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This motion is currently undergoing scrutiny.


The Imperial Senate governs the Empire, and its authority extends to all areas of Imperial life not already covered by the other houses of government. Each summit the senators meet several times to deliberate and vote on the motions they have raised.

After the summit the civil service enact those motions, and ensure a public record of each is made available to the citizens of the Empire. This page lists all the motions raised during the summit, along with the announcements made by citizens with Imperial titles. In each case, the motion and its effects are summarized including the wording; who proposed and seconded it; whether it passed or not; whether any funds were disbursed to support it; and what the outcome of the motion will be.

Many motions (especially the commissions) also have a Further Details section that provides a link to a wiki page dealing specifically with that motion in more detail, any commentary from the Constitutional Court, progress on commissions, or expanded information about the outcome of the motion.


  • Imperial treasury during this season announced by the civil service at TBC Thrones.

Administrative Motions

Amend the Keeper of the Tome

  • Motion: Amend the Keeper of the Tome, the title associated with the Temeschwar-Otkodov Mana Exchange, to be appointed annually rather than to have tenure
  • Raised by: Speaker of the Senate
  • Outcome: If passed, this will amend the title of Keeper of the Tome to be appointed each year, and it will be available to be appointed during the Summer Solstice. If it is not passed, the title cannot be appointed.

Amend Election Season of Ambassador to Winter

  • Motion: Amend one of Ambassador to Faraden, Ambassador to Otkodov, Ambassador to the Commonwealth, or Ambassador to the Sumaah Republic to be appointed in Winter rather than in Spring
  • Raised by: Speaker of the Senate
  • Outcome: The motion will take the form of a multiple choice, in a similar manner to elections, with those eligible to vote asked to stand in favour of amending one of the titles or none of the above.

Amend Election Season of Ambassador to Summer

  • Motion: Amend one of Ambassador to Faraden, Ambassador to Otkodov, Ambassador to the Commonwealth, or Ambassador to the Sumaah Republic to be appointed in Summer rather than in Spring
  • Raised by: Speaker of the Senate
  • Outcome: The motion will take the form of a multiple choice, in a similar manner to elections, with those eligible to vote asked to stand in favour of amending one of the titles or none of the above.

Amend High Exorcist

  • Motion: To determine whether the High Exorcist should receive a stipend from the Imperial treasury, and if so how much.
  • Raised by: Speaker of the Senate
  • Special: This motion will be presented at the Saturday evening session of the Senate
  • Note: The Speakers Office has asked that the High Exorcist speak with them on Friday evening to discuss how this motion will be presented. Link

Amend Imperial Chaplain Consular

  • Motion: To determine whether the Imperial Chaplain Consular should receive a stipend from the Imperial treasury, and if so how much..
  • Raised by: Speaker of the Senate
  • Special: This motion will be presented at the Saturday evening session of the Senate
  • Note: The Speakers Office has asked that the Imperial Chaplain Consular speak with them on Friday evening to discuss how this motion will be presented. Link

Amend Seer of the Gateway

  • Motion: To determine whether the Seer of the Gateway should receive a stipend from the Imperial treasury, and if so how much..
  • Raised by: Speaker of the Senate
  • Special: This motion will be presented at the Saturday evening session of the Senate
  • Note: The Speakers Office has asked that the Seer of the Gateway speak with them on Friday evening to discuss how this motion will be presented. Link