Southernmost of the Freeborn territories, lush but threatened by barbarians over land and sea
Regions of Feroz
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Feroz is the southernmost territory of the Brass Coast, and like Madruga has both isles and coastline. Here the climate is warm and humid, perfect for the cultivation of different plants. This is the home of the fabulous spice gardens of Feroz, a source of great revenue for the people of this territory. The seas are more treacherous here, and until recently the south and the west were constantly threatened by barbarians by land. As a result, many armed merchants patrol the seas, and groups of young warriors journeyed along the borders, fighting skirmishes against jealous foes.

There is a traditional rivalry between the families of Feroz and those of Madruga to the north. Madruga was the first settled territory of the Freeborn, and there is a popular stereotype that the people who live there are "stuck up". This stereotype is more humorous than hateful - the Freeborn move around too much to allow such prejudice to root itself too firmly in their psyche. Still, if a citizen of Feroz wants to insult a citizen of Madruga, they will fall back on accusations of arrogance and an over-reliance on tradition.

Some of the finest apothecaries on the Brass Coast live in Feroz - the art of potion making has been studied here for centuries and there are a great many herb gardens. The mainland is a criss-cross patchwork of farms and small settlements - a great deal of food and drink is produced here and exported to other Freeborn territories.

Recent History

Being on the Bay of Catazar, Feroz has always been under threat from the Grendel orcs. In Spring 383YE, the orcs launched a naval invasion, capturing Oranseri and the Cazar Straits in short order and making significant inroads into Fontargenta. The Grendel installed a grizzled old orc named Lord Rahab as overseer of the conquered land; he took up residence in the offices of the Scorrero Nets and quickly set about attempting to bring the rest of Feroz under his control. Part of their plan appeared to involve the ghosts of the Isle of the Osseini, but the scheme was countered by Imperial heroes travelling through the Sentinel Gate to exorcise the spirits and defeat the Grendel seeking to make use of them.

Undaunted by the loss of their supernatural weapon, the orcs kept up their assault. By Summer 383YE, they sought to consolidate their gains in Fortargenta; they were opposed by Navarr and Marcher armies, who held the Grendel at the town of Bramar for two days before being forced to retreat. They were able to slow the Grendel advance, however, leaving the orcs bogged down in Fortargenta and unable to press inland.

Following the engagement in Fortargenta, and battling under a powerful supernatural storm, the Grendel brought even more force to bear in the territory. While the Imperial armies were reinforced by Highborn troops, the orc navies disgorged a great host of their own warriors. The fighting was bitter, but in the end Fortargenta fell - and as Fortargenta falls, so falls Feroz. While Morajasse and Afarjasse remained free, the Grendel forces continued to mass along the coast.

During the Autumn Equinox, the Imperial Senate ratified a peace treaty with the Grendel. Presented by the Imperial Fleet Master, among other things it ceded the two remaining regions of Feroz to the Grendel, albeit with provisions allowing Imperial citizens still in Morajasse and Afarjasse to withdraw to safety. Following the Equinox, Lord Rahab's forces spread out quickly to bring the two western regions under his control; Feroz was now completely under Grendel control.

Major Features


The largest and most prestigious port in Feroz is Oran, on the northern coast of Oranseri. Across the bay from billowing Siroc this thriving port specialised in high-value products such as fine wines and spice mixes. Unsurprisingly, given its position, for most of its history it has engaged in low-key economic warfare with its larger cousin to the north - Oran notably has cheaper dock fees than Siroc, and a number of entrepreneurs prefer to operate here as a consequence. It is especially welcoming to those merchants who are just starting out, and has a reputation for being more energetic than its competitors to the north and south. This energy has been significantly boosted by construction of the only open Asavean Temple in the entire Empire; the surge of Asavean ships visiting Oran saw the town expand significantly to become the largest trading port in Feroz.

In Spring 383YE, however, Oran was conquered by the Grendel. An orc governor, Lord Rahab, chose the town as the site for his court, converting the offices of the Scorrero Nets to his personal use. Among other things, this invasion saw the collapse of the Broken Shore Bounty, the Scorrero Nets falling into orc hands, and the Temple of Balo and the Black Bull sealing its doors against the orcs while offering sanctuary to Freeborn families.

Following the treaty signed during the Autumn Equinox, the Grendel have opened Oran as a port available to Imperial captains. It remains to be seen how long this situation can continue.

