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The Master of Rings is an Imperial title awarded to a citizen of the League. The Department of Architecture was commissioned by the Imperial Senate during the Winter Solstice 384YE following an opportunity created by an appraisal.


The Master of Rings is responsible for using their power to generate as much wealth as possible for the merchant-princes of Temeschwar, and for the League, as possible. If the Temeschwar University Department of Architecture were to be threatened, it would be the responsibility of the Master to face those threats; likewise should any opportunity related to the Department arise they would decide how to respond.



Once during each summit, the Master of Rings can commission the construction of a college of magic, embassy, fane, folly, great work, ministry, runeforge, or sinecure. This project does not count against the limited number of commissions the Senate can begin each season - all the work of planning and construction is undertaken by the Department of Architecture. The materials and money required for construction must be provided by the Master or their agents.

If the Master of Rings announces the commission of a sinecure or ministry then an Imperial title to oversee the commission is automatically created. The location and size of the commission and the method of appointment and tenure of any associated title are all part of the necessary details and may be included in the announcement made by the Master or determined later by them.

The Master of Rings cannot use their power of announcement to alter an existing commission. The Master of Rings does not have the power of concedence so whilst they can commission a fane it would still be the decision of the Imperial Senate whether to cede it to an eternal.

White Granite
75 crowns3 wains of white granite
150 crowns6 wains of white granite
75 crowns3 wains of mithril
150 crowns6 wains of mithril
75 crowns3 wains of weirwood
150 crowns6 wains of weirwood


As a ministry, the title of Master of Rings allows the holder to purchase quantities of special materials at a set price. The Master makes their decision on how much to spend during downtime from their character page. Resources are removed from, and resources are placed into, the character's inventory when the downtime is processed.

Unlike a standard ministry, the Master of Rings deals with a number of different groups of traders from across the Northern trade network, Varushka, and the League cities. As such, the Master has not one but three streams from which they can purchase material. The Master can spend differing amounts on each stream - for example, they could spend 75 crowns on 3 wains of weirwood, 150 crowns on 6 wains of mithril, and 150 crowns on 6 wains of white granite.

Temeschwar University Department of Architecture

The Temeschwar University Department of Architecture stands proudly on the city’s north side as the most northerly academic institution in the League. It is a foreboding, solid-looking building reinforced with white granite with grand pointed arched windows, a looming grey high-sloped roof, and surmounted by a vast glass dome. The main entrance door is made of two enormous planks of weirwood engraved with the likenesses of famous builders like Lorenzo Macelliao von Temeschwar; Lepidus, the paragon of Pride and the builder of Bastion; and Karo di Yedinso, the Department’s founder. One lower quarter of the door is given over to a scene of faceless, androgynous characters in the fashions of Temeschwar gathered around a drafting table intended to allow students to see themselves amongst these great individuals.

The inside of the building is dominated by a grand open hall. Great mirrors cunningly placed around the inside of the building ensure that no sunlight is wasted, and during the day shadows are chased almost to oblivion. The walls are panelled in wood taken from the forests of Temeschwar. They are simply carved, relying on the tapestries displaying the crests of prominent guilds to add colour and deaden echoes. Around the hall hang portraits of austere, dour figures from the great guilds of the city that contribute to the Master of Rings’ position. At the hall’s centre, in between the great pillars holding up the roof is the department’s small library. Rows of shelves, desks, and drafting tables sit directly beneath the dome to take advantage of the light that streams in from above. The stone floor is decorated as one great labyrinth in black and white stone. Its tiles lead to seven lecture theatres around the edge, each named for a different Virtue.

The suite of the Master of Rings sits close to the back of the hall. In contrast to the spaciousness and grandeur of the building, it is a small group of rooms designed to hold intimate and private meetings. Its spaces are gently lit by a warm fireplace and torches. Its firm couches, oaken desk, and regularly-refilled spirits-cabinet have been carefully arranged to facilitate the kinds of deals necessary for the Master to acquire the materials they need from the guilds of Temeschwar.


This title is appointed during the Winter Solstice. The Master of Rings is appointed by citizens of the League who control a business personal resource. The larger the business an individual has the more votes they can allocate in support to a candidate. The voting is handled by the civil servants in the Bourse.

Given the changes to Tally of the Votes the title will be next elected at the Summer Solstice 386YE for a shortened term of two seasons.

Only a citizen of the League may hold the title. They do not receive a seat on the Bourse. As a title appointed through the Bourse they cannot be revoked by the Imperial Synod.

Laughlan vi Temeschwar, Master of Rings
Summer Solstice 386YELaughlan Vi Temeschwar2 Votes
Summer Solstice 385YELaughlan428 Votes

Recent Elections

This title is currently held by Laughlan Vi Temeschwar; it will be reelected at the next summit. The table to the right shows the citizens who have been elected to hold this title in the years since Empress Britta died.

The Title in Play

The role does not provide additional information about events in the Empire, nor allow the player holding it to request special reports or downtime actions. These details are assumed to be below the abstraction layer. The title holder is encouraged to create their own stories about their activities within reasonable limits and to get involved in events appropriate to their title during the game, but they do not have any powers beyond those explicitly listed in the section on powers.

These details exist partly to provide context and character to the role - and partly to allow our writers to use the title as a plot hook. Plot that involves the position will be rare - but all the campaign positions in Empire have these details to create the potential for it to happen.