three armies form a bulwark against the barbarians; but the orcs do not come.

The Lasambrian Jotun are content to remain in Anduzjasse, and in the scattered settlements of western Anozeseri that they have managed to claim. There are a few skirmishes along the boundaries of Yellow Chase and the Iron Plains, but nothing conclusive and nothing involving more than a few hundred warriors. No significant casualties are suffered by either side. The people of Segura go about their business in relative peace - both those under the domination of the Lasambrian Jotun, and those in the rest of the territory. The Iron Qanat is raised in Yellow Chase; the caravans of goods cross the grasslands to Anozel and Cerevado without interruption.

Soldiers of the Winter Sun, we have spent two seasons sharpening our blades and strengthening our nation, but now the time has come for war. We will march into Kahraman with a steady conquest against the Jotun alongside our brethren in the Mark. We will meet the enemy on their terms, showing honour wherever it is due and proving the strength of an Imperial Legion.

Morgor, General of the Winter Sun

The brave garrison of Fort Braydon slowed the Jotun advance, but could not stop them claiming parts of Serra Damata. They nearly paid a bloody price for their courage, were it not for the intervention of the Imperial heroes. Shortly after the Summer Solstice, the Winter Sun and the Green Shield march into the Cinnabar Hills through a narrow, precarious pass in the mountains of Braydon's Jasse. As they move along the river south of Fort Braydon, a great cheer goes up from the garrison there, and the iron bells high in the towers peal out a welcome.

All told there are perhaps eleven thousand Imperial troops come to drive the Jotun out of Serra Damata. Even with the clarity granted by Day magic, it takes them several days to cross the rugged hills and deep gullies of Kahraman, however. By the time they reach the towering ice fortress raised in the hills above the Great Mine of Briante, the soldiers are tired and dusty, but the citizens of the mining town are ready to meet them with ewers of cold water drawn from the mountain streams at very reasonable prices as they show their appreciation for the soldiers' presence.

Heroes of the Green Shield, we go south to Kahraman, to aid our Freeborn friends and meet our present enemy. The Jotun of the north have sent the Skjaldirborn south, so it is fitting that we will be there to meet them. Show your heroism, fight with honour, we can meet the enemy on their terms and prove ourselves the stronger! Forth the Green Shield Army!

Osric, General of the Green Shield

The Jotun, however, are not there to greet them. They have already withdrawn from Serra Damata, back through the western hills into Reinos, back into Jotun territory. All they have left behind is a solitary crimson banner of the Bear-Who-Swims, topped with the blind-eyed skull of a dire beast. They have not even taken thralls; the people of western Serra Damata have been left in the few scattered villages and farms that still risk living so close to the Jotun border.

Kahraman is entirely Imperial once again.

Game Information : Western Brass Coast

There have been no significant engagements in Segura or Kharaman for Imperial forces this season. Kahraman is once again entirely Imperial. In Segura, the Lasambrian Jotun remain in control of Anduzjasse and have made some progress in conquering Anozserai.

Any military unit captain who supported an army in Segura this season receives payment provided by the Zemress Islanders - a sum of 5 crowns for a starting military unit, proportionally more for an upgraded or enchanted unit.


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Feroz falls to the Grendel.

Corsairs! Despite the Empire bloodying the Grendel menace in the Bay of Catazar over the last year, they refuse to see sense and return to their despairing cities. They are our ancient enemy. Let us remind them of the fury of Freeborn Corsairs and take back our land.

Vrael i Sol-Devorador i Erigo, General of the Red Wind Corsairs

During the Summer Solstice the Grendel attempted to take control of the Scorrero crossing, and had they been successful they would have controlled all movement of land forces between Madruga and Oranseri. In the event, Imperial heroes were able to intervene through the Sentinel Gate and put a stop to their stratagem. Still, the Grendel control of the northern borders of Feroz presents something of a logistical problem, forcing the Empire's forces to pass through Segura to enter the territory if they do not want to face a pitched battle attempting to attack Oranseri directly from Madruga.

This does not prevent the Empire gathering a great force of Imperial soldiers in western Feroz. The Quiet Step are joined by the two Imperial armies from Segura - the Seventh Wave and the Granite Pillar - in Morajasse. The Granite Pillar set up defensive positions, while the Seventh Wave move catuiously forward sending dozens of small teams of practiced scouts ahead of them to spy out the enemy positions. A short time later, they are joined first by the Red Wind Corsairs down out of Mournwold, and then the Black Thorns our of Liathaven, passing through Kharaman and Segura to end up with the other three Imperial armies in the shadow of Mora's Rock.