The Temple of Balo and the Black Bull

During the Spring Equinox 380YE, permission was granted to the people of the Asavean Archipelago to construct a major temple to their gods in Oran. Initially, construction was expected to be completed shortly before the Autumn Equinox 380YE, but the temple did not actually open its doors until shortly before the Spring Solstice 381YE. The town is seeing an influx of Asavean shipping bringing white granite and architects to the Brass Coast, as well as throwing crowns around like water to secure local labour to complete their project. Relations between the people of the Empire and the priests of Asavea are monitored by El oficial de enlace imperial con los sacerdotes de Balo y el toro negro ("The Imperial intermediary to the priests of Balo and the Black Bull"), who among other things is able to buy Asavean goods at a reduced price. During the Summer Solstice 380YE, the Assembly of Nine supported Abaddon de Rondell in denouncing the temple as an idolatrous affront, making it significantly harder for the Asaveans to find labourers prepared to work on the construction and both delaying its completion and laying a significant economic burden on the foreign priests.

The temple remained extremely controversial among Imperial priests. When Oran fell, however, the priests at the temple offered sanctuary to a number of Freeborn families in spite of Grendel unhappiness. In the following months, several of those families were smuggled to safety in Madruga, although an unknown number remain as guests at the temple. Despite this, however, it is clear that the Asaveans are more than happy to work with the new owners of Oran - indeed there are rumours that they have already recognised a Grendel as the Delegate to the Temple in Feroz. This situation is no doubt being exacerbated by the Summer 383YE attack on the "sister temple" to the Black Bull, the temple of the Way in Nemoria.

OOC Notes: More details on the construction of the Temple of Balo and the Black Bull can be found in the winds of fortune, specifically Seven lords of virtue, Those who worship, and Distant deeps.


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In the southern islands of the Cazar Straits stands the town of Shantarim, a corsair stronghold. The families here are known to engage in fierce competition with their northern rivals, not only in Madruga but also in Oranseri and even the other islands of the Straits. Smaller than the town of Cazar, Shantarim has a reputation for being somewhat less cosmopolitan than the other towns of Feroz - visitors from mainland families sometimes encounter prejudice and suspicion. The families of Shantarim more than make up for their relatively small size with the enthusiasm with which they opposed the orcs of the Broken Shore. Prior to the peace treaty, they were loud supporters of the Freeborn Storm, and the various raids against the Grendel. The signing of the peace treaty with the southern orcs has tied their hands - its no longer legal for them to fight the Grendel - which has been a major source of dissension in Shantarim.

The priests who previously lived on the Isle of the Osseini called themselves justicars. Specialist exorcists and inquisitors in the pre-Imperial history of the Brass Coast, they specialised in driving out malign spirits or cleansing unpleasant auras from people, places and objects. Never particularly populous, their sanctuary on the Isle of the Osseini was all but wiped out by the Grendel. A handful remained elsewhere, and during the Autumn Equinox 383YE the Freeborn assembly called on them to come together to preserve their traditions. A small enclave of justicars was established on the Isle of Osseini at the sufferance of the Grendel.

Isle of the Osseini

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At the southern tip of the Cazar Straits, the island was known for its heavy sea fog, its ghosts, and for a small sect of priests famed for their knowledge of the arts of exorcism. Foreigners claimed the Isle was haunted by those who had died at sea at the hands of the corsairs of Shantarim, but most Freeborn had no truck with such foolishness. In 383YE, however, it became clear these tales of ghosts were more than just idle gossip. During the Spring Equinox of that year, a Grendel shaman attempted to unleash a ghostly legion of drowned orcs bound in some fashion to white granite pillars on the island against the defenders of Feroz. Before they could do so they were thwarted by Imperial heroes who reached the isle via the Sentinel Gate. Once the heroes retreated, the status of the island, the pillars, and the remaining priests was unknown.

Then in Autumn 383YE, as part of the negotiations that lead to the peace treaty with the Grendel, a contract was negotiated with the orc diplomat regarding the Isle of the Osseini. In the wake of that agreement, a small group of priests were allowed to visit the Isle with a Grendel escort. There they discovered the remaining priests were dead, the ghost-binding pillars had been destroyed, and the island was in the hands of a coven of Grendel magicians. The orcs had already constructed a permanent residence there built around a particular Winter regio, and were less than welcoming to the Freeborn. Further negotiations followed; in the end the Freeborn were allowed to establish a small enclave here, under the careful watch of the Grendel.

OOC Note: You can learn more about the Isle of the Osseini in the Bones in the ocean wind of fortune.

