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Sometimes called a dragonbone ring, a bondring is a piece of magical jewelry favoured by anyone who links their life to that of another. They are used extensively by League cicisbeo, by trusted dawnish retainers, by bodyguards across the Empire, and by sworn shield-brothers and battle-partners from all nations. They are also a popular gift between lovers, and it is not uncommon for a wedding to include an exchange of bondrings and the ceremonial bonding of the partners together.

The magic of the bondring works through the power of the bond. It allows the wearer to offer aid and succour to their partner - the person they are bonded to. In some cases, two such wearers are bound together with mutual bonds but this is not a requirement (for example, while a bodyguard or cicisbeo is likely to be bonded to a patron or client, the reverse is rarely the case). While a bondring does not offer dramatic healing power, it cannot be denied that these talismans save lives across the Empire every year.

A bondring is almost always a ring, or less commonly a bracer, either made from dragonbone or decorated with dragonbone inlays. They are frequently decorated with symbols of love, commitment or Loyalty (such as hounds, hawks or falcons); runes such as Zorech, or Lann; or stones that evoke the image of the Three Sisters or the Chain.


  • Form: Jewellry (Talisman)
  • Effect: To use this item you must be bonded to another person with a special bond. Once per day you may use either stay with me or get it together on the person you have bonded to as if you knew them without spending a hero point. The bondring allows the create bond spell to be cast to connect you to a single willing target; you can be bonded to only one person at a time, and if you stop being bonded to the bond ring, your personal bond breaks. The target character cannot break this bond, but neither do they count as being bonded to you.
  • Materials: Crafting a bondring requires seven measures of dragonbone. It takes one month to make one of these items.