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By popular demand, here's a list of some of the words in the Empire setting and how we usually say them.

These are simply guidelines, and you won't be bludgeoned over the head if you say things differently. There are no hard and fast rules -- as many people have pointed out, pronunciation could vary depending on nation, accent and culture.

If there are other Empire words you're not sure of, please let us know and we'll add them to this list.

Word Pronunciation Notes
Arete Ah-REH-teh Urizen concept
Astolat ASS-toe-latt Dawn territory
Bastion BASS-tee-onn Highguard city
Bregasland BREG-az-land Marches territory
Brocéliande brock-KELL-ee-ond Navarri territory
Casinea cass-SIN-ee-ah Highguard territory
Dhomiro dome-EAR-roe Brass Coast leader
Egregore EGG-regg-orr Magical embodiment of a nation
Erigo ehr-IH-goe Brass Coast tribe
Feroz FERR-ozz Brass Coast territory
Guerra GWERR-ah Brass Coast tribe
Hahnmark HANN-mark Wintermark territory
Hakima hack-EE-ma Brass Coast role
Hercynia herr-KIN-ee-ah Navarri territory
Kahraman KARR-ah-mann Brass Coast territory
Kallavesa kalla-VEH-sah Wintermark territory
Kallavesi kalla-VEH-see Wintermark subculture
Kohan KOE-han Brass Coast role
Liathaven LEE-ath-ah-venn Navarri territory
Madruga mad-ROO-gah Brass Coast territory
Miaren MEE-arr-enn Navarri territory
Miekarova MEE-karr-OVE-ah Varushkan territory
Mitwold MITT-wolled Marches territory
Mournwold MORN-wolled Marches territory
Navarr nah-VARR Nation
Reikos RYE-koss Highguard territory
Riqueza rick-AY-za Brass Coast tribe
Sarvos SAHRR-voss League city
Segura seg-GOO-rah Brass Coast territory
Sermersuaq SERR-merr-SOO-ack Wintermark territory
Siroc SIRR-ock Brass Coast city
Steinr STY-ner Wintermark subculture
Skarsind SCAR-sinned Wintermark territory
Suaq SOO-ack Wintermark subculture
Semmerholm SEMMER-home Dawn territory
Sutannir SOO-tan-neer Brass Coast role
Stzena stuh-ZZEHN-ah Varushkan role
Tassato Mestra tass-AH-toh MESS-tra League city
Tassato Regario tass-AH-toh reh-GARR-ee-oh League city
Temeschwar TEH-meh-schwarr League city
Therunin therr-OON-inn Navarri territory
Upwold UP-wolled Marches territory
Urizen OOH-rih-zen Nation
Vallorn VALL-lawn Dangerous woodland ecosystem
Varushka vah-ROOSH-kah Nation
Vate VAYT Navarri role
Volodny voll-LODD-nee Varushkan role
Weirwater WEER-water Dawn territory