The Spice Gardens of Feroz

In western Morajasse stand the legendary Spice Gardens of Feroz - a set of heavily-walled enclosures covering several acres where the finest spices in the Empire are grown. A rich source of trade for whoever controls the gardens, the Imperial title of Keeper of the Spice Gardens has changed hands between families only a handful of times in the last few centuries, and the bargaining leading up to a new appointment has regularly involved the whole nation.

The peace treaty of Autumn 383YE that ceded control of Morajasse to the Grendel saw the Spice Gardens fall into the hands of the orcs. If there is any solace to be taken from this development, it is that the Grendel appreciate fine spices as much as any Freeborn so it is unlikely that they will want to harm these legendary Gardens. On the other hand, some Freeborn find the idea of their beautiful spice gardens being operated by Grendel slaves particularly heinous.

The Scorrero Nets

The Scorrero Nets were a Bourse resource located in Oranseri, seized by the Grendel in Spring 383YE as part of their conquest of Feroz. Custodianship of the Nets was an Imperial Title that brought with it a Seat on the Imperial Bourse. In Winter 384YE, a daring plan was proposed to "steal" the nets by establishing the Cerevado Nets upriver in Segura. As a consequence, this Bourse resource ceased to exist, much to the chagrin of the Grendel governor Rahab.

The Broken Shore Bounty

The Broken Shore Bounty was a Bourse resource that was technically located in the Cazar Straits inasmuch as the holder of the Imperial Bourse seat has the use of a fortified villa in the hills near Cazar. The actual ilium that the seat provided was sourced throughout the Bay of Catazar; a portion of all ilium claimed from the nets of Freeborn, League, Highborn, and Urizeni nets is claimed as part of the Bounty. It produced 7 rings of ilium each season, and was allocated during the Spring Equinox.

When the Cazar Straits fell to the Grendel, they also seized the offices of the Broken Shore Bounty. Despite a proposal to move the offices, the resource fell into disarray, the ilium ending up split between the Imperial Fleet Master and the Bourse Auction. With the ratification of the Grendel peace treaty, this title and resource effectively ceased to exist.

Mora's Rock

Built as part of the grand project to create fortifications across the southern Empire in response to the threat of the Grendel, Mora's Rock in Morajasse was completed in the months following the invasion of 383YE. The fortification squats above the town of Mora, guarding against invasion from Segura, and providing garrisons and scouts who can offer resistance to assaults from the sea.

When Morajasse was ceded to the Grendel in Autumn 383YE, they took control of the fortification. The orc garrison there now watches for signs of Imperial armies approaching from Segura.



In the middle of nowhere, on the plains of Afarjasse, is the quiet settlement of Afar. It was established by hakima with close ties to the Guerra tribe near a potent regio tied to the realm of Night. It is a faraway place dedicated to the practice of ritual magics that support the Freeborn. It is not hard to reach, but it stands alone in a sea of sprawling grasslands and does not encourage casual visitors. On nights when powerful magics are performed, Afar is visible for miles around - great bonfires are built and massive drums used to build powerful rhythms to help raise (or draw down, or both) the passionate energy for powerful workings.

As with the rest of Feroz, Afarjasse is now in the hands of the Grendel. The governor, Lord Rahab, has by all accounts made it clear that the hakima here will not be permitted access to their potent regio - it is after all an important strategic resource. It is unlikely that they will be pleased with this development.

Cazar Straits

Quality: Coastal, Island
The islands of the Cazar Straits are dominated by corsair families. The largest settlement is the port town from which the islands take their name - high-cliffed Cazar. Built around a bustling dock, it is a safe harbour that often serves as home port for the fleets that protected the Bay from barbarian ships. The holder of the Broken Shore Bounty used to have the use of a fortified villa in the hills near Cazar, and the civil service offices that oversaw the resource were based here. Both are now in the hands of the Grendel.

Several of the more southerly islands of the Straits have a reputation for peculiarity. The corsairs of Shantarim for example are renowned both for their enthusiastic rivalry with all other corsair families, and the zeal with which they waged war on the Grendel. The Isle of the Osseini is also found here, once home to a sect of strange priests, allegedly haunted by the ghosts of drowned pirates, and now the site of an uneasy truce between orc magicians and Freeborn priests.

The waters around the Cazar Straits have become treacherous due to the presence of dozens of immature kraken hatched in the waters by the Children of Wrecks. As a result, the region has gained the island quality, it cannot be attacked by armies unless each army is accompanied by a navy capable of conveying the soldiers across.


