Revision as of 11:59, 5 April 2018 by Matt (talk | contribs) (→‎Requirements)
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Crewing can be an amazing experience - but it's not for everyone - and in particular we have to make sure we have the right people who can work together and gel as a team. We're always keen to talk to anyone who is interested in crewing so that they can find out if it's something they want to do and we can see if there is a place for them on the team. If you are interested in crewing the events then you are always welcome to talk to us about any of the different options, but it's always possible that we will already have enough people helping out with the thing you are interested in.

All our crewing roles are for volunteers - but you won't pay for your tickets, we'll feed you throughout the event, and there is a big crew party on the last day for everyone who is helping take the event down. Ultimately the real benefit of crewing is that you'll be part of an amazing team of people and can take pride in your role in creating the Empire events that players love. You'll be part of the biggest LRP event crew in the country (there are over 300 of us!), working with some incredibly talented people, and have an amazing time.

The crew roles described below are specific areas that we are actively looking to fill at this time, so if they sound interesting then it's definitely worth contacting us to discuss it.

Plot Tent Set-Up (3 places)

If you have played 2 or more Empire events, and have free time on Thursdays, Fridays and late into Sunday this role might be for you. We are looking up to three people to join our crew as - members of our site crew - but working directly with our plot production team to help set up and take down the main plot tent. The role allows you to mostly play your character during game time - with some restrictions and the standard limitations for members of the site team - in return for work before and after the game and a few hours during the game.

We need help from midday Thursday until time-in Friday setting up the monster tent, fetching and carrying shelves, boxes, bags of costume, unpacking costume onto nation rails, carrying cables for theatrical lighting specialists. We then need help in the 2 hours immediately after the battle on Saturday clearing the battle prep tent and setting it ready for the next day. Finally your game will finish half an hour after the Sunday battle and you must be free until at least 7pm to help with the clear up of the battle tent and monster room, filling of boxes, loading of boxes and bags into storage etc.

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Plot Tent Set-up


  • Your ticket to the event you crew in this way at is free
  • You receive meal tickets that cover all meals whilst you are on site
  • You are invited to the crew party on Sunday evening


  • Cope well with heavy lifting, both before and after the event itself
  • Take instructions well, but be prepared to take your own initiative from one task to the next
  • Be on site on Thursday morning until 7pm Sunday evening (or longer if you prefer!)
  • Walk away from immediate post battlefield role play in order to carry out your crew role

Driving is not essential, but if we have lots of applications for the places, people who drive or who travel with other crew members will have priority over those who would need station collection or who are travelling with players who may need to leave earlier or arrive later

Encounter Tent Set Dressing (2 places)

Our encounter tent specialists are technical and design wizards who work magic with sets and light and sound to help us run off Anvil adventures that take place in tents. If you’ve got skills rusting away because you studied theatre design but never worked in it, or you help build am dram sets, or you love realising or improving other people’s visions this role might be for you.

At your first event, you’d work in support of our 2 existing teams in this area, but we’re looking for people who might, if they stayed on the team after one event take over managing an entire tent themselves, working with the writers both at events and planning in advance to help realise their visions.

This really is a role for someone who is looking to expand their volunteering in LRP because they love the hobby. You will be able to arrange for a few hours to relax and roleplay if you want to (or take on a short NPC role or two), but you will be a member of the plot crew which means you'll be busy working throughout most of the event so you won’t be able to play a political character, and engage with the wider plot of the game.


  • As a member of crew your ticket is free - although you won’t be able to play a character in the game in the usual way
  • You receive meal tickets that cover all meals whilst you are on site
  • You are invited to the crew party on Sunday evening

Being part of the plot production team for the encounter tents means that you'll have a chance to experience a part of LRP design that doesn’t happen in many places - the short immersive experience encounter set up, with a props, costume and set store to support it. It's challenging work but you'll get to create some amazing experiences for players and see the reactions that creates.


  • Crew throughout the event rather than playing
  • Bring enthusiasm and energy to creative encounter tent set design in a fairly high stress environment
  • Know the game world well - we recommend having played for about a year or more
  • Be ready to fit in to an existing team and learn from their experiences
  • Cope with some lifting and shifting of objects throughout the weekend (assistance is available)
  • Be willing to consider some skype planning calls between events, if you enjoy the experience and become a longer term member of the team

Crucially, you need to be confident that you will get more fun out of this backstage experience than your roleplaying experience is currently giving you. You will be joining the plot crew as a full time member of the team so balancing both will not be possible.

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Expert help needed to manage our props and costume

Props & Costume Management

We need people to help manage props & costume, both keeping them tidy during events and managing what goes back to the storeroom and how it is sourced and looked after between events. Ideally we are looking for at least two people to join our plot production team as part of the plot crew. That is a full time crewing role so you would be busy throughout the event. You would be able to combine the role with some NPCing or other crew roles where you can sign up to certain time slots to be spent in the monster room tidying, sorting and organising between taking on other responsibilities, but you can't also play the event.

However we are also looking for help between events. if there were players who live close enough to Coventry who could commit to organising (not just attending) storeroom sorting days and activities between events, making sure props that need mending are sent for mending, laundry sorting happens etc, and can be available from about midday Sunday to liaise with the “during the weekend” teams, then that might be an approach we could support with complimentary event tickets.

Rather than “please apply for these specific places” for this area, we’d just like to hear from people about what interest they have and perhaps arrange to have a chat during the first event and then see where we go from there in order to make roles that work.

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Join the Hundred and fight the Empire - would you like to know more?

Skirmish Team

We need more people to join our skirmish team - The Hundred - to bolster our numbers and help in delivering combat encounters during skirmishes and battles. The skirmish team run in two groups to deliver as many combat encounters for players as we can during the event. The more orcs we can muster for skirmishes, the more players can join skirmishes and have fun fighting for the Empire.

The majority of the time we play barbarian orcs from the tribes that surround the Empire, but also crew as human bandits, magical heralds and fearsome monsters. It can be an exhausting experience, but as a team we look after each other and make sure we don’t push ourselves too far. We stop work each evening at 10pm, then run through the brief for the battle the next day. After this is done there is time to rest and relax with the rest of the team or head in character to enjoy Anvil.

Ideally we are looking for people who already have experience of playing or crewing LRP, both large fests and smaller events. Experience of Empire LRP is not essential, but will help make it easier to understand the encounters you are part of and what we as crew are trying to achieve. Being a competent fighter is useful, as is being able to lead a small unit of fighters, but these are not essential; being able to roleplay is however an essential thing we need!


  • As a member of crew your ticket is free - although you won’t be able to play a character in the game in the usual way
  • You receive meal tickets that cover all meals whilst you are on site
  • You are invited to the crew party on Sunday evening
  • You get to play the varied threats faced by the players!
  • Access to the Empire arsenal of weapons and armour for monstering with
  • Support from the rest of the team on creating cool orc tribe costumes and kit


  • This role involves considerable physical exertion, LRP combat and frequent running
  • This role includes frequent changes of kit, armour and makeup
  • Able to wear a latex orc mask for extended periods
  • Can understand and follow the Empire LRP rules, especially those relating to combat
  • Work with our battle team, referees and writers to deliver exceptional combat encounters
  • Help with set-up and take-down of the plot area if you are on site before or after the event

Crew Links