The Granite Pillar prepare to blunt the presumed thrust of the Grendel forces, supported by more than two thousand soldiers belonging to Hibhgorn and Urizen warbands. The other four armies break camp and push east, toward the coast and the barbarian horde. The Red Wind Corsairs take the lead, possessed of a supernaturally heightened acuity that combines with their knowledge of the Brass Coast to help them predict at least in part the likely movements of the Grendel invaders. As with the 'Pillar they are supported by independant warbands - a mix of nations more than a thousand soldiers in all.

Soldiers of the Granite Pillar will march with all haste to Feroz. Establish a Strategic Defence standing shoulder to shoulder with our brothers and sisters in the Seventh Wave. We will not cede any more the Brass Coast to the Barbarians!

Gideon, General of the Granite Pillar

As the Imperial forces move, a supernatural storm moves to meet them - gathering far out to sea and sweeping in to batter the coast with torrential rain and howling winds. The tempest is indiscriminate; while it hinders the Grendel armada it also presents significant threats to any Imperial vessels in the territory this season.

The weather shakes the Grendel armada, but it does not slacken their thirst for conquest. Even as the Empire is gathering in Morajasse, the orc marines are pushing west through Fontargenta, securing the last of the region and solidifying Grendel control of the coastline. The orcs waste no time on trying to loot the Freeborn; they are all business. Perhaps their magicians recognised the whisper of subtle Autumn magic in the air that stymied their plundering last season; more likely the commanders who set their forces to raiding instead of conquering and cost the Grendel control of Fontargenta prior to the Summer Solstice have been replaced.

Highborn, we begin our return east. We go to Feroz, to assist the Brass Coast once more. This time, however, we get to fight the hated Grendel. Even better, we fight with our siblings in the Granite Pillar and our friends in the Quiet Step. Give the Grendel no respite, nowhere to hide. give them a reckoning!

Cuth, General of the Seventh Wave

The orc marines are not alone however. Even as the Imperial forces are preparing to engage along the contested borders of Morajasse and Afarjasse news comes to the Seventh Wave of Grendel ships disgorging thousands of barbarian land-forces in Oranseri. As near as the scouts can piece together, part of the armada spent the last season returning to Attar and has since returned with two armies, perhaps ten thousand additional Grendel troops in all. Or at least some of them are Grendel troops; when the Empire finally engages them it is clear that not only orcs native to the Broken Shore are fighting in Feroz.

Having swiftly regrouped from their - likely turbulent - sea crossing the land forces immediately strike west for Morajasse with the support of many of the Grendel marines. In the vanguard are warriors familiar to many of the Freeborn fighters - the forces of the Naguerro rush to engage the Imperial armies with wild abandon, crashing repeatedly against the soldiers attempting to push toward the coast. The Naguerro once lived in Kalino to the south, before being defeated by the Iron Confederacy when the Lasambrian nation collapsed. It seems they have prospered in the year or more that they have spent with their cousins on the Broken Shore. They are much revitalised, and seem to burn with a terrible hatred for the Empire that translates itself into an overwhelming assault against their positions across the contested land between orc and human controlled territory.

They are followed up by the Iron Gulls - last seen in the disastrous (for the Grendel) retreat from Spiral. Survivors of the catastrophe when the heart of Screed was roused to wakefulness, it seems they also harbour a deep anger towards the Imperial armies - albeit one that is significantly more focused than that of the Naguerro. They drag with them a suite of siege engines - well prepared for the dearth of wood on the grasslands of Feroz they have brought their catapults and siege engines with them and clearly mean to put them to good use. Their target is Mora's Rock, the new fortification having been completed barely a month previously.

Thorns, we march for the coast. We fight with our brothers and sisters in the Quiet Step, and with the Highborn and Red Wind Corsairs. Show we are the fastest army in the Empire as we force march down the trods. Draw on the magical and mundane might from the Quiet Step and butcher the Grendel. Make them fear the strength of the Navarr armies!

Lleu Tarw, General of the Black Thorns

While the marines along the coast absorb the force of the Imperial attempt to liberate Feroz, the Naguerro and the Iron Gulls push into Morajasse. The Empire's forces manage to briefly claim some land along the border between the two forces, but they are able to hold it for only a handful of weeks before they are forced to retreat back. For their part, the Grendel launch an audacious raid against Mora's Rock. A pitched battle takes place between the Granite Pillar and the two Grendel armies below the walls of the fortification. The Rock takes a fair amount of damage from the attempt to storm the walls, but the Grendel are soon forced to retreat back toward Oranseri or risk being completely cut off from their main force.

The Marchers leave for Segura, replaced by Highborn, freeborn and the Black Thorns. Be we remain. Disperse through our attacking allies, hunt Grendel commanders and paymasters, unleash our magics from within allied ranks and do whatever it takes to disrupt, displace and destroy the Grendel forces.

Brennos Brackensong, General of the Quiet Step

The loss of life across the territory is significant. While the Grendel marines are concerned primarily with taking and holding the coast and do not press into Morajasse or Afarjasse, the Naguerro seem unconcerned about casualties, relishing every opportunity to engage the Empire. For their part, the Imperial troops are supported by the Quiet Step who are prepared to do whatever it takes to damage the barbarian forces, employing unorthodox - but effective - tactics to strike at the orc armies from unexpected positions that allow them to target their supply trains, hospitals, and the occasional Grendel commander. it's hard to judge the effectiveness of the magical storms on the Grendel armada, but a conservative estimate suggests well over three thousand Grendel are slain; by contrast the Empire estimates a little short of three thousand soldiers have been lost to Imperial forces.

The Empire makes some small gains in Oranseri and Fortargenta but manage to hold them for little more than a handful of weeks before being forced to fall back westward. For their part, the Grendel marines hold off the Empire attempt to reach the coast, and even manage to make some headway into Morajasse - although the presence of the fortification there means they have little more than a fingerhold on the western grasslands. Worse - from the point of view of the Empire at least - they have managed to consolidate their control of the three eastern regions. Fortargenta is now completely under Grendel control - and as Fortargenta falls so falls the territory.

Feroz is no longer part of the Brass Coast; but the Freeborn are not prepared to abandon it to the orcs. A fortnight before the Autumn Equinox, messengers from the town of Afar reach the commanders of the Imperial forces defending Feroz. The hakima of Afar are adept in the use of night magic, and have been preparing for the worst. Now they plan to take advantage of a coming conjunction of the heavens that will allow them to unleash far-reaching magic across the Empire.

Over the centuries, the Hakima of Afar have aided Freeborn across the Coast. In return, many of them signed contracts committing themselves or their descendants to come to the Hakima's aid if they are called. Not only Freeborn, but various people across the Empire are in debt to the Hakima. Provided the summons comes in the correct way, these people will be bound to come to Feroz and fight the Grendel in the coming season, potentially providing a signficiant source of military strength to aid in either the defence of Afarjasse and Morajasse - or to help the Imperial armies take back what the Grendel raiders have stolen from them.

They do not need magical assistance; but they do need military assistance. The orcs appear to have gotten wind of what they are planning - perhaps a lucky spy spotted the magicians gathering at Afar, or perhaps the sorcerors of the Naguerro or the Sky masters of the Grendel have seen what is coming in divinations of their own. A major force of Iron Gulls and Naguerro magicians are heading east across the grasslands of Afarjasse. They will reach Afar within the week - and while there are some kohan protecting the hakima they will not be sufficient to deal with such powerful foes. They will be forced to abandon their magic and flee, risking capture or death in the process.

Thus the Hakima of Afar need the assistance of heroes - someone to intercept the Grendel force and either turn them back or slow them sufficiently that they have time to complete their working.

Game Information : Feroz

The Grendel now control Feroz; it is no longer an Imperial territory..

Among other things, they have also finally sent forces to capture the Celesti Lighthouse; the mariner's Mana it used to provide is no longer available to the Celesti Lighthouse Keeper.

Major conjunctions of the Sentinel Gate have been identified that would allow travel to Afarjasse. According to the civil service, either conjunction would allow Imperial heroes to intercept the Grendel force moving across the plains. Scouts from the Seventh Wave report that each night when the Grendel camp they throw up a temporary stockade, breaking it down each morning before moving on. The conjunctions would allow the Empire to attack while they are still encamped. The Highborn scouts also report that the stockade appears to partly be for the security of a high ranking orc of some kind - not the military commander but possibly an important advisor.

The full scope of the magic the hakima of Afar are planning to unleash is not entirely clear; Night magic is not destructive in nature. From the description of the contractual debts owed to them, the hakima believe that thousands of kohan, corsairs, and soldiers of many nations will be drawn to Feroz to fight alongisde the armies in the coming season - provided the Grendel can be turned aside. The magic must be performed at Afar - where the hakima's store of contracts is kept - and if they are forced to flee they will have to abandon their library of debts as well as their homes.