Quality: Coastal
The trading port of Bramar stands on the coast here. Surrounded by rich agricultural land, its bountiful cornfields compete with Marcher grain in markets across the southern nations of the Empire, and whose vineyards are justly famous. Before the Grendel invasion it served as an important hub for the Imperial wine trade, with many excellent vintages passing through its docks - both from the Brass Coast to the rest of the world, and from the rest of the world to the Brass Coast (and thus the Empire). Lord Rahab is by all accounts keen to see such trade continue - but wishes it to pass through the port of Oran rather than Bramar. It remains to be seen what effect this will have on the formerly wealthy town.


The largest town in prosperous Morajasse is Mora. Once simply a spice market, the barbarian invasion of Segura saw a burst of rapid militarisation of this peaceful settlement. Refugees are common here: some supported by their families, others looking to work in the market. With the liberation of the western territory, a strange reversal took place - the pool of desperate labourers has largely dried up with refugees returning to their homes. Mora benefited greatly from their presence, and now the town feels "empty" - or at least it did until the Grendel took Feroz. Now, the place is heavily garrisoned by orc troops keeping an eager watch on the borders to the north and west..

Immediately following the invasion of Feroz in 383YE, work was completed on a fortification at the town of Mora, Mora's Rock. The fortification served the defenders well, but with the ratification of the peace treaty it is now garrisoned by Grendel troops.

Western Morajasse is the site of the great Spice Gardens. The Vizier of the Incarnadine Satchel was often quite active in Feroz, occasionally dealing with agents of the Spice Gardens or traders from the Jewelled Isles. Following the Grendel treaty, the offices that supported the Vizier with easy access to reasonably priced herbs has dried up - while they are still notionally the owner of the miraculous satchel that gives them their name, their ability to support the nations' apothecaries and physicks has been greatly reduced.

Oran by the Sea.jpg
The Celesti Lighthouse sits high on the headland overlooking Oran.


Quality: Coastal
Across the bay from billowing Siroc stands the thriving port town of Oran. In recent years, the port has grown in prominence and prosperity; it now serves as the seat of power for the Grendel governor Lord Rahab. Just outside Oran lies the great Celesti Lighthouse, originally constructed during the reign of Emperor Barabbas and recently repaired and restored to full functionality. It, too, is in the hands of the Grendel.

West of Oran is the Scorerro Crossing. The river Scorrero is wide and deep between Feroz and Madruga. During the Summer Solstice 383YE, the Grendel invaders attempted to take advantage of this by taking control of both bridges that connect the two Freeborn territories. Had they been successful, it would have been significantly harder for Imperial forces to move between Siroc and Oranseri. While their attempts were stymied, that potentially exploitable weakness remains.

Joharra is a port south of Oran, considered much more stable than its northern cousin, and better known for its industry than its trade. Famous throughout the Empire for its cloth and dye-work, Joharra is called the Rainbow by coastal sailors who mark their progress round the coast with the first sight of the great billowing cloths hung out to dry on tall wooden frames along the low cliffs. As with the other settlements of Oran, the weavers and dyers here now labour under the yoke of the Grendel orcs.

Summer Solstice 383YEChiara Zayden Riqueza
Summer Solstice 382YEChiara Zayden Riqueza
Summer Solstice 381YEChiara Zayden Riqueza
Summer Solstice 380YEOria
Spring Equinox 380YEPedro i Taziel i Riqueza
Summer Solstice 379YELiythos i Purjo i Guerra
Summer Solstice 378YEKattalin Hazana
Summer Solstice 377YESallur i Mnajdra i Guerra
Winter Solstice 376YESallur i Mnajdra i Guerra

Recent Senate Elections

As an Imperial territory, Feroz was represented by a senator elected in the Summer. This title is vacant and will be reelected at the next summit. The table to the right shows the citizens who have been elected to hold this title in the years since Empress Britta died.

OOC Notes

  • As of the start of the Autumn Equinox 386YE, the Children of Wrecks control the Cazar Straits, the Grendel control Morajasse, and the Empire controls Afarjasse, Fontargenta, and Oranseri. Feroz is an Imperial territory
  • Mora's Rock is a rank two fortification controlled by the Grendel.
  • The status of various titles and resources located in Feroz is outlined in more detail in To curb those raging appetites, a Winter 383YE wind of fortune.

About Feroz