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The ring is one of the instruments or dramaturgy. As such it often represents the method used in a magical ritual. A troupe will often have a specific prop that they use for the cup whenever it appears, and may in time come to treat the inanimate object a little like a member of the cast.

Appearence: The Ring is the smallest of the instruments, and in order to be visible to an audience most troupes choose the flashiest and largest ring that they can. Some troupes have diamond heirlooms; some more recently founded ones make do with faceted glass and gold plate. It can also appear as a crown, a bracer, a pendant or even a mask. Outside the League, a gift of some sort often plays the same role as the Ring in more formal dramaturgy.

Meanings: On it's own, the Ring represents loyalty and oaths, bonds and bands. Moved between two characters it often represents a transfer of power from one to the other, and is often used in bargains, deals (and geases), and in placing some enchantments.

When used by The Captain, the ring signifies oaths that are upheld, and the bonds between a banner. In the hands of The Prince, it stands for the covenant between ruler and subject, and for rituals that create such bonds, or which transfer things from one person to another (it may be used for Thief's Arcane Gambit for example). When held by The Bishop it represents oaths of faith, often the vows taken by priests, sects or magic that draws power from emotions or by simulating virtues. For The Mountebank it may signify a broken or false oath, which means it has resonance with a curse that is delivered to someone for a past action, or it may be hidden to conceal a bond. With The Doctor it is used with magic that follows or exposes bonds or the influence of outside forces. With The Witch it is most often a symbol of covens or things that connect two people (such as Fan the Flames of New